Invest In Your Diamond Ring With Confidence

Spend a little, learn a lot. Save thousands!!! Learn the D-Z of diamonds, secrets & tips you'll never hear in a store!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.2

- Buy diamonds with confidence and fully understand the market terms!

What you'll learn

Buy diamonds with confidence and fully understand the market terms!

* Requirements

* Nothing
* this course takes you from the beginning till pro!


Do you think it's important to have an understanding of diamonds?

Everyone buys jewelry with diamonds in them and most have no idea if there is a value in the diamonds!

Are you confident about the true quality of the diamond you are buying?

How do you know it's really what the seller is saying it is!

If the average person spends TWO MONTHS salary on an engagement ring, isn't it worth the small change and the little bit of time, to make the ring a REAL investment?

For just $69 you can better understand what you are buying and increase the value of the $$$THOUSANDS$$$ you are spending!

Start here and learn the all the Fundamentals of a Diamond!



Who this course is for:

  • Men, women and anyone looking to better understand diamonds!

Course content

2 sections • 7 lectures

An overview of the course and the knowledge you'll gain from it! Preview 02:14

In this lecture I will describe to you what we will cover in the course, which are the most basics but vital features of diamond grading, termed as the 4 C's. As well some basic background information on the diamond industry and the leading authorities today!

The First of the 4 C's: The Cut! What makes it a 'prime cut'! Preview 05:00

In this lecture we will cover the following;

  • The meaning of Diamond Cut
  • Understanding the effect the cut has on the brilliance of a diamond
  • The grading of the CUT and other aspects included
  • The various levels of quality in the grading chart
  • Role of the CUT in your buying decision
  • An important tip when buying a diamond

The Clarity - Believe me you don't want to be "included" in this one! Preview 07:25

We will be learning in this lecture in depth the various levels of diamonds purity, what is inside them and the impact each level will have on the beauty of your stone and obviously the price. Also some tips on getting the most value for your buck!

The Color - The D-Z of a diamond! Preview 05:30

Here we will get the basics of the evolution of the colour grading system in the diamond industry, as well we will be covering

  • the spectrum of colours and the different values
  • the different categories they are split into
  • what happens to the colour when a diamond is set

Carat - It's always about the weight! Preview 08:12

Here we will explain how the pricing of diamonds in relation to their weight is calculated. As well we will discuss that the size of the stone (in diameters) does not always mean a bigger stone and vice vers!

The 5th and equally important C! Certification! Preview 03:15

There are different laboratories around the world that grade diamonds. We will discuss in this lecture the industrries leaders and which ones we can trust the most. As well I will explain the diference in how the different labs grade!

Fancy Shapes and the difference cut types Preview 03:51

In this lecture you will learn the different cut types and shapes. We will also explain the differences they have and their pro's and cons!