Practicing Pranayama Breathe Happy Be Happy

Tags: Pranayama

Breathe Your Way to Your Best Self

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.1

- Explain what Pranayama is and why it's important
- Understand the 9 types of pranayama and their technique
- Complete a full-length guided pranayama practice

What you'll learn

Explain what Pranayama is and why it's important
Understand the 9 types of pranayama and their technique
Complete a full-length guided pranayama practice
Know the benefits and contraindications of each type of yogic breath
Know how and where to practice to make the most out of their pranayama session
Determine which breath(s) will be most beneficial to them depending on how they are feeling

* Requirements

* A quiet indoor space without distractions
* A general knowledge of breathing terms and the body parts associated with it
* A willingness to give your full attention to your breath (silence your cell phones!) for the duration of each exercise
* A positive
* open mind!


Discover the power of the breath on the mind, body, and emotions using traditional pranayama (yogic breathing) techniques. Learn to use these techniques to work towards becoming healthier and happier each and every day.

Learn and Practice All 9 Traditional Pranayama Techniques to Increase Your Well-Being on All Levels

  • Learn the methods, benefits, and contraindications of the 9 traditional pranayamas

  • Practice each technique in a guided video

  • Learn the 10 rules for effective pranayama sessions

  • Follow along with a full-length guided practice

  • Boost your creativity and reduce negative energy with bonus breathing techniques!

Pranayama: The Ancient Answer to a More Vibrant Life

For thousands of years, yogis have been using the power of their breath to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  How?  The breath is one of the main ways that we affect the flow of energy, or prana, in our bodies.  By learning to balance and manipulate this flow through different breathing techniques, you can do everything from improve your digestion to reduce stress!

Taking the time to focus on your breath will also strengthen your respiratory system in general.  After all, we need to breath to stay alive, so shouldn't we take the time to make sure we are breathing in the most effective, efficient way possible?

Pranayama is a great tool to have in helping you stay healthy and happy.  Aside from it's physical benefits, it is proven to greatly reduce stress levels, increase positivity, improve focus, and more!

Course Overview

Begin your journey by learning exactly what Pranayama is (hint: it means more than breath control!) and the many benefits you get from a consistent practice. Then learn the 10 rules for making the most out of your time practicing pranayama, as well as the best ways to sit and how to protect your energy.

Next, learn the major functions of each of the 9 traditional pranayama techniques, along with their major benefits and contraindications.  Then follow along with the step-by-step tutorial to learn each type of breath.  Each lecture comes with a handout that lists a more complete list of benefits and contraindications of the breath being discussed, and sometimes extra little bits of background information and yogic philosophy.

At the end, put all 9 techniques together into a full-length pranayama session.   By the end of this course, you will have all the skills you need to continue your own home practice, along with the confidence to use those skills in the most effective way for you!

Who this course is for:

  • Yoga students wishing to deepen their practice beyond just the physical asanas
  • Anyone wishing to learn to expand or balance their breath and energy
  • Anybody who wants practical ways to improve their well-being with simple breathing techniques!
  • Anyone curious about the yogic philosophy of breath, prana, and energy flow
  • Those seeking healing from breathwork

Course content

3 sections • 20 lectures

Introduction Preview 01:41

The Benefits of Pranayama Preview 02:48

Getting Started Preview 02:24

Warning! Preview 01:03

General Rules Preview 05:20

Postures and Mudras Preview 07:08

Ending Each Session Preview 07:02

At the end of every pranayama session, you are advised to rest in savasana for 3 to 5 minutes.  This helps your subconscious integrate what you have learned and gives you a chance to deeply relax your mind and body before moving on with your day.  

Kapalbhati (Shining Skull Breath) Preview 06:26

Before Moving On... Preview 02:22

A little bit of background on the Yogic philosophy of energy and energy channels (nadis).  While all pranayama techniques deal with energy and energy flow, a few deal with specific energy channels and balancing the flow of energy through them.  So let's find out what they are!

Nadi Sodhan (Alternate Nostril Breath) Preview 04:25

Ujjayi (Victorious Breath) Preview 04:39

Bharastrika (Forceful Breath) Preview 04:28

Surya Bhedi (Sun Breath) Preview 03:40

Chandra Bhedi (Moon Breath) Preview 03:42

Sheetali (Cooling Breath) Preview 02:44

Skeetkari (Hissing Breath) Preview 03:45

Bharamri (Honeybee Breath) Preview 04:10

BONUS: Lion's Breath and Roaring Lion! Preview 07:25

The Practice: A full-length guided session Preview 28:54

This is a full pranayama session. Please make sure you have enough time to finish it before you start, and please take the time to rest in savasana at the end; you will feel AMAZING afterwards! 

Note: I kept in all my wiggles and readjustments during my session in order to demonstrate that that no one is perfect :)  
         Also, there will be a few distracting background noises in the video,  I wanted to keep the sound on to remove the temptation of opening your eyes to see if the video had stopped.  Apologies for the siren! 

Congratulations! Preview 00:51

You now have all the tools you need to continue your personal pranayama practice! Congratulations for finishing the course and taking these steps towards improving your well-being! If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me on here and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Namaste :)