Effortless Email

Former Googler reveals how to instantly reclaim over 8 hours/week, eliminate email stress, and focus on what’s important

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.3

- Reclaim your time and save over 8 hours per week (384 hours per year) on email
- How to achieve the real “inbox zero” (it’s not a myth
- folks) for good and eliminate all your email worries
- Reboot your inbox to start completely fresh
- no matter how many emails you have! Watch me as I take the inbox of a CEO from over 34
- 000 emails to ZERO.

What you'll learn

Reclaim your time and save over 8 hours per week (384 hours per year) on email
How to achieve the real “inbox zero” (it’s not a myth
folks) for good and eliminate all your email worries
Reboot your inbox to start completely fresh
no matter how many emails you have! Watch me as I take the inbox of a CEO from over 34
000 emails to ZERO.
Massively boost your productivity and give yourself true peace of mind
Learn how to completely eliminate spam and unwanted
annoying emails forever
Reduce the amount of time you spend on email by 75%
Learn how to create one custom inbox for all your accounts that automatically and effortlessly shows you only the most important emails
Most important of all: you’ll finally feel like you are in control of your email and not a slave to your inbox!

* Requirements

* A Gmail account is highly recommended (if you don't have one you will learn exactly how to set this all up)
* You agree to participate fully in this program by completing all the modules and implementing each of the email management lessons and strategies
* A commitment to learn
* have fun
* and completing all the modules!



Latest News: Effortless Email was updated on August 30th, 2016


“If you have an 'email problem', then you need this. Period." - Andre Chaperon: Author of the world famous "Autoresponder Madness"

“I'm only on Module 3 and I'd say that conservatively I've probably saved myself at least an hour a day in email time. Worth way more than the asking price already." - Daegan Smith, Entrepreneur

“I am loving your system and already seeing great results. You clearly have developed a great system." - Cameron Lawrence: Professor at UM School of Business, London School of Economics PhD.

“I went from 26,000 emails down to ZERO! I'm getting a lot out the course, and I'm only on Module 5". - Jill Shearer, Entrepreneur

“I finally have an empty inbox and a workflow that helps me stay in control of my email. I truly appreciate it. Thanks to you it's my wife and children who'll profit from it the most. :)" - Hashim Naushahi

“I really enjoy your teaching style. Easy to digest and understand modules. No other course out there that teaches this stuff all together. You're a great teacher. Not everyone can teach, believe me." - Eduardo Hermosilla

Hey friendo, how's that inbox looking?

Do you ever wish you didn't have an endless pile of email to sift through, so you could focus on what was truly important in your life?

My name is Arman Assadi, I'm a former Googler and creator of the Effortless Email program.

Inside this course you'll learn how to reclaim the hours of time spent inside your inbox, create a custom, bulletproof system that actually works, and finally achieve inbox zero for good.

It has taken years to build and perfect this system, which all started when I was working on the Google Apps (Gmail) team.

I've personally helped all types of people implement these learnings into their lives: from CEO's and entrepreneurs, to professionals, corporate managers, and everyday users.

Effortless Email already has hundreds of raving fans and customers, and we are excited to now offer the course on Udemy!

What will I get out of taking this course?

  • Your time back: save over 8 hours per week (384 hours per year) on email.
  • You'll finally have a real “inbox zero" (it's not a myth, folks) for good and eliminate all your email worries
  • How to reboot and refresh your inbox no matter how many emails you have! Watch me as I take the inbox of a CEO from over 34,000 emails to ZERO.
  • The methods to massively boost your effectiveness and productivity so you can have true peace of mind
  • The secret to completely eliminating spam and unwanted, annoying emails forever
  • One custom Gmail inbox for all your accounts that automatically and effortlessly shows you only the most important emails

What's inside and what materials are included?

  • Instant access to 11 modules of easy to understand, 1-on-1, step-by-step HD tutorial videos and downloadable PDF Summary Guides
  • You'll have lifetime access to the system, which means as the course evolves and updates are made you'll still have access.
  • An inside view and videos of real Gmail email accounts, where I walk you through every single step of the Effortless Email process.
  • A complete downloadable eBook version of the entire course — included for free (value $49).

How long is the course?

Effortless Email has 11 modules of video content, averaging 20 minutes each. The course is designed to deliver each segment in easy to consume bite-sized chunks.

Complete each module at your own pace. Most people get through the entire course in one week, some people in just a couple days.

Why should I take this course?

This is about much more than just email or inbox zero...

This is about having the freedom to do what we want, when we want, how we want. Effortless Email will free you from your inbox, so you can focus on the more important things.

If you value your time, this is for you. This is not just a course on productivity or inbox management, it is an investment in yourself.

Email is not going anywhere, and unless we're okay with being slaves to our inboxes we need to do something about it — fast.

Other systems tend to be too complicated (or too basic), and don't address the root of the problem. I've spent years studying, identifying, and solving the issues to help people fix this painful problem.

In order to solve the problem for good we need to take a closer look at our habits, and build a custom inbox that's designed to meet your specific needs — and that's exactly what Effortless Email will do for you.

I'm passionate about sharing this system with you because I know it will completely change the way you look at email.

No more stress, no more annoying emails, and no more overflowing and unorganized inboxes. Just an effortless system that will finally help you reclaim your time, get you to inbox zero, and keep you there.

P.S. We are currently offering the course at a special introductory pricing on Udemy, and this will be increasing very soon — so act now!

Important note: I will personally respond to any questions you may have throughout the course, and will coach you throughout the entire process. I hope to become your friend and trusted advisor, and look forward to seeing your success! :)

Free Preview: Did you know you can preview the course for free? Lecture 7 (my personal favorite) is a 21 minute module you can go through right now!

30 Day No Questions Asked Guarantee: Enroll now and go through the course. If in the next 30 days you don't feel you've reclaimed HOURS per week and all but eliminated your email stress, Udemy will instantly refund every penny of your money back!

SO — click the blue "Take This Course" button in the top-right hand corner of your screen and enroll today. See you on the inside... :-)


1. Will this work for me if I'm not currently using Gmail as my main/primary work or personal email? And what if there's no way I can make the switch?

Yes. A large percentage of Effortless Email students were using Outlook, Mac Mail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. prior to starting the course. The hands-on portions of the course are taught in Gmail, so if you're stuck using Outlook at work this may not be ideal.

2. I don't use Gmail for my business, mainly because I don't know why I should. What are the benefits?

Security: Your work is automatically backed up in the cloud, and you own/control your data. Collaboration: The ability to use tools like Drive/Docs/Calendar that integrate seamlessly. Customization: Gmail has a powerful & customizable user interface.

3. I have over 100,000 emails, are you sure you can help me?

One of the very first Effortless Email students had over 200,000 emails unsorted emails in his inbox. He is now achieving inbox zero daily. Email had been a huge problem for 5+ years, and he made a complete turnaround in less than a week.

4. I have a Gmail account but I haven't switched over completely or updated all the services that already have my old email. Seems hard, how can I do this?

This process is incredibly easy and fast. Module 4 address this.

5. I want to use my own custom domain name. Is this possible with Gmail? Yes, there are two methods. Addressed in detail in Module 6.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to learn more about email and get organized!
  • Busy entrepreneurs, professionals, and students will love this course
  • Particularly beneficial for heavy email users with multiple accounts and receiving lots of email daily
  • Productivity/efficiency driven folks
  • Anyone that feels overwhelmed and has lost hope of ever organizing their inbox

Course content

7 sections • 19 lectures

Introduction to Effortless Email Preview 01:15

This is the official introduction module for Effortless Email. Listen to a "good friend of the instructor" tell you all about what to expect and how to get ready for Primetime!

Effortless Inbox Mindset Preview 16:43

Effortless Email is a very specific method that has taken years of studying, experimentation, and implementation to master. Mindset is a quick, but very important piece of this method.

This module is the KEY to making sure you're successful long term and are able to both achieve and maintain Inbox Zero.

How to Check Your Email Preview 14:53

How do you check your email? Sounds straightforward, but it's not. In fact, after years of working as a consultant in the email and productivity space, I have found the way people check email is completely wrong.

In fact, it's the root of the whole problem. Watch this lecture to find out exactly how to check your email, step-by-step.

You'll also learn about the 5 Possible Actions...

When to Check Your Email Preview 18:06

As you may have noticed by now, each module builds on the next. It is so critical that you go through each module and take action as you go along.

After learning how to check email, it's time to learn when. This is how you achieve real freedom and create more free time.

In this module I also address the many different unique excuses people use for getting around this key piece. Don't miss this!

Effortless Gmail Preview 21:52

Do you currently use a different email service provider, like Yahoo, Hotmail, Comcast, etc.?

It can be intimidating to make the switch to Gmail, but it's very important that you do.

In this module you'll learn the shortcut methods to making this as painless and fast as possible. I'll also show you how to make sure the switch is permanent and how to effectively set up Gmail.

If you already use Gmail, you will still find some great lessons inside this lesson.

Effortless Inbox Reboot Preview 18:43

350,000 emails. Time to declare email bankruptcy? Not quite...

I've seen numbers like this many times. I've personally helped people with hundreds and thousands of emails completely reboot and refresh their inboxes.

In this module you'll learn my secret method for performing an Inbox Reboot...this is a student favorite of Effortless Email.

FREE PREVIEW: Setting Up Your Effortless Inbox Preview 21:02

This module is what has made Effortless Email the success that it is today. Thousands of students have completely transformed the way they use email using this setup and structure.

It's time to learn how to correctly set up your new Effortless Inbox. You'll see exactly how to create an organized, custom, automated inbox that meets your needs.

How to Train Your Inbox (Dragon) Preview 09:15

Your inbox has been transformed, but now it's time to train and tame it...

In this module you'll learn how to take control and tell Gmail how to think, instead of letting it try to think for you.

The Secret to Eliminating Spam and Annoying Emails Forever Preview 29:52

Before creating Effortless Email, the number ONE pain and frustration our audience and survey respondents reported they had was...spam and annoying, unwanted emails.

These emails are what cause most people to give up. How do you identify what's important and what's not? It's so critical that you go through this module and finally eliminate the annoying emails from your inbox for good!

Effortless Shortcuts Preview 15:27

It's now time to become email ninja masters! Now that we've transformed our inboxes and built the foundation, we'll learn how to save even more time.

Learning the few simple shortcuts in this module will instantly help you save 25% more time when checking email. Yes, it's true, so jump in and get started!

Gmail Labs Preview 22:50

There are many additional features within Gmail known as Labs. But which ones are key to the Effortless Email system? Watch this module to find out...

Ultimate Productivity Secrets and Tools Preview 20:37

You did it! This is the final module of Effortless Email.

To celebrate, we're going pro. I'm going to show you the productivity secrets of superhuman email achievers.

Implement each of these steps carefully and you'll be a certified Effortless Email graduate.

Effortless Email eBook Preview 28 pages

This free bonus ebook is the entire Effortless Email system in one place. Use this to guide your learning, and to refer to key lessons as needed later on.

Session 1: Introduction Preview 27:03

Session 2: Hour of Primetime Preview 39:49

Session 3: Secrets to Productivity Preview 24:00

Session 4: Rituals Preview 26:22

Session 5: Managing Yourself Preview 36:32

Session 6: The Success Factor Preview 21:09