Learn Selenium Automation In Easy Python Language


BRAND NEW COURSE- Learn Python Programming & Selenium Python Automation from Basics to Advanced level + 5 LIVE Project

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- At the end of this course
- You will get complete knowledge on Python Automation using Selenium WebDriver
- You will be able to implement Python Test Automation Frameworks from Scratch with all latest Technlogies
- Complete Understanding of Python Basics with many practise Examples to gain a solid exposure

What you'll learn

At the end of this course
You will get complete knowledge on Python Automation using Selenium WebDriver
You will be able to implement Python Test Automation Frameworks from Scratch with all latest Technlogies
Complete Understanding of Python Basics with many practise Examples to gain a solid exposure
You will be learning Python Unit Test Frameworks like PyTest which will helpful for Unit and Integration Testing
Complete Understanding on Selenium Python API Methods with real time Scenarios on LIVE Websites
"Last but not least" you can clear any Interview and can Lead Entire Selenium Python Projects from Design Stage

* Requirements

* ******You need NOT have Python coding experience to start this course********* Even non Programming candidates can follow this course comfortably
* Though these are online Lectures.You will have Life Time instructor support.You can contact me any time for your Queries
* Will respond back with in 12 hours
* All Installation setup including Python basics is taken care as part of course
* Theoretical Material
* Code dump are available for download
* Join in our Selenium Training community where 3 Million Students Learning Together which you will not see in any other Selenium courses on Udemy


**Learn Everything You Need to Know About Python Selenium Automation including Framework Even If You've Never Programmed Before in Python**

Do you know? Python is the popular choice for implementing Artificial Intelligence and Web Security in any Applications .  This made QA industry to shift its focus to Python for implementing Test Automation to support AI Projects.
So this course will help you in making you master in  Python  Basics  + Selenium Python + Pytest Unit Testing Framework +Page object Design Patterns + Excel Data driven Frameworks + Log4J Logging +Cross browser testing + Interview Prep +GitHUB +LifeTime Query Support

  On course completion You will be Mastered in Selenium Automation Testing  with Python and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job 

    So what makes this course Unique in the Market?

We assume that students have no experience in automation / coding and start every topic from scratch and basics.

Examples are taken from  REAL TIME HOSTED WEB APPLICATIONS  to understand how different components can be automated.

  Topics includes: 

  1. Python Basics

  2. Python Programming examples

  3. Python Data types

  4. Python OOPS Examples

  5. Selenium Locators

  6. Selenium Multi Browser Execution

  7. Python Selenium API Methods

  8. Advanced Selenium User interactions

  9. End to end Practise Examples to Automate

  10. PyTest - Unit Testing Framework

  11. PyTest Fixtures

  12. PyTest Parameterization

  13. PyTest Annotations, Command Line Arguments

  14. Python PyTest Reports

  15. Log4J Logging Python

  16. Page object Model Design Pattern

  17. End to end Framework design from scratch

  18. Python Data driven Framework using Excel

  19. Pyxl Examples with Selenium Integration

  20. Jenkins CI Integration

  21. GITHUB Version control Management

All the Best! Happy Testing :)

Who this course is for:

  • Manual testers, Non-programming aware testers interested in learning Automation
  • Freshers/Graudates who want to kick start their Carrier in IT World

Course content

26 sections • 126 lectures

Why Choose Selenium Python for Test Automation needs? Preview 09:59

Glance on Selenium Features Preview 00:12

Video Player Setting tips for Best Experience in viewing course Preview 03:23

How to Install Python in your Machine? Preview 06:41

Important note for MAC Users Preview 04:05

What is PIP Client? -How to download Python Packages Preview 07:55

Python, Selenium Installation Guide Download Preview 00:56

Install PyCharm Editor and set Project Interpreter Preview 10:21

Where to download code files? Preview 00:03

Python hello world Program with Basics Rec 10-21-19 1 Preview 08:33

Datatypes in python and how to get the Type at run time Rec 10-21-19 3 Preview 06:37

List Datatype and its operations to manipulate Rec 10-21-19 5 Preview 16:07

Tuple and Dictionary Data types in Python with examples Rec 10-21-19 6 Preview 10:37

How to Create Dictionaries at run time and add data into it Preview 03:49

If else condition in python with working examples Preview 09:54

How loops work in Python and importance of code idendation Preview 11:18

Programming examples using for loop - 1 Preview 05:09

Programming examples using While loop - 2 Preview 13:12

What are functions? How to use them in Python (Rec 10-19-19 1) Preview 13:08

OOPS Principles : Classes and objects in Python Preview 09:10

What is Constructor and its role in Object oriented programming Rec-10-19-5 Preview 17:03

Inheritance concepts with examples in Python Rec 10-19-19 6 Preview 15:01

Strings and its functions in python Preview 12:20

Code files download Preview 00:01

How to read text file content using Python Preview 08:26

Importance of readLine and readLines Methods in python Preview 09:35

Writing Data into File using Python Preview 10:28

How to raise exception in Python? Preview 06:19

Try Catch Mechanism using Python Preview 10:43

Usage of Finally Keyword with exceptions Preview 05:56

Where to download code files? Preview 00:03

How to invoke Chrome browser and load the Website to automate Preview 15:18

Basic WebDriver methods to get Title, url and close the session Preview 05:26

How to run tests in Firefox and IE Browser Preview 10:40

Inspecting HTML to identify attributes of element Preview 08:44

Introduction to CSS Selector and name locators with example Preview 12:07

Finding Elements with Xpath and Css Using Chropath Plugin Preview 14:16

Extracting Text from webPage with Validation Assertions Preview 10:20

Identifying Links with Text and building Smart CSS around it Preview 12:46

Identifying Xpath and CSS Using Parent child traverse mechanism Preview 13:25

Example in identifying Labels with the Css Parent child Tag mechanism Preview 09:11

Web applications to Practise Selenium Automation Preview 03:04

Identifying Static dropdowns using Select class of selenium Preview 10:01

Introducing Validation assertions and running tests in different browsers Preview 06:20

Handling AutoSuggestive Dynamic dropdowns using Selenium Webdriver Preview 14:59

Handling CheckBox dynamically using Selenium Python programming Preview 11:07

Understand radiobutton Automation methods with examples Preview 08:21

Handling Java / JavaScript Alert popups using Selenium Preview 12:36

Code (Section 9,10,11) download Preview 00:01

What are waits? And Practise WebPage Demo for Automation Preview 05:34

Developing End to End Testcase to Automate ecommerce GreenKart Application Preview 13:45

What is Impilicit Wait in Selenium? And its advantages Preview 09:50

What is Explicit Wait in Selenium? And Example to demonstrate Preview 11:20

Where to download code files? Preview 00:04

When to use Explicit Wait and IMplicit wait in your Tests Preview 05:38

Functional Automation example on GreenKart application - 1 Preview 14:40

Functional Automation example on GreenKart application - 2 Preview 06:56

Functional Automation example on GreenKart application - 3 Preview 05:27

Build a logic to Automate HTML Web Tables using Selenium Python Preview 16:43

Code download for Section 12 & 13 Preview 00:01

Please download the code from resources

Techniques to handle Child Windows/Tabs with Selenium Preview 13:45

What are Frames and techniques to handle with Selenium Preview 10:49

Advanced Interactions with Browser elements using Actions class Rec 11-07-19 2 Preview 08:08

Double Click and Context click using Actions Selenium class Rec 11-07-19 3 Preview 11:18

What is JavaScript executor? Where do we need it in selenium Preview 15:10

Examples on JS Executor methods for various Web operations Preview 09:41

What are Chrome Options and importance of them in Selenium Preview 10:18

Selecting a Product from list of products with Product Name parameter Preview 12:11

Complete Checkout Logic with Product selection example Preview 08:45

Handling Auto suggestive dropdown to select Location and confirm order Preview 07:27

Taking Screenshots using Selenium Python with assertions Preview 05:00

Important Things to know before starting Framework Preview 04:59

Important Note on Code repo's Preview 00:07

What is Pytest and its advantages Preview 10:21

Running Pytests from Terminal with different command flags Preview 10:11

Stay Connected to Testing Updates Preview 00:23

How to run selected Pytests from set of Tests Preview 08:29

Grouping tests with pytest marks to run selected group Preview 10:16

What are fixtures and their importance in pytest framework Preview 08:41

Importance of Conftest file & Scope of fixtures for building Generic fixtures Preview 12:57

Introduction to Data driven Fixtures to load data into tests Preview 10:20

Parameterizing test with multiple data sets using Fixtures Preview 13:30

Generating HTML reports for Pytest Testcases Preview 05:50

Introduction to Logging in Python Tests (Rec 10-26-19) Preview 06:23

Importance of Filehandler in Logging tests Preview 09:26

Building reusable Utility for Logging to inject into framework Preview 14:33

Integrating Pytest Logs into html Reporting - Sample exercises Preview 13:25

Code download for Section 18 & 19 Preview 00:01

Important Note on Code repo's Preview 00:07

Standards of writing Selenium tests in Framework Preview 08:49

How to generalize Browser invocation code Preview 06:35

Creating Setup Fixtures and passing class objects to Test Preview 13:16

Passing command line options to select browser at run time Preview 13:40

What is Page object Design pattern and its importance? Preview 16:19

Implementing Page Objects mechanism into Framework tests -1 Preview 09:45

Smart way of optimizing Page objects by removing object creation in tests Preview 08:53

Creating Custom Utilities in Selenium Python Framework Preview 07:45

TestCase #2 in implementing Framework Standards Preview 09:24

Debug and develop custom utilities for Testcase #2 Preview 06:26

Implement Data driven mechanism by removing hard coding data from tests Preview 10:36

Parameterizing the Tests with multiple Data sets using Dictionary Preview 10:00

Implementing Logging feature into Framework tests Preview 08:40

Generating HTML Reports with Logging Integration Preview 12:17

Important Note Preview 00:07

Introduction to Jenkins Preview 04:12

Integrating Selenium Python framework into Jenkins CI Tool Preview 09:44

Setting up Jenkins Parameterized job variables for browser selection Preview 07:57

Creating jenkin Junit results with Pytest commands Preview 07:43

Introduction to Excel Data driven testing using Pyxl Preview 08:41

Operations to read and write the data from Excel into Python tests Preview 07:49

Build a Utility to retrieve values from Sheet based on conditions rec111017 Preview 09:55

Loading the Excel Data from file to Dictionary for further processing Preview 08:05

Integrate Excel utility into Selenium Python Framework Preview 10:10

Wrapping up - Thankyou Note Preview 02:31

How to Showcase your Python Testing experience? Preview 00:33

Introduction to GIT Preview 08:41

Importance of Github and its uses Preview 09:05

Creating Git config and repositories Preview 08:39

Understanding Staging and commit in git Preview 11:35

Add remote repository and push the committed code Preview 08:53

End to end working example on Git commands -1 Preview 15:48

End to end working example on Git commands -2 Preview 06:15

Importance of Branching in GIT Preview 24:55

How to resolve Merge conflicts with GIT Preview 14:17