C Programming For Beginners

C Programming will increase career options. Become a better dev in other languages by learning C. Pointers explained

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
- Make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions
- Create your first C Application

What you'll learn

Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
Make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions
Create your first C Application
Learn one of the most popular
widly used languages in the world
Understand variables and the different data types
Apply for real-time programming positions
Understand the core language that most modern languages are based on
Learn how to write high-quality code

* Requirements

* A computer running Microsoft Windows
* Linux or the Mac operating systems
* At least 4GB of ram is recommended
* No programming experience
* all concepts taught in this class!


Have you never programmed a computer before, and think or have been told that C is a good programming language to get started with.  It is!

Maybe you have some experience with other programming languages, but want to learn C.  It's a great language to add to your resume!

Or perhaps you are stuck in a low paying programming job, and want to move up to a better, more senior position.  Learning C can help you!

The fact is, learning how to program in C is not only an excellent programming language to get started with, but it will also make you a better programming in other computer languages!

Why learn C ?

C is often considered to be the mother of all languages because so many other languages have been based on it.

Though C is simple it is one of the most powerful languages ever created.  Considering it was created over 40 years ago, it is still used heavily and is usually in the top 5 or 10 most popular and most widely programming languages in the world.

Learning C can actually make you a better programming in other languages like C++, Java, or C# by equipping you with a mental model of what the computer is actually doing when you run your programs.

By learning how things really work "under the hood", and understand memory space, CPU architecture and so on, you can create more efficient programs, and obtain a huge advantage over other programmers in the process.

If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!

Why enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make.

By the end of this course, you will understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language, and make yourself more marketable for entry level programming positions.

You will understand variables and the different data types, be able to utilize functions and arrays, understand the  concept of pointers, learn about control flow (decision statements and iteration).

You will be in a position to apply for real-time programming positions, and truly understand the core language that most modern languages are based on!

If you have previously used the C programming language, then this course will deepen your understanding of it. If you have never used it, no problem, you will see that it can help you become a more efficient C developer.

The course will be constantly refined in the future based on student feedback!

This course does not skip on the details.  You will learn how to write high quality code and become an excellent problem solver.  This course does not just present how to code in the C programming language, but, also includes all the details on "why" you are doing the things you are doing.  At the end of this course, you will fully understand the concepts of the C Programming language.

Your instructor, Jason Fedin has been teaching students for over 12 years via online classes at over 10 different online Universities. He has created many different class curriculums, ranging from mobile programming to bash scripting to Object-Oriented Design and of course the C programming language.

Additionally, he has been developing software for over 16 years in the real world at various companies, specializing in Object-Oriented Development and Mobile Applications.

This means you are learning from someone who has all the professional training, skills, and experience you need to teach you how to become proficient in the C programming language.

If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!

Your new job or consulting opportunity awaits!  

Why not get started today?

Click the Signup button to sign up for the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone looking to learn how to program in the C language

Course content

17 sections • 137 lectures

Welcome to Class! Preview 12:22

Class Organization Preview 05:52

Fundamentals of a Program Preview 17:53

Overview Preview 13:40

Language Features Preview 12:08

Creating a C Program Preview 16:27

Overview Preview 05:40

Installing the C Compiler (Windows) Preview 08:10

Installing the C Compiler (Mac) Preview 04:36

Installing Code::Blocks (Windows) Preview 12:15

Installing CodeLite (Windows) Preview 10:05

Installing CodeLite (Mac) Preview 05:29

Installing Visual Studio Code and C Extension Linux Preview 04:37

Installing Visual Studio Code and C Extension Windows Preview 03:29

Installing Visual Studio Code and C Extension Mac Preview 04:10

Exploring the Code::Blocks Environment Preview 11:21

Creating a Project in Code::Blocks Preview 06:00

Exploring The Visual Studio Code Environment Preview 11:25

Creating a Workspace and Configuring the Compiler in Visual Studio Code Preview 17:17

Creating and running your first C Program Preview 08:02

(Challenge) Writing a C program that displays your name Preview 05:13

(Demonstration) Writing a C program that displays your name Preview 04:16

Structure of a C Program Preview 08:46

Comments Preview 12:30

The preprocessor Preview 05:00

The #include statement Preview 12:11

Displaying Output Preview 04:12

Reading input from the terminal Preview 16:23

Overview Preview 16:53

Basic Data Types Preview 19:06

Enums and Chars Preview 19:23

Format Specifiers Preview 16:07

Command line arguments Preview 11:16

(Challenge) Print the Area of a Rectangle Preview 07:11

(Demonstration) Print the Area of a Rectangle Preview 12:13

(Challenge) Create and use an enum type Preview 03:34

(Demonstration) Create and use an enum type Preview 08:52

Overview Preview 08:38

Basic Operators Preview 19:55

Bitwise Operators Preview 24:49

The Cast and sizeof Operators Preview 12:43

Operator Precedence Preview 09:57

(Challenge) Convert minutes to years and days Preview 03:51

(Demonstration) Convert minutes to years and days Preview 11:11

(Challenge) Print the byte size of the basic data types Preview 03:04

(Demonstration) Print the byte size of the basic data types Preview 05:38

Overview Preview 08:39

If Statements Preview 21:31

Switch Statement Preview 15:44

(Challenge) Determine amount of Pay Preview 04:59

(Demonstration) Determine the amount of weekly Pay Preview 18:17

For Loop Preview 17:48

While and Do-While Preview 13:04

Nested Loops and loop Control - Break and Continue Preview 11:02

(Challenge) Guess the Number Preview 07:23

(Demonstration) Guess the Number Preview 19:16

Creating and using Arrays Preview 18:36

Initialization Preview 10:10

Multidimensional Arrays Preview 12:44

Variable Length Arrays Preview 04:24

(Challenge) Generate Prime Numbers Preview 06:21

(Demonstration) Generate Prime Numbers Preview 12:33

(Challenge) Create a simple Weather program Preview 05:42

(Demonstration) Create a simple Weather Program Preview 14:34

Basics Preview 13:42

Defining Functions Preview 14:58

Arguments and Parameters Preview 10:40

Returning data from functions Preview 13:17

Local and Global Variables Preview 10:11

(Challenge) Write some functions! Preview 04:49

(Demonstration) Write some functions! Preview 21:08

(Challenge) Create a Tic Tac Toe Game Preview 06:45

(Demonstration) Create a Tic Tac Toe Game Preview 24:06

Overview Preview 08:39

Defining a String Preview 14:38

Constant Strings Preview 07:41

Common String Functions Preview 20:30

Searching, Tokenizing, and Analyzing Strings Preview 20:07

Converting Strings Preview 07:04

(Challenge) Understanding char arrays Preview 03:32

(Demonstration) Understanding char arrays Preview 15:27

(Challenge) Utilizing common string functions Preview 02:11

(Demonstration) Utilizing common string functions Preview 16:46

Overview Preview 21:20

Understanding the call stack Preview 06:13

Code Blocks Debugger Preview 12:41

Common C Mistakes Preview 13:53

Understanding Compiler Errors Preview 11:31

Overview Preview 11:21

Defining Pointers Preview 07:45

Accessing Pointers Preview 13:01

(Challenge) Pointer Basics Preview 02:36

(Demonstration) Pointer Basics Preview 07:14

Using Pointers Preview 20:14

Pointers and const Preview 07:30

void pointers Preview 03:18

Pointers and Arrays Preview 07:20

Pointer Arithmetic Preview 17:43

Pointers and Arrays Example Preview 07:26

Pointers and Strings Preview 08:50

(Challenge) Counting characters in a String Preview 03:49

(Demonstration) Counting characters in a string Preview 09:30

Pass by reference Preview 14:54

(Challenge) Using Pointers as parameters Preview 02:14

(Demonstration) Using Pointers as parameters Preview 07:41

Dynamic Memory Allocation Preview 07:46

malloc, calloc, and realloc Preview 17:44

(Challenge) Using Dynamic Memory Preview 02:54

(Demonstration) Using Dynamic Memory Preview 10:47

Creating and Using Structures Preview 20:00

Structures and Arrays Preview 11:18

Nested Structures Preview 10:04

Structures and Pointers Preview 20:47

Structures and Functions Preview 11:28

(Challenge) Declaring and Initializing a structure Preview 02:04

(Demonstration) Declaring and Initializing a structure Preview 08:36

(Challenge) Structure Pointers and Functions Preview 03:23

(Demonstration) Structure Pointers and Functions Preview 13:47

Overview Preview 10:26

Accessing Files Preview 16:20

Reading for a file Preview 14:50

Writing to a file Preview 09:27

Finding your position in a File Preview 11:30

(Challenge) Find the number of lines in a file Preview 02:21

(Demonstration) Find the number of lines in a file Preview 07:39

(Challenge) Convert characters in a file to uppercase Preview 03:23

(Demonstration) Convert characters in a file to uppercase Preview 10:29

(Challenge) Print the contents of a file in reverse order Preview 02:23

(Demonstration) Print the contents of a file in reverse order Preview 07:21

Standard Header Files Preview 03:47

Various Functions Preview 12:10

Math Functions Preview 03:21

Utility Functions Preview 07:32

Further Topics of Study Preview 09:40

Course Summary Preview 13:35