Docker Containers

Tags: Docker

Create and run Docker containers, and build multi-container applications. Compose, Networks, Swarm, Cloud, & more!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Use Docker compose to create multi-container applications.
- Create and run Docker containers.
- Build your own custom Docker images.

What you'll learn

Use Docker compose to create multi-container applications.
Create and run Docker containers.
Build your own custom Docker images.
Run Docker Commands on the command line.
Understand best practices of Dockerfiles and Image building.
Understand Docker Cloud and Docker swarm.
Create a cluster with Docker Swarm.
Publish and host Docker images on Docker Cloud.
Set up continuous integration workflows with automatic testing on Docker Cloud and Github.
And more!

* Requirements

* Access to a Mac
* Windows
* or Linux machine.
* Basics of Linux and operating systems
* but includes explanations for beginners.
* Understanding of basics of web development
* but includes explanations for beginners.
* Some github experience will help
* but all git commands are explained.


Docker is an open platform that lets you package, develop, run, and ship applications in environments called containers. During the past few years, Docker has completely changed the landscape of the software engineering industry. For developers, Docker is a must-know. For enterprises, Docker is a must-use.

Containers are revolutionary because they allow you as the developer to work with applications without the hassle of installing extra dependencies. With Docker, your coding environment will immediately set up. That way, you can spend your time focusing on the code that truly matters to you, your team, and your organization.

Docker and containerization also lies at the heart of development operations. Development engineers have the skills to both create and deploy applications. These kind of engineers hold a high value in the job market, and average higher salaries than software engineers. So knowing Docker will increase your DevOps skills and open doors for you.

How is this course designed?

This course is designed to introduce Docker and its core concepts. As a project-based course, you will become familiar with the main Docker commands as you build various applications with containers and images. The course centers around filmed tutorials, with notes accompanying each video. Go through a video for a deep understanding, and read the notes for a quick walk-through of main concepts and relevant commands. This gives you the power to go through the course at your own pace!

Some of the main course highlights:

  • Run your own containers on the command line with Docker.

  • Build your own container images with Dockerfiles.

  • Persist data across containers with mounts.

  • Compose multicontainer applications with Docker Compose.

  • Update containers dynamically with volumes.

  • Create private networks for Docker containers.

  • Create a multinode cluster with Docker Swarm.

  • Set up the automatic building of Docker Images with Docker Cloud.

  • Configure automatic tests and a continuous integration workflow with Docker Cloud.

On top of that, Docker gives us the power to work in almost any environment. Therefore, in our exploration of Docker, we’ll even get exposure to Node.js, Express.js, PHP, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, and more.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in exploring development operations.
  • Anyone hoping to learn about containerization and Docker.
  • Software developers wanting to explore Docker.
  • Informational technicians wanting a refresher on Docker.

Course content

9 sections • 47 lectures

Big Picture Docker: What, Why, Who and Features Preview 07:38

Course Overview And Resources Preview 01:13

Docker for Mac Preview 01:57

Docker for Linux Preview 05:24

Docker for Windows Preview 01:59

Other Course Requirements - A Code Editor Preview 00:48

Docker Containers and the Docker Engine Preview 08:03

Why Containers are Useful - Containers vs VMs Preview 04:39

Docker Images Preview 04:33

Run a Ubuntu Container and a Container Shell Preview 14:10

Run a Ubuntu Container Continued Preview 10:22

Docker Containers and Images | Summary and Commands Preview 01:10

Docker Images and the Dockerfile Preview 04:41

Build a File Server Image Preview 14:45

Build an Express.js image Preview 11:54

Layered Image Cache and .dockerignore Preview 12:17

Optional: Build a PHP Image Preview 06:50

Optional: Build a Python Flask Image Preview 11:49

Docker Images in Depth | Summary and Commands Preview 01:43

Docker Container Storage - Mounts Preview 05:59

Volume Mounts Preview 09:45

Bind Mounts Preview 07:26

Tmpfs Mounts Preview 06:16

Docker Container Storage - Mounts | Summary and Commands Preview 02:38

Docker Container Networking Preview 04:20

Create a Docker Container Network Preview 13:55

Docker Compose and docker-compose.yml Preview 06:46

Compose a Two-Container App - Part One Preview 12:00

Compose a Two-Container App - Part Two Preview 11:50

Multicontainer Docker: Networking and Compose | Summary and Commands Preview 03:04

Volumes - Update Compose Containers Dynamically Preview 12:56

Custom Networks, Compose another Multicontainer Application - Part One Preview 11:56

Custom Networks, Compose another Multicontainer Application - Part Two Preview 19:44

Custom Networks, Compose another Multicontainer Application - Part Three Preview 14:52

Docker Compose in Depth - Volumes and Networks | Summary and Commands Preview 03:03

Docker Swarm Preview 07:11

Grab an Amazon EC2 Cloud Linux Instance (x3) Preview 16:23

Install Docker on Ec2 Instances Preview 09:26

Docker Swarm - Scale Services and Explore the Routing Mesh Preview 14:11

Docker Swarm | Summary and Commands Preview 03:31

Docker Cloud and Continuous Integration Preview 04:06

Host Docker Images with Docker Cloud Preview 06:22

Automatic Image Builds with Github and Docker Cloud Preview 11:17

Docker Cloud Tests and Continuous Integration - Part One Preview 09:27

Docker Cloud Tests and Continuous Integration - Part Two Preview 15:50

Docker Cloud and Continuous Integration | Summary and Commands Preview 03:22

Final Remarks and Bonus Content Preview 00:51