Option Trading For Rookies Advanced Option Strategies Iron Condor

Learn to trade multiple variations of Iron Condors option trading: the six winning Iron Condor option strategies

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.7

- Understand the basic concepts of iron condor options (what they are and how they work)
- Learn and trade all the different variations of iron condors
- Increase your profit potential and risk levels using iron condors

What you'll learn

Understand the basic concepts of iron condor options (what they are and how they work)
Learn and trade all the different variations of iron condors
Increase your profit potential and risk levels using iron condors
Learn new ways to make money in the stock market

* Requirements

* Students of this course will need to know what an Iron Condor is and how to trade it
* Students will also need knowledge around Verticals
* how to Buy/Sell them
* etc.
* The Desire to learn more about option trading and expand your knowledge base


*****Join our family of almost 4,000 happy Udemy students who have enrolled in this course*****

If you are a Tastytrader struggling to get up to speed or just someone hungry to learn how to trade, I have designed my courses to get you up and running in the minimal amount of time.  

Please also visit us at SharperTrades .com and take one of our FREE Webinars/Courses on Options.

Investing Strategies and Option Trading:

  • Do you want to learn how to trade options effectively?

  • How to trade in the stock market without losing your shirt... or blouse?

  • How to increase your profits while limiting your trading risk?

This Udemy option course will teach you all the variations of the trading strategy called the Iron Condor.  You will learn which Iron Condor to use when, how to set them up, and how to manage them to get the best results. 

Everything will also be shown on real trading platforms, so you can see exactly how to set them up in reality, not just a slide of it.

There is no frivolous information here.  Our goal is to get you up and trading right away, so everything you need to know is here and presented in a straightforward and easy to understand format.  All the information is laid out and explained thoroughly on slides, and then illustrated on live trading platforms to show you how to use it in reality.


Myths will be busted:

1) Trading is not as complicated as professionals would lead you to believe, in fact it’s pretty easy

2) Trading does not take a lot of time.  You can do it from work or home in less than 15 minutes a day 

3) Trading does not take years to learn, I am going to teach you in only a few courses

No Fundamental or Technical Analysis is used or needed.  This program is based on strategy.  And strategy can be applied to any stock at any time.


I'm a firm believer that "Nobody Cares About Your Money More Than You Do."  I want to teach you how to manage your own money, so you don't have to pay exorbitant fees to Money Managers who get paid whether they make money for you or not.  

Young or old, everyone can learn to trade.  All you need is the calculator on your phone and you have all the tools necessary to take this course and learn a skill that can make you money for the rest of your life!

This course is for all levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced traders! All you need is an open mind and a passion to be successful!

Enroll in this course now and start trading the market successfully!


All our Sharper Trades courses come with:

  • 30 day money-back-in-full guarantee

  • Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs

  • All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free

  • Our Sharper Trades team is always available to answer any question you might have regarding this course. Answers are given in less than 24 hours!

  • Your trading success is our goal!


Over 100,000 students have already joined Sharper Trades courses. Join a large community of successful traders.

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Who this course is for:

  • People interested in learning the next level of trading after Calls/Puts and Verticals
  • Tastytraders who are looking to for a shortcut way to learn trading skills in hours instead of months
  • Anyone looking for more ways to make money with option trading

Course content

10 sections • 46 lectures

Course Introduction Preview 02:04

Risk Disclaimer Preview 00:17

What is an Iron Condor Preview 02:42

The basic definition of an Iron Condor

Trading Software & Volatility Preview 02:32

People are always asking me what trading software I use, so here it is.

You are Important Preview 01:29

Exercise: Introduce Yourself to the Class Preview 00:27

"Bread & Butter" Iron Condor Rules, POPs and Visuals Preview 04:15

We start with the most widely used Iron Condor and its rules.

Trade Page Setup Illustration Preview 03:29

This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss, POP & Managing Winners Explained Preview 04:19

Let's break down exactly what is going on with Iron Condors.  Profit/Loss, the POP and what Managing Winners actually means.

Breakeven Price Explained Preview 02:44

A good tool to have in your arsenal, Breakeven Price.

Live Trading Platform Setup Preview 05:18

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here.

Managing Winning Trades Preview 03:09

What does Managing Trades actually mean and how do we do it.

The Art of "Widening the Strikes" Preview 04:18

How do we take on more risk, with more potential reward, and a higher chance of making that reward?  See how we do it here.

"Bread & Butter" Iron Condor

Managing Trades - The Science of Profitable Trading Preview 01:59

Everything you need to learn to become a successful trader.

Skewed/Unbalanced Iron Condor Rules Preview 01:14

The basic rules of trading Skewed/Unbalanced Iron Condors.

POPs and Visual Illustration Preview 02:42

It's always nice to get a visual idea of what we're looking to do before we actually get down to the nuts and bolts.

Trade Page Setup Illustration Preview 03:15

This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss Preview 01:18

Let's break down exactly what we're doing here.  How much can I make and how much can I lose?

Live Trading Platform Setup Preview 03:01

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here.

Skewed Call - POPs and Visual Illustration Preview 01:34

It's always nice to get a visual idea of what we're looking to do before we actually get down to the nuts and bolts.

Trade Page Setup Illustration Preview 01:41

This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss Preview 00:59

Let's break down exactly what we're doing here.  How much can I make and how much can I lose?

Live Trading Platform Setup Preview 01:29

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here.

Skewed Iron Condor Quiz

Chicken Iron Condor Rules Preview 01:19

The basic rules of trading Chicken Iron Condors.

POPs and Visual Illustration Preview 01:52

It's always nice to get a visual idea of what we're looking to do before we actually get down to the nuts and bolts.

Trade Page Setup Illustration Preview 01:24

This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss, POP & Managing Winners Explained Preview 01:02

Let's break down exactly what we're doing here.  How much can I make and how much can I lose?

Live Trading Platform Setup Preview 01:44

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here.

One Standard Deviation Iron Condor Rules Preview 01:15

The basic rules of trading One Standard Deviation Iron Condors.

POPs and Visual Illustration Preview 01:20

It's always nice to get a visual idea of what we're looking to do before we actually get down to the nuts and bolts.

Trade Page Setup Illustration - Call Side Credit BAD Preview 01:56

Call side credit is key to this Iron Condor.  This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Setup Illustration - Call Side Credit GOOD Preview 02:06

Having enough Call side credit is key to this Iron Condor.  This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss, POP & Managing Winners Explained Preview 01:30

Let's break down exactly what we're doing here.  How much can I make and how much can I lose?

Live Trading Platform Setup - Call Side Credit BAD Preview 01:53

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here, the wrong way.

Live Trading Platform Setup - Call Side Credit GOOD Preview 02:39

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here, the right way.

Big Boy Iron Condor Rules Preview 01:27

The basic rules of trading Big Boy Iron Condors.

POPs and Visual Illustration Preview 01:17

It's always nice to get a visual idea of what we're looking to do before we actually get down to the nuts and bolts.

Trade Page Setup Illustration Preview 01:46

This may not be the software you use, but it serves as a great visual tool for exactly how to setup this Iron Condor and what exactly we are doing.

Trade Page Profit/Loss, POP Explained Preview 01:19

Let's break down exactly what we're doing here.  How much can I make and how much can I lose?

Live Trading Platform Setup Preview 02:06

Slides and explanations are great, but how do we actually make this trade on a real trading platform in real time.  See it here.

Iron Condor Final

Managing Losses Preview 01:40

How do we handle losses?

BONUS - Follow Up Courses Preview 02:37

A list of all my courses now available on Udemy

Conclusion: What's the Next Step? Preview 03:06

Recap of what we've learned so you can stick it on your wall and the next steps to becoming a successful trader.