Objectivec Course

Tags: Swift

Everything you need to know about modern Objective-C to use it professionally

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Write code in Objective-C
- Convert Swift iOS Apps into Objective-C
- Convert Objective-C iOS Apps into Swift

What you'll learn

Write code in Objective-C
Convert Swift iOS Apps into Objective-C
Convert Objective-C iOS Apps into Swift
Build Simple Node & Express Servers and APIs
Communicate between iOS apps and Servers

* Requirements

* Need a Mac with OSX year 2010 or newer or PC Running OSX


This course is designed for iOS developers who only know Swift. In order to get a job as an iOS developer you need to know the basics of Objective-C. Also there are still a ton of libraries and tutorials all written in Objective-C.

This is the BEST Objective-C course out there!


  • You will watch video lectures that teach you the principles.
  • You then complete exercises to help you retain what you learn
  • You have access to free live help in the chatroom
  • You have access to the community forums so you can find answers to questions
  • You will get access to all source code and files needed to complete the course

There is 8.5 hours of video content for you to complete. You will spend an additional 15-20 hours working on exercises to help you retain the knowledge.


  • All of my courses are screencasts Youtube style - SUPER FUN
  • I ALWAYS teach you the underlying principle (and not just do X,Y,Z)
  • I actively personally help my students in their career goals
  • I have a HUGE free chatroom where you can get help (4500+ active members)
  • I have online forums where you can post code, projects, and connect with other developers


"I am a veteran mobile developer having built over 57 mobile apps for iOS and Android. I owned two tech consulting companies that were highly successful. I have worked on Call of Duty and worked with other top titles and companies such as Logitech, Yellow Pages, the LDS Church, Cookie Dough Bites, and many more.

I also spend most of my days now as a professional engineering instructor - changing the lives of students throughout the world - going from being broke to making up to 85k+ a year within 6 months.

My passion is helping people reveal hidden talents and guide them into the world of startups and programming. I currently am teaching iOS 9, Apple TV & tvOS, React & Flux web development, Objective-C, Swift 2, Android, Javascript, Node, and Java."

Who this course is for:

  • If you know the basics of Swift take this course
  • If you know the basics of iOS take this course
  • If you have never written any code in your life don't take this course

Course content

6 sections • 53 lectures

Intro to Course Preview 02:38

Introduction to the course and what we'll be covering

Build an iOS App in Objective-C Preview 05:48

Exercise 01: Your own Objective-C app Preview 00:00

Anatomy of an Objective-C file Preview 09:26

Objective-C Properties & Instance Variables Preview 11:07

Objective-C Getters & Setters Preview 12:09

Objective-C Pointers Preview 05:53

You'll learn about how both local and instance variables work in Objective-C and you'll learn about pointers.

Exercise 02: Convert this Swift App to Objective-C Preview 00:00

Convert this Swift iOS app into Objective-C

Objective-C Strings with NSString Preview 20:53

Learn how to work with NSString in Objective-C.

Objective-C Numbers Preview 17:21

Exercise 03 - Convert this app to Objective-C Preview 00:00

Objective-C Conditionals & BOOL Preview 07:05

Learn how to use conditional logic with BOOL and if else statements with Objective-C for iOS apps

Objective-C Methods (aka Functions) Preview 34:43

Learn how to work with Objective-C Methods and also compare them to Swift functions

Objective-C NSArray & NSMutableArray Preview 12:07

Learn how to work with Arrays in Objective-C - both NSArray and NSMutableArray

Objective-C NSDictionary & NSMutableDictionary Preview 12:17

Learn how to work with NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary in Objective-C for iOS apps

Objective-C Loops & fast enumeration Preview 04:39

Learn how to work with loops and fast enumeration in Objective-C for iOS apps

Objective-C Object Oriented Programming Preview 09:47

Learn how to work with Classes and Inheritance in Objective-C. Also learn of some about what features are not available in Objective-C classes but that are available in Swift for iOS apps

Exercise 04: RTFD Preview 00:00

You are going to learn how to read official Apple Documentation/Guide and do some exercises based on the information you learn. Reading and applying documentation is an incredibly important talent to have.

Objective-C Weak vs strong & retain cycles Preview 15:40

Learn the important differences between weak and strong. Also learn about retain cycles and how to avoid them in Objective-C for iOS apps

Objective-C Initializers Preview 11:44

Learn how to create and work with initializers and designated initializers in Objective-C for iOS apps

Exercise 05: Translate this Swift code into Objective-C Preview 00:00

Completely recreate this Swift project in Objective-C

Objective-C Nullability (Like Swift optionals) Preview 11:33

Learn how to write safer code in Objective-C using Nullability - which is similar to Optionals in Swift for iOS apps

Objective-C Categories Preview 09:04

Learn how to extend functionality of classes with Objective-C categories - similar to Swift extensions for iOS apps

Exercise 06: Categories Preview 00:00

Convert this Swift extension into an Objective-C category and test that it works the same

Swift and Objective-C Interoperability Preview 11:28

Learn how to use Swift in Objective-C projects and Objective-C in Swift projects for iOS apps

Exercise 07: Create Swift iOS Chat App (With source code & graphics) Preview 00:00

You will completely recreate this Objective-C Chat app into Swift

Intro to App Preview 01:33

Take a look at the awesome things you are going to build in this Objective-C iOS app

App: Project creation & Singleton Preview 10:05

We'll create our Objective-C project and learn about how to create Singletons in Objective-C

App: Creating our Node server and designing the API Preview 20:12

You will create your own Node and Express server and then learn how to design your API

App: NSURLSession, Blocks and talking to the server Preview 22:54

In this lesson you will learn how to create a robust http service with NSURLSession and Objective-C Blocks

App: Storyboards, IBOutlets and a custom UITableViewCell in Objective-C Preview 16:09

Learn how to create a custom view class in Objective-C and build out the other views for the project

App: Table views & implementing a protocol in Objective-C Preview 16:33

Learn how to work with UITableViews and protocols in Objective-C

App: IBOutlets & showing data in cells in Objective-C Preview 10:29

Create the IBOutlets and show the data in the custom cell in Objective-C

App: UIWebView, Loading HTML, CSS & Javascript & playing Youtube videos Preview 25:58

You will learn how to work with UIWebView & UIWebViewDelegate. You'll learn how to load HTML strings into the webview and you'll also learn how to load CSS dynamically into your webview through Javscript and Objective-C. Lastly you'll learn how to play Youtube videos.

App: Source Code Preview 00:00

Download the source code

App: Creating a POST request from Objective-C on iOS Preview 17:57

Learn how to make HTTP POST requests and how to handle them on your server from your iOS app in Objective-C

Exercise 08: Extending our app Preview 00:00

You are going to add some awesome features to your Objective-C app and backend Node server for your iOS app

Installing a Web IDE Preview 12:12

Learn about some of the popular web development IDE's and then we'll install one

Javascript Resources Preview 04:26

Learn where to go to get help with Javascript problems

Javascript Strings Preview 10:01

Learn how to work with Strings in Javascript

Javascript Conditionals Preview 06:32

Learn how to work with if and else statements and do conditional logic in Javascript

Javascript Numbers Preview 07:57

Learn how to work with numbers and perform math operations in Javascript

Javascript Loops & Arrays Preview 05:53

Learn the basics of Javascript Arrays & Loops

Javascript Objects Preview 14:31

Learn how to work with Javascript objects - one of the most important data structures in Javascript

Javascript Bind Preview 08:35

Learn the importance of the Javascript bind function and how it can save you

Installing Node Preview 03:27

Learn how to install Node Js

Installing Node (part 2) & running it Preview 07:53

Another video on how to install node and do some simple operations from the Node shell

Node Basics & NPM Preview 09:27

Learn the basics of Node and the Node Package Manager (NPM)

Node Module Exports Preview 06:04

Learn how to create an use your own Node modules with require

NPM readline-sync Preview 05:43

Learn how to use the readline-sync package to get user input from the terminal

Exercise 09: Node Calculator Preview 00:00

You will create a simple calculator in Node

Creating a Simple Express Server Preview 09:38

You will learn how to create simple Node and Express servers that will allow your mobile apps the ability to talk to a back-end

Creating Express Server (Alternate version) Preview 20:12

Build a simple express server and understand the NPM packages that allow you to build your server for your Objective-C iOS app