Fitness For Beginners

Tags: Fitness

The Beginners Guide to Learning How to Exercise

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- You will understand the basics of exercise and know which areas you should focus on
- You will learn the basic and important exercise movements that all exercises are based off of and get the appropriate progressions for you
- Understand the different types of exercise and why each one is important as it applies to you and how to train each effectively

What you'll learn

You will understand the basics of exercise and know which areas you should focus on
You will learn the basic and important exercise movements that all exercises are based off of and get the appropriate progressions for you
Understand the different types of exercise and why each one is important as it applies to you and how to train each effectively
There are over 100 single exercises demonstrated
dozens of linked exercise programs and several follow along programs available

* Requirements

* You will need athletic type clothes to do the exercises and follow along programs
* An open mind
* this course takes a slightly different approach to fitness and exercise
* Although I've done my best to minimize the amount of equipment you will need the following items will help you experience the course fully as intended. Stability Ball
* Dumbbells
* Exercise Bands and a Pull-up Bar


Learn the basic concepts and fundamentals of exercise. You will need to understand these if you want to build an exercise program that is effective and efficient for you.

Build a strong foundation and understand the proper movements to decrease your chances of getting hurt and get the results you're looking for while exercising.

  • Fitness Fundamentals
  • Learn the Different Types of Exercise
  • Learn How to Move Properly
  • Get Follow Along Programs to Get You Started

Stop Wasting Your Time

When most people start an exercise program they walk into a gym look around and just sort of copy some of the exercises other people are doing and through trial and error they figure out what works for them. They don't take a minute to consider what their goals are, if they are exercising the muscle groups that are important to them, if they are doing the exercises properly or if they've structured the exercise program in the most efficient way. In this course we address all of these issues so you can get the most out of your exercise program, you can see the results you're looking for and spend as little time exercising as possible.

Content and Overview

This course is for beginner exercisers, people that are consistently exercising, but not seeing the results they expected for the amount of work they put in and anyone who is thinking about becoming a personal trainer or enrolled in a personal training course to get the fundamentals. You'll learn the basic concepts of strength training, cardiovascular training and mobility training. You will understand which type is best suited for you and how much of each type you should do. This course is predominantly video lecture based with a variety of external resources as well as downloadable worksheets that are meant to be thought provoking so you can decide what is really important in your life, why you should exercise and how to implement a successful fitness routine that works for you.

Who this course is for:

  • If you have never followed a structured fitness program before or are a beginner exerciser this course is for you
  • If you have questions about why you should exercise this course is for you
  • If you want to better understand the different types of exercise and how much of each you should do this course is for you
  • If you have a special interest in becoming a personal trainer or are starting some form of personal training course this will give you a very good starting point

Course content

6 sections • 66 lectures

Introduction Preview 00:53

In this lecture I introduce myself, the course and what you can expect to be able to do once you've completed the course. 

Disclaimer Preview 01:23

In this lecture we cover when you should stop exercising. 

Introduction to Exercise Quiz

Some of the most important points from Section 1

What You Won't Find In This Course Preview 00:59

This is a lecture about what you won't find in this course, which are the following:

  • Exercise as it relates to significant weight loss or obtaining a very low body fat percentage.
  • Nutritional information, which is very important when it comes to weight loss

What is Exercise? Preview 01:14

In this lecture I will teach you what exercise is, what some of the benefits are and how much you need. 

What Are The Different Types of Exercise Preview 00:26

In this lecture we discuss the different types of exercise and why you would de each type. It is important that you understand the benefits of each type so that when you build your own exercise program you understand what parts need to be incorporated. 

Strength Training an Overview Preview 03:36

In this lecture I will teach you about the benefits of strength training, what strength training is, how you become stronger, how much strength training you should be doing. 

Cardiovascular Training an Overview Preview 03:30

In this lecture I teach you about the benefits of cardiovascular training, what cardiovascular training is, what your heart rate should be, what qualifies as a cardiovascular activity and how much you should be doing. 

Mobility Training an Overview Preview 03:05

In this lecture I will teach you the difference between flexibility and mobility training, the benefits of mobility training, how to train mobility and how often you should train mobility. 

Exercise and Weight Loss Preview 02:31

In this lecture you will learn about the relationship between weight loss and exercise. 

What are the types of exercise?

Introduction To Building Your Exercise Program Preview 01:08

In this lecture we introduce how to build your fitness routine and give you some things to think about when building your own exercise program. 

Why This Section Is Before the Exercise Preview 00:23

This video introduces the Motivation and Goal Setting Section.

Motivational Strategies Preview 03:31

In this lecture you will learn some motivational strategies you can use to help stay motivated as you progress. There is also a Motivational Strategies worksheet that has even more tactics you can use to stay motivated. 

Setting Good Goals Preview 03:58

In this lecture I will teach you how to set good goals and how to manage your goals when they don't go as planned. 

Overcoming Barriers and Using the Goal Setting Worksheet

In this assignment you go through the goal setting worksheet, where you will identify your goals and some of the barriers that may come up.


What is an example of a good process goal?

An Introduction to the Next 3 Sections Preview 00:38

This article just explains how to best approach the next 3 sections.

Introduction to Strength Training Preview 00:47

In this lecture I introduce why you may want to do strength training and how this section is organized.

What is Strength Training and How Can You Improve It Preview 02:57

In this lecture we cover what strength training is, how you actually do it and what the benefits to it are. At the end of this lecture you will understand the basic concepts of strength training and whether or not it's right for you.

Biomechanics and the Importance of Movement Patterns Preview 01:46

In this lecture you will learn why we prefer movement based strength training and the movement patterns you will most likely need to focus on and why. 

The Bilateral Squat Movement Preview 08:01

In this lecture you will learn how to do the bilateral squat properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

The Unilateral Squat Movement Preview 03:29

In this lecture you will learn how to do the unilateral squat properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

The Pulling Movement Progressions Preview 07:32

In this lecture you will learn how to do the pulling movement properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

The Horizontal Pushing Movement Progressions Preview 05:56

In this lecture you will learn how to do the horizontal pushing movement properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

The Overhead Pressing Movement Preview 04:31

In this lecture you will learn how to do the overhead pressing movement properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

The Hip Hinge Movement Preview 04:40

In this lecture you will learn how to do the hinge movement properly, what muscles are involved, every progression of it and some of the common mistakes people make.

Carry Movement Preview 02:59

In this lecture you will learn how to do different carry variations properly, what muscles are involved and some of the common mistakes people make.

Core Training Preview 10:40

In this lecture you will learn a different way to look at core training, that is not muscle group focused. but movement focused instead. This approach will help you train all the aspects of your core and we also demonstrate several progressions of each exercise so that you can find the right ones for you. 

Building Rock Hard Glutes Preview 00:57

This is a mini-section on glute activation, hip stability and I wide variety of exercises and considerations of exercises you could choose into adding into your own workout.  

Shoulder Stabilization Exercises Preview 00:42

This is a mini-section on shoulder mobility, stability and I wide variety of exercises and considerations of exercises you could choose into adding into your own workout.  

Terminology That Will Come in Handy Preview 02:23

In this video you will learn some basic terms that are important for beginner exercisers as they first get started.

Understanding the Pyramid Preview 02:18

In this lecture you will understand the definition of a pyramid in the context of a workout and how to apply it to your own workouts. 

Some FAQ Preview 03:58

In this lecture we discuss some frequently asked questions like, 'How of I breathe properly?' and more.

How do I become stronger?

In this quiz we cover how you become stronger.

The Breakdown of a Workout Preview 03:55

In this lecture you will learn the different parts of a workout, why they're important and some of the exercises you could consider doing.

Explaining the Design of a Strength Routine Preview 18:15

In this lecture you will go through an entire strength workout from start to finish where I explain each exercise and why I made each exercise decision and a few progressions or alternatives if you need something that's easier, harder or just different.

Follow Along Strength Workout - No Equipment Preview 39:09

This is a bodyweight follow along exercise routine that will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. 

Follow Along Strength Workout With Equipment Preview 45:52

This is a follow along exercise routine that requires some weights and equipment. It will take approximately 45 minutes to complete. 

What is Cardiovascular Training and How Can You Improve It Preview 00:38

In this lecture we cover what cardiovascular training is, how you actually do it and what the benefits to it are. At the end of this lecture you will understand the basic concepts of cardiovascular training and whether or not it's right for you.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Training Preview 02:48

In this lecture you will learn the difference between aerobic and anaerobic training and how it effects your exercise routine and the intensity that you exercise at. 

Your First Cardiovascular Program Preview 04:41

In this lecture you will learn how to start your cardiovascular exercise program, things to watch for and what intensities you should be starting at. 

What should your starting intervals and intensity be?

In the quiz we test to see if you understand what intervals and what intensity you should be starting at?

Long Slow Distance Running Preview 03:56

In this lecture you will understand what LSD running is and how it best fits into your cardiovascular exercise program.  

Race Pace Running Preview 04:01

In this lecture you will understand what Race Pace running is and how it best fits into your cardiovascular exercise program.  

Intense Interval Training Preview 04:21

In this lecture you will understand what Interval Training is and how it best fits into your cardiovascular exercise program.  

Supplementing Your Cardio Program With Mobility Training Preview 00:26

This lecture is an explanation of the following few videos, relating to mobility and cardiovascular training.

Pre-Run Mobility Follow Along Preview 06:43

This is a follow along mobility exercise program that would be ideal for before you run. You will learn some leg and hip mobility exercises.

Post Run Mobility Follow Along Preview 09:55

This is a follow along mobility exercise program that would be ideal for after a run. You will learn some leg and hip mobility exercises.

How to Properly Supplement Your Cardiovascular Program with Strength Training Preview 01:48

In this lecture you will learn about which muscles you should train to supplement your cardiovascular program and which ones you should spend less time training. 

Sample Cardiovascular Exercise Program Preview 01:15

This is a sample cardiovascular program a beginner could follow.

An Introduction to Mobility and Flexibility Preview 00:34

This video lecture is an introduction to the mobility and flexibility section. 

Improving Your Flexibility Through Static Stretches Preview 04:22

In this lecture we discuss the benefits of static stretches, when you should do them and how to do them properly.

Improving Your Mobility Through Dynamic Stretches Preview 03:33

In this lecture we discuss the benefits of dynamic stretches, when you should do them and how to do them properly.

Improving Your Mobility Through Self-Massage Preview 06:15

In this lecture we discuss the benefits of rolling out, when you should do it and how to do it properly.

Shoulder Mobility Follow Along Preview 11:40

This is a follow along program to help you improve your shoulder mobility. 

Low Back Pain Follow Along Preview 12:07

Although not all back pain is caused for the same reason, this is a follow along mobility exercise routine that would help many people with back pain, especially if they get back pain from bending forward to lift things off the floor or from sitting for long periods of time.  

Mobility Follow Alongs Preview 00:16

This is simply a link out to a series of mobility exercises, routines and follow alongs you could do if you can't find what you're looking for here. 

Introduction to Case Studies Preview 00:26

Building Your Routine and Schedule Preview 02:48

In this article lecture you will learn how to outline your exercise program from a macro level or what you should be doing on a weekly basis to set yourself up for success.

Olivia and Oliver the Office Workers - Workout 2 (Progressively Harder Workout) Preview 00:21

Timmy and Tammy No Time - Bang for Your Buck Short Workout Preview 00:11

Wally and Wilma Weight Loss Circuit Preview 00:15

Sally and Steve Strength Builder Preview 00:03

Next Steps From Here Preview 00:45

In this lecture we cover the 'now what' since you've finished the course and offer you some free resources that will help you to continually learn and grow on your fitness journey.  

Thank You, Questions & Feedback Preview 00:47

Thank You for doing the Fitness For Beginners course, if you have any questions about the course or are unclear about anything or feel like a section created questions or if you have questions that weren't addressed please let us know so we can modify the course as required, also we would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to leave us a review, it will help other people determine if the course is right for them, now all that to be said if you had a negative experience with the course please let us know why so we can adjust it and improve it going forward. Thanks again and good luck on your fitness journey.