Master Sql For Data Science

Tags: SQL

Become a SQL query wizard and never be afraid to look at a large SQL query again!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Write complex SQL statements to query the database and gain critical insight on data
- Practice Every Step of the Way by Working Through 100+ Puzzles (with solutions)
- Transition from the Very Basics to a Point Where You can Effortlessly Work with Large SQL Queries

What you'll learn

Write complex SQL statements to query the database and gain critical insight on data
Practice Every Step of the Way by Working Through 100+ Puzzles (with solutions)
Transition from the Very Basics to a Point Where You can Effortlessly Work with Large SQL Queries
Learn Advanced Querying Techniques
Become a Master SQL Developer

* Requirements

* No prerequisites needed for this course


LAST UPDATED: November 2021

This course will turn you into a SQL query wizard. You'll learn the skills you need to extract critical insight from data sitting in a database. There are over 100 puzzles scattered throughout the course with in-depth solutions providing plenty of opportunity for you to practice. After completing the course and all of it's assignments, I promise you, you'll never be afraid to look at a large SQL query again. 

Just like my other courses, I follow the no-student-left behind principle; which means that I start from the very basics. You do not need any prerequisites to take this course. We move step by step into more advanced topics as we delve into the world of advanced querying techniques using subqueries, aggregations, joins, rollups and cubes, window functions, transposing & ranking data and using conditional expressions in very interesting ways. 

With over 17,000 students and a 4.6 rating, you won't find a better source to learn SQL for Data Science elsewhere.

Don’t just take it from me, take it from other students that have taken this course.

★★★★★ Here’s reviews from real students that took this course ★★★★★

★★★★★ You really can't beat this course for the value. The instructor is excellent (clear explanations, easy to understand, extremely knowledgeable), and his style of constantly requiring the student to apply what they've just learned with practice queries proves to be a very effective method of learning. He covers an amazing amount of ground in just 9 hours. It was just the refresher course I needed after not having done much SQL in the past year.

★★★★★ Just one word - Exceptional!! Don't give a second thought, just go for it. Thanks a lot Mr.Imtiaz Ahmad. The way concepts are explained in the lectures are quite good. The assignments gave me so much confidence and I feel so happy that I am quite well versed in SQL now. Watch the videos, try out the assignments on your own and practice as much as you can with different problems.

★★★★★ It's a brilliant course that can help to understand SQL from easy concepts to difficult tasks. Besides, the explanations are always clear, so they let me learn a lot without searching for additional information in Internet. The course contains lots of practical tasks that allowed me not only to understand queries, but to also use them correctly.

★★★★★ Great! I really like the exercises that are included. They are essential to learning the course content.

★★★★★ After attending the course and doing most of the exercises, I feel very confident in SQL world. The course is designed well and every lesson gives you good amount of knowledge. Explanation and exercises are worth learning and practicing.

Topics covered in this course:

  • What is a Database

  • Installing Postgres

  • Creating Tables

  • SELECT Statement

  • WHERE Clause

  • AND & OR

  • Filtering Operators




  • Renaming Columns

  • Functions

  • GROUP BY & HAVING Clauses

  • Aggregation Queries

  • Subqueries

  • CASE Clause

  • Correlated Subqueries

  • Table Joins

  • INNER and OUTER Joins


  • Window Functions for Analytics

  • + over 100 puzzles distributed throughout the course

Enroll today to become a Master SQL Data Science Developer. As always, I offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you're not satisfied, but you won't need it.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to break into the data analyst or data scientist role
  • Anyone interested in become a SQL query wizard

Course content

11 sections • 51 lectures

What is a Database Preview 10:03

How to Proceed in this Course Preview 02:18

Dedicated TA Support Preview 01:39

Install Postgres Database on Mac Preview 07:24

Troubleshoot Connection Preview 00:40

Install Postgres on Windows Preview 07:22

Create Table and Insert Statements Preview 21:57

Data file that will be used in the course (IMPORTANT) Preview 00:10

Prepare the Database Preview 14:18

Assignment 1: Create More Tables and Populate Data Preview 00:52

Introducing the SELECT Statement Preview 18:12

Filter Data Using the WHERE Clause + AND & OR Preview 23:33

Filtering Operators - IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, BETWEEN Preview 14:55

[EXERCISES]: WHERE Clause and Operators Preview 11:35

Using ORDER BY, LIMIT, DISTINCT and Renaming Columns Preview 11:54

Assignment 2: Practice Writing Basic Queries (5 Problems) Preview 01:50

UPPER(), LOWER(), LENGTH(), TRIM() + Boolean Expressions & Concatenation Preview 15:56

Career Advice Preview 01:28

String Functions: SUBSTRING(), REPLACE(), POSITION() and COALESCE() Preview 16:08

Grouping Functions: MIN(), MAX(), AVG(), SUM(), COUNT() Preview 10:20

Assignment 3: Practice with Functions, Conditional Expressions and Concatenation Preview 01:37

Understanding Grouping Preview 06:28

GROUP BY & HAVING Clauses Preview 17:22

[EXERCISES]: Using GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses Preview 16:27

Assignment 4: Practice Aggregation Queries Preview 02:07

Aliasing Sources of Data Preview 06:20

Introducing Subqueries Preview 14:09

Subqueries Continued + [EXERCISES] Preview 18:34

Subqueries with ANY and ALL Operators + [EXERCISES] Preview 19:40

[EXERCISES]: More Practice with Subqueries Preview 15:29

Assignment 5: Practice with Subqueries Preview 02:14

Conditional Expressions Using CASE Clause + [EXERCISES] Preview 20:53

Transposing Data using the CASE Clause + [EXERCISES] Preview 17:47

Assignment 6: Practice Using Case and Transposing Data Preview 01:48

Understanding Correlated Subqueries Preview 21:16

[EXERCISES]: Correlated Subqueries Continued Preview 16:07

Introducing Table Joins Preview 16:29

INNER and OUTER Joins + [EXERCISES] Preview 25:43

Using UNION, UNION ALL and EXCEPT Clauses + [EXERCISES] Preview 14:22

Cartesian Product with the CROSS JOIN Preview 07:04

[EXERCISES]: Joins and Subqueries Continued Preview 17:27

Creating Views vs. Inline Views Preview 08:39

Assignment 7: ADVANCED Problems using Joins, Grouping and Subqueries Preview 03:12

Window Functions using the OVER() Clause Preview 18:32

Ordering Data in Window Frames Preview 21:17

RANK, FIRST_VALUE and NTILE Functions Preview 12:00

Working with LEAD and LAG Functions Preview 07:42

Working with Rollups and Cubes Preview 11:41

Challenging Puzzles For the Brave Preview 03:56

Get Access to All of my current and future courses! Preview 00:23