Understanding Docker Performing Selenium Automation

Learn docker and containers from complete ground up

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Understand the basics of Docker
- Understand how Docker works and spawn running and image as an container
- Working with multiple containers

What you'll learn

Understand the basics of Docker
Understand how Docker works and spawn running and image as an container
Working with multiple containers
Working with docker compose and Docker file
Running Selenium Tests in Parallel on Dynamic Selenium Docker Grid
Creating Tests which can spawn Ephemeral Selenium containers
Running Selenium tests within container along with Application containers

* Requirements

* Basic understanding on Virtual machines and operating systems
* Understanding of Selenium automation code
* Basic understanding of C# is a plus


Understanding Docker and using it for the Selenium automation course is designed in such a way that anyone with zero knowledge of docker and its related concepts can get up to the speed easily without much effort.

This course is divided into the following sections, to make learning more streamlined and easier

1. Understanding the ABC of Docker

  • · Basic commands

  • · Working with Multiple Docker containers

  • · Understanding simple examples with WordPress and MySQL

  • · Understanding Docker file

  • · Understanding Docker compose file

2. Running Selenium Test with Containerized Selenium Grid and Application

  • · Writing Selenium C# test

  • · Writing Selenium test with Dynamic Selenium grid

  • · Writing Driver Fixture and how to handle problems accessing the application

  • · Parallel Selenium test execution

  • · Parallel Selenium test with Multiple browsers

3. Selenium Tests project to run as a Container

All these three sections are intrinsic, meaning they are interdependent on each other and hence sometimes students may need to go back and forth to get into some related concepts.

The first section helps you understand the basics of Docker and get up to the speed of dealing with Docker and its related commands, whereas in the second and third sections we are going to automate a 3-tier application with Selenium C#.

We will be using the industry-standard way to use automate an application with Selenium and run a dockerized Selenium docker container along with the Application using docker-compose

Who this course is for:

  • This course is designed for Developers and Testers
  • Since this course talk about infrastructure, its also for Devops

Course content

3 sections • 29 lectures

Introduction Preview 08:11

In this video we will talk about an Introduction to Docker and why should we choose Docker over Virtual machines.

Part 2 - Understanding and working with Containers Preview 09:25

This video talks about an introduction to Docker containers and how different is docker container over Virtual Machines.

Part 3 - Installing and getting started with Docker for Windows Preview 08:12

In this video we will discuss how to install Docker for Windows in Windows 10 machine.

Part 4 - Working with Docker containers and commands Preview 12:30

This video is all about the different commands we are going to work with docker containers.

Part 5a - Pulling and working with container from docker hub (part a) Preview 07:28

In this video we will pull our docker container from hub.docker.com and start working with it locally using docker for windows

Part 5b - Pulling and working with container from docker hub (part b) Preview 07:52

In this video we will pull our docker container from hub.docker.com and start working with it locally using docker for windows

Part 6 -Linking and working with multiple containers to perform single operation Preview 13:49

In this video we will talk about working with multiple containers using Links.

Part 7 - An Introduction to Docker Compose Preview 09:02

Part 8 - Working with Multiple Containers using Docker Compose Preview 08:34

In this video we will talk about working with multiple containers using docker compose yaml file.

Understanding Dockerfile with ASP.NET core Web App in VS 2022 Preview 13:26

Building and Deploying NodeJS based application with Dockerfile Preview 20:03

Introduction and demo of final implementation Preview 06:04

Understanding Application Under Test Preview 07:30

Writing simple Selenium C# test with XUnit Preview 05:51

Setting up Dynamic Selenium Grid to run within Docker Container Preview 06:50

[YouTube Video] - Dynamic Selenium Grid [Skippable] Preview 11:55

Writing DriverFixture to handle RemoteWebDriver Instance and IDisposable Preview 08:15

Problem while accessing Application running Inside Docker container - Grid Node Preview 04:26

Running Selenium Grid container along with Application containers Preview 08:08

Adding more selenium test and run the test inside Selenium Node container Preview 02:49

Introduction to Parallel Selenium Test with Different browsers types Preview 02:59

Creating Browser Options to run various browser type of choice in Grid Nodes Preview 06:25

Parallel Selenium Test on Ephemeral Docker Node container with App Container Preview 03:55

Introduction Preview 06:11

Building Docker Image for Selenium Test Project Preview 09:09

Running Ephemeral Selenium Test Container Preview 05:57

Running Selenium Test container along with Application Container - Same Network Preview 03:58

Adding Docker Compose file to run everything within container Preview 05:52

Summary Preview 01:15