Oracle 19c Sql

RDBMS Concepts : SQL Basics : Complex SubQueries & Joins : Analytic Functions : Data Integrity : Transaction Handling

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.3

- SQL over Oracle 19 C version on Oracle LiveSQL platform
- A to Z in SQL on Oracle's latest version
- Go from an absolute beginner to an advanced SQL developer in less than 15 hours

What you'll learn

SQL over Oracle 19 C version on Oracle LiveSQL platform
A to Z in SQL on Oracle's latest version
Go from an absolute beginner to an advanced SQL developer in less than 15 hours
RDBMS fundamentals and explanation on various terminologies for interview preparation
This is a complete course which does not require the students to have local installation of Oracle yet they we use the latest version of Oracle from web
Structure of basic query statement - Projection
Predicate and Verb
Use of Logical Operators - AND
Various important properties of ORDER BY clause with examples
Deal with NULL values - IS NULL
All forms of Sub-queries / Nested Queries - Multi-valued
Returning NULL
Set Comparison
EXISTS operator
ANY & ALL operators
All forms of JOIN operations - Inner
Outer Join operator
GROUP BY clause concept - Group Functions MAX
COUNT - Group function tricky queries
Analytical / Aggregate form of Function - ROLLUP
SQL General Functions - Conversion
Date functions - Query examples
Database Transaction Concepts - DML statements and forms - Rows Locking FOR UPDATE NOWAIT clause - Transaction Consistent Read SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
SQL commands DELETE vs TRUNCATE - Difference and similarities
CREATE TABLE from scratch and copy from existing table - ALTER TABLE - Add/drop columns - Change column datatypes/widths and limitations - RENAME columns/Table
Constraint Metadata - Enable / Disable Constraint - Data Validation
Data Integrity Concepts - Data Integrity Constraints - Column / Table level constraint definitions - Referential Integrity through FOREIGN KEY constraint
IMMEDIATE vs DEFERRED constraints - Transaction level constraint validation.

* Requirements

* No prior programming knowledge is required in any language. It is learn-by-doing hands-on course
* so except UG level education in any branch there is no other requirement


  • SQL over Oracle 19 C version on Oracle LiveSQL platform
  • A to Z in SQL on Oracle's latest version
  • Go from an absolute beginner to an advanced SQL developer in less than 15 hours
  • RDBMS fundamentals and explanation on various terminologies for interview preparation
  • This is a complete course which does not require the students to have local installation of Oracle yet they we use the latest version of Oracle from web
  • Structure of basic query statement - Projection, Predicate and Verb
  • Use of Logical Operators - AND, OR, IN, BETWEEN, NOT, DISTINCT, LIKE
  • Various important properties of ORDER BY clause with examples
  • Deal with NULL values - IS NULL, NVL, NVL2, COALESCE
  • All forms of Sub-queries / Nested Queries - Multi-valued, Returning NULL, Set Comparison, Correlated, EXISTS operator, ANY & ALL operators
  • All forms of JOIN operations - Inner, Equijoin, Natural, Non-equijoin, Selfjoin, Outer Join operator, OUTER JOIN clause
  • GROUP BY clause concept - Group Functions MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG, COUNT - Group function tricky queries
  • Analytical / Aggregate form of Function - ROLLUP, CUBE, RANK, DENSE_RANK, DECODE vs CASE
  • SQL General Functions - Conversion, Numeric, String, Date functions - Query examples
  • Database Transaction Concepts - DML statements and forms - Rows Locking FOR UPDATE NOWAIT clause - Transaction Consistent Read SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY
  • SQL commands DELETE vs TRUNCATE - Difference and similarities
  • CREATE TABLE from scratch and copy from existing table - ALTER TABLE - Add/drop columns - Change column datatypes/widths and limitations - RENAME columns/Table
  • Constraint Metadata - Enable / Disable Constraint - Data Validation
  • Data Integrity Concepts - Data Integrity Constraints - Column / Table level constraint definitions - Referential Integrity through FOREIGN KEY constraint
  • IMMEDIATE vs DEFERRED constraints - Transaction level constraint validation.

Course content

14 sections • 57 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:32

Just intro about why you should learn Oracle SQL and faculty profile

RDBMS Concepts Preview 15:06

Oracle is Relational DataBase and so also the other many databases. They all share a common theoretical concepts and it is necessary that one should understand the technical terminologies involved and this lesson is dedicated to the same.

Oracle LiveSQL platform setup Preview 10:15

Setup the Oracle's web based LiveSQL platform and create an user account. Upload the script for creating database tables based on Scott schema of Oracle,  to be used in hands on practice.

What is SQL? Preview 05:30

Know about what SQL is all about and who created this language and where it is used, who should study this language.

Basic SELECT statement Preview 06:58

Understand the anatomy of the basic SELECT query statement of SQL.

AND Operator Preview 05:34

Lessons with examples about how to combine multiple conditions using AND operator in the SQL predicate clause

OR Operator Preview 04:28

Lessons with examples about how to combine multiple conditions using OR operator in the SQL predicate clause

Using AND & OR Together Preview 14:18

Combination of AND and OR operators is required to be handled according to the rule of precedence, which is the subject of this lesson.

SQL operator IN Preview 08:04

Study of IN operator to list the rows when a common expression is compared with various different values with OR, a shorthand for multiple OR for common expression.

SQL operator BETWEEN Preview 08:45

Listing rows based on a range of values criteria. Important are the fine points of BETWEEN operator explained with examples.

SQL clause DISTINCT Preview 08:25

Use and properties of the DISTINCT clause used in SQL SELECT statement. Suppression of duplication of values in listing.

SQL clause ORDER BY Preview 16:21

Use and properties of ORDER BY clause in SQL SELECT statement. To display the rows in ASCENDING and DESCENDING sorted order based on a column or combination of columns.

SQL UNION - MINUS - INTERSECT operators Preview 19:36

Concept of SQL SET Operators - UNION - MINUS - INTERSECTION - Explanation and use with examples - UNION & UNION ALL - UNION compatibility rules

SQL clause IS NULL and IS NOT NULL Preview 07:18

Listing the rows based on NULL values in the rows by using IS NULL clause or IS NOT NULL clauses

SQL built in function NVL Preview 09:15

SQL function NVL, its use, properties and case studies

SQL built in function NVL2 Preview 09:21

SQL function NVL2, its use, properties and case studies

SQL built in function COALESCE Preview 09:34

SQL function COALESCE, its use, properties and case studies

Use of Basic Operators

Asses yourself if you have achieved primary understanding of the very basic operators in SQL queries

Basic Sub-Query Technique Preview 09:01

Understand the basic use of Sub-query and its need. Know basic syntax of Sub-query.

Multi-valued Subqueries Preview 07:42

Understand about how to handle the situation when the Sub-query is supposed to return multiple values, with examples

Subquery Returning NULL Preview 18:48

Know about how to handle the situations when the sub-query has the possibility to return NULL values, with examples of workaround

Set Comparison Subqueries Preview 09:39

Sub-queries returning sets of values and comparison of them as a set in the predicates of SQL statements, case study.

Correlated Subqueries Preview 11:35

A very special type and complex form of Sub-Query. Use and properties of Correlated Subquery with examples

Subquery Operator EXISTS Preview 11:18

Use of EXISTS Boolean operator for Correlated Subqueries

ANY/ALL Operators Preview 14:57

Understand use & properties of ANY and ALL operators typically with Subqueries

SQL Inner Join Operation Preview 12:29

Understand the basics of JOIN operation - EquiJoin - Joining the two relations based on equality of values in common columns.

SQL Non-Equi Join Operation Preview 07:45

Understand the use of Non-Equi type of join operation based on operators like between. Properties of Non-Equi joins

SELF JOIN operation Preview 09:30

Understand the technique of table join with itself

OUTER JOIN operation Preview 12:55

Understand about why require OUTER JOIN operation. Use of special OUTER JOIN operator provided by Oracle. Properties of OUTER JOIN operator

OUTER JOIN clause Preview 08:48

Understand use of ANSI provided standardized OUTER JOIN clause with its various options. Advantages of using the OUTER JOIN clause as replacement of OUTER JOIN operator.

SQL Group Function Concepts Preview 09:10

Understand the concept of Group Functions, different Group Functions, purpose of GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause

SQL Group Function Queries Preview 07:57

Actual use of Group Functions and GROUP BY clause and HAVING clause with query examples, syntax.

SQL Group Function Tricky Queries Preview 18:43

Certain SQL Group Function based tricky queries being frequently asked in interviews, with explanation, demonstration and case studies

ROLLUP & CUBE - SQL Group Function Analytical Extensions Preview 09:59

Understand the use of two analytical extensions of GROUP BY clause to solve certain complex reporting problems of SubTotals and GranTotals in financial and other statements

SQL Functions Part - 1 Preview 34:52

Understand the use of some conversion functions or type casting functions TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER

SQL Functions Part - 2 Preview 33:10

Continued study of conversion functions and some numeric built in functions with examples and problem solutions

SQL Functions Part - 3 Preview 32:26

Continued study of numeric functions and some important string functions, their way of  use and properties

SQL Functions Part - 4 Preview 31:46

Extension of study of string functions and some date functions with solutions to frequently asked tricky queries / problems in the interview

SQL Functions Part - 5 Preview 33:12

Extension of study of date functions with solutions to frequently asked tricky queries / problems in the interview

SQL Transactions Concepts Preview 25:50

Conceptual explanation of the rules of database transactions, ACID Properties of transaction, Nature of database transaction

SQL DML Statements Preview 14:29

INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statments, Syntax and Statement Form, Examples.

SQL Transaction and Isolation Preview 29:05

Isolation of transaction through locking, Optimistic and Pessimistic locking, How to request for the locks

Concept of Consistency and Consistent Read in Database Transaction Preview 27:06

Understand the concept of data consistent transaction, concept of READ ONLY transaction

SQL Transaction Control Language Preview 18:52

Transaction Control Language statements consists of COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT. Let us understand the proper use of these statements with examples

SQL DELETE vs TRUNCATE vs DROP Preview 18:56

Similarities and Differences between DELETE, TRUNCATE and DROP TABLE commands. Answer to frequently asked question in the interview.

SQL CREATE TABLE statement Preview 13:51

Learn the different ways of creating table and syntax for creating table

Borrow Structure and Data from Existing Table Preview 14:35

How to create a table from an existing table, copy the table structure and data.

SQL Alter Table operation Preview 23:44

Learn about how to alter the table structure, add / drop columns, modify column datatypes, the limitations of alter, rename the columns and tables

Data Integrity Concepts Preview 16:36

What is data integrity and its types - Data integrity through the constraints - Types of constraints

SQL Create and Alter Constraints Preview 33:47

How to create various constraints - Table level and Column level constraints - List Metadata about the constraints - Manipulation of the constraints

Foreign Key Constraint and Referential Integrity Preview 15:00

Implementation of Parent/child relationship - Foreign Key constraint creation

DECODE vs CASE Preview 21:24

DECODE and CASE are conditional implementation in Non-Programmable SQL language.  This is very important pair of functions which help us solving certain complex problems even without writing a program.

RANK() vs DENSE_RANK() Preview 21:24

Aggregate and analytical use of two functions RANK and DENSE RANK, Understand the difference with practical application and examples

Some most important queries Preview 33:38

Lecture covers : Nth highest, cumulative summation, generation of matrix reports, elimination of duplicates, correlated update, correlated delete, CONNECT BY PRIOR with explanation

What is a VIEW? Preview 35:10

Why create VIEW - CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW command -Types of Views - Properties of Views - Implementation of Constraints through the VIEW

SQL vs NOSQL Preview 20:40

Difference between SQL and NOSQL Databases - Must Interview Question - Oracle and MongoDB difference - Explained with examples

SUM over multiple tables Preview 15:14

SUM operation over multiple tables - Practical application of UNION operator - A tricky SUM query trending in interview