Apache Kafka For Developers Using Springboot

Learn to build enterprise standard Kafka producers/consumers with Kafka Unit/Integration tests using Spring Boot.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Apache Kafka and its Internals
- Build Enterprise Standard Kafka Client Applications using Spring Boot
- Writing Unit Tests using JUnit

What you'll learn

Apache Kafka and its Internals
Build Enterprise Standard Kafka Client Applications using Spring Boot
Writing Unit Tests using JUnit
Writing Integration tests using JUnit and Embedded Kafka
Build End to End application using Kafka Producer/Consumer and Spring Boot

* Requirements

* Java 11 or greater is required
* Intellij or Eclipse or Similar IDE
* Knowledge about Spring Boot
* Experience writing tests using JUnit
* Gradle or Maven Knowledge is needed


This course is structured to give you a theoretical and coding experience with Apache Kafka using SpringBoot. This course is targeted for developers who would like to build enterprise standard  Kafka Client applications using SpringBoot.

If you are looking forward to learning the below-listed things:

  • Use cases where Kafka fits really well

  • Internals of Kafka and how it works

  • Built Enterprise Standard Kafka Client Applications using Producer/Consumer API using Spring Boot

  • Unit/Integration Tests for the Kafka Client Applications

Then this is the right course for you. This is a pure hands-on oriented course where you will be learning the concepts through code.

By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of coding and implementing Kafka Clients using SpringBoot with Producer/Consumer API.

Getting Started with Kafka

  • In this section, I will give you all a quick introduction to Apache Kafka, terminologies and different client APIs that are part of Kafka

Download and Install Kafka

  • In this section, we will download the Kafka distribution from the Kafka Website.

Understanding Kafka Components and its Internals - (Theory + Hands-On)

In this section, we will explore the Kafka internals from a theoretical perspective followed by hands-on exploring the Kafka internals.

  • Learn about the Topics and Partitions in Kafka

  • Setup a Local Kafka Cluster with Multiple Brokers

  • Producer/Consumer messages in the Kafka Cluster

  • Learn about Consumer Offsets and Consumer Groups

  • Commit Log and Retention Policy

  • Learn about Kafka Load Distribution and Fault Tolerance and Robustness

Application OverView

  • This section covers the application that we are going to build as part of this course.

Build SpringBoot Kafka Producer - Hands-On

In this section, we will learn about building a Kafka Producer using Spring Boot.

  • Build RestAPI through which the events can be posted into the application from the outside world

  • Explore KafkaTemplate to publish the data into the Kafka Topic

  • Learn different approaches to produce the message into the Kafka

  • Learn to publish the Kafka Record using Headers

Integration Testing using JUnit5 - Hands-On

In this section, we will learn about different approaches to writing Integration tests using Embedded Kafka.

  • Write Integration test cases to interact with the API using JUnit5

  • Write Integration test cases to interact with Embedded Kafka using JUnit5

Unit Testing using JUnit5- Hands-On

In this section, we will learn about different approaches to writing unit tests Kafka Producer.

  • Write Unit Tests to the controller layer using @WebMVC annotation and MockMVC

  • Add the validations to the request payload in the endpoint

  • Write Custom Error Handler for different response codes

Kafka Producer - Sending Message With Key - Hands-On

In this section, we will learn about sending the record to Kafka Topic with Key.

Kafka Producer - Important Configurations

In this section, we will learn about different key configurations to consider when it comes to reliable message delivery to Kafka

Build SpringBoot Kafka Consumer - Hands-On

In this section, we will learn about building a Kafka Consumer using Spring Boot.

  • Set up the base consumer project library-events consumer

  • Learn about different Spring Kafka Terminologies which are necessary to configure a Kafka Consumer

  • Learn about how to configure a Kafka Consumer using the @KafkListener Annotation

  • Learn about how "Spring Boot Auto Configuration works behind the scenes for Kafka Consumer"

Consumer Groups and Consumer Offset Management- Hands-On

In this section, we will code and learn about consumer groups and offset management.

  • Demonstration how Consumer Groups plays a vital role when it comes to scalable message consumption and consumer rebalance

  • Learn about the Default consumer offset management by Kafka

  • Learn about how consumer offset can be manually managed from the application

  • Demonstration of how to achieve scalable message consumption by increasing the concurrency level to greater than 1

Persisting Library Events in DB - Using H2 InMemory DataBase

In this section, we will code and learn about integrating the DB layer into the library-events-consumer using Spring JPA.

  • Configuring the H2 In-Memory DB

  • Create LibraryEvent and Book Entity

  • Build Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - ADD Event Type

  • Build Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - MODIFY Event Type

Integration Testing using Embedded Kafka - Kafka Consumer

In this section, we will code and learn to write the Integration tests for the Kafka Consumer.

  • Configure Embedded Kafka for Integration Tests

  • Write the Integration test for posting a "NEW" LibraryEvent

  • Write the Integration test for posting an "UPDATE" LibraryEvent

  • Integration Tests for Real Databases using TestContainers

Error Handling, Retry and Recovery - Kafka Consumers

In this section, we will learn about the different error handling techniques that are available for Kafka Consumer.

  • Custom Error Handler

  • Retry in Kafka Consumer

  • Retry SpecificExceptions using Custom RetryPolicy

  • Recovery in Kafka Consumer

  • Handling Recovery in Kafka Consumer

Error Handling, Retry/Recovery - Kafka Producer

  • Error Handling in Kafka Producer

  • Retry in Kafka Producer - Broker Not Available

  • Retry in Kafka Producer - Min.in.sync.replicas

  • Retain/Recover Failed Records in Kafka Producer

By the end of this you will have a complete understand and knowledge of building enterprise standard Kafka Consumers and Producers using Spring Boot with the Unit and Integration tests using EmbeddedKafka.

Who this course is for:

  • Java/Spring Developers who would like to build Producers/Consumers using Apache Kafka
  • Anyone willing to learn about Apache Kafka and implement using SpringBoot

Course content

20 sections • 85 lectures

Course Introduction & Objectives Preview 02:02

In this lecture, I will cover the course introduction and objectives of this course.

Pre-Requesities Preview 01:21

In this lecture, I will cover the prerequisites that are needed to enroll in this course.

Introduction to Kafka Preview 06:40

In this lecture, I will explain about How Kafka fits in to the current software architecture and cover some of the examples where Kafka can be used.

Kafka Terminologies and Client APIs Preview 02:45

In this lecture, I will explain about the Kafka Terminologies and different components that are part of Apache Kafka and some of its Client APIs.

Download and Install Kafka Preview 03:37

In this lecture, we will download the Kafka and explore the different directories inside the Kafka and its significance.

Kafka Topics and Partitions - Theory Preview 05:00

In this lecture, we will learn in detail about the Kafka topics, partitions.

Set Up a ZooKeeper/Kafka Broker in Local Preview 05:55

In this lecture, we will set up the Zookeeper and Kafka broker in local.

Create Topic, Produce and Consume Messages using the CLI Preview 05:14

In this lecture, we will learn about creating a topic, produce messages and consume messages from a Kafka Topic using Command Line Interface(CLI).

Produce and Consume Messages with Key Preview 06:39

In this lecture, we will learn about producing and consuming messages with key using the command line interface.

Consumer Offsets Preview 04:02

In this lecture, we will learn about consumer offsets how it plays a major role in keeping a record of resuming processing the records from where it left off in the topic.

Consumer Groups Preview 07:55

In this lecture, we will learn about consumer groups and how it plays a major role in scalable message consumption.

Commit Log and Retention Policy Preview 08:11

In this lecture, we will learn about the partitioned commit log and retention policy of any record that's written into Kafka.

Kafka as a Distributed Streaming System Preview 04:15

In this lecture, I will explain in detail about how does Kafka behaves as a Streaming System.

Setting up a Kafka Cluster in Local with 3 Kafka Brokers Preview 09:54

In this lecture, we will set up a Kafka Cluster with 3 brokers to simulate a production like environment.

How Kafka Cluster distributes the Client Requests ? - Leader/Follower Preview 05:48

In this lecture, we will learn about how Kafka distributes the request between the available brokers.

How Kafka handles Data Loss ? - Replication and In-Sync-Replica (ISR) Preview 09:08

In this lecture, we will learn about Replication in Kafka and In-Sync Replicas (ISR).

Fault Tolerance and Robustness in Kafka Preview 02:39

In this lecture, we will learn about the fault tolerance and robustness in Kafka.

Overview of the application - Library Inventory Preview 02:53

In this lecture, I will explain about the application that we are going to build as part of this course.

Source Code Preview 00:03

In this lecture, I will attach the source code for this course.

Setting up the Base project for Library Event Kafka producer Preview 05:17

In this lecture, we will set up the spring boot project for the Library Event Spring Boot Kafka project.

Build the Library Event Domain Preview 03:35

In this lecture, we will build the domain object for the Library Event.

Create the POST endpoint "/libraryevent" Preview 05:50

In this lecture, we will build the post endpoint to publish the Library Event.

Introduction to Spring KafkaTemplate to Produce Messages - Theory Preview 06:57

In this lecture, we will learn about KafkaTemplate which is part of "spring-kafka" to produce Messages.

Configure KafkaTemplate using SpringBoot Profiles - application.yml Preview 06:44

In this lecture, we will code and learn "how to configure" a KafkaTemplate using Spring Boot AutoConfiguration.

How Spring Boot AutoConfiguration Works? - Kafka Producer Preview 04:54

In this lecture, we will code and learn about "How the SpringBoot AutoConfiguration" works ?

AutoCreate TOPIC using KafkaAdmin Preview 06:31

In this lecture, we will auto-create the Kafka topic using the KafkaAdmin configuration.

Build LibraryEvents Producer using KafkaTemplate - Approach1- Part1 Preview 12:32

In this lecture, we will code the LibraryEvents Producer and integrate KafkaTemplate to produce Messages in to the library-events topic asynchronously.

Build LibraryEvents Producer using KafkaTemplate - Approach1- Part2 Preview 04:41

In this lecture, we will code the LibraryEvents Producer and integrate KafkaTemplate to produce Messages into the library-events topic asynchronously.

LibraryEvents Producer API - Behind the Scenes Preview 04:55

In this lecture, I will explain the behavior of the "POST" endpoint "/libraryevent"

Build LibraryEvents Producer using KafkaTemplate - Approach2 Preview 08:11

In this lecture, we will code the LibraryEvents Producer and integrate KafkaTemplate to produce Messages into the library-events topic synchronously.

Build LibraryEvents Producer using KafkaTemplate - Approach3 Preview 07:09

In this lecture, we will code the LibraryEvents Producer to produce Messages into the library-events topic asynchronously using the ProducerRecord.

Sending KafkaRecord With Headers using KafkaTemplate Preview 03:35

In this lecture, we will code the kafkaTemplate to publish the ProducerRecord with KafkaHeaders.

Add LibraryEvent Type - NEW, UPDATE Preview 03:33

In this lecture we will add the Library Event Type to the LibraryEventDomain

Introduction to Automates Tests Preview 02:07

In this lecture , I will give you all a quick introduction to Automated Tests.

Integration Test for POST endpoint - "/v1/libraryevent" - Part 1 Preview 03:31

In this lecture, we will write the integration test for the POST endpoint

Integration Test for POST endpoint - "/v1/libraryevent" - Part 2 Preview 10:33

In this lecture, we will write the integration test for the POST endpoint

Embedded Kafka - Introduction , Configure and Integrate in JUnit Preview 07:56

In this lecture, we will learn about the need for Embedded Kafka and how it helps with the Integration testing.

Integrate Kafka Consumer in JUnit and Consume the record Preview 13:03

In this lecture, we will learn about how to spin up a Kafka Consumer in JUNIT and consume the published record.

Introduction to Unit Testing Preview 01:32

In this lecture , I will give you all a quick introduction to Unit Tests.

Unit Test POST "/libraryevent" endpoint using MockMVC Preview 08:57

In this lecture, we will code and learn how to write unit tests for the post endpoint using MockMVC.

Adding Validations to the LibraryEvent Payload Preview 04:26

In this lecture, we will code and learn about how to add validations to the request body,

Custom ErrorMessages using ControllerAdvice Preview 08:54

In this lecture, we will code and learn about how to add Custom Error Messages to the HttpResponse.

Write JUnit Test for Kafka Producer - OnFailure() Preview 10:13

In this lecture, we will code and learn to write unit test case for a error scenario using JUnit.

Write JUnit Test for Kafka Producer - OnSuccess() Preview 06:55

In this lecture, we will code and learn to write unit test case for a successful scenario using JUnit.

Create the PUT endpoint - "v1/libraryEvent" Preview 08:06

In this lecture, we will build the put endpoint to publish the library events updates in to the Kafka topic.

Assignment - Integration Test PUT "/libraryevent" endpoint using Embedded Kafka

Write an integration test for the PUT endpoint "/v1/libraryevent" using EmbeddedKafka. Use the POST endpoint integration test as an example.

Assignment - Unit Test PUT - "/libraryevent" endpoint using MockMVC

Write the Unit Test for the PUT controller endpoint "/v1/libraryevent".

Kafka Producer - Important Configurations Preview 02:46

In this lecture, we will code and learn how to override the default producer config values in Spring Boot using AutoConfiguration.

Configure the "acks" value as "All" - Hands On Preview 02:58

In this lecture, we will code and learn how to override the default producer config values in Spring Boot.

Set Up the Library Events Consumer Base project Preview 05:15

In this lecture, we will set up the base consumer project library-events consumer.

Introduction to Spring Kafka Consumer - Theory Preview 04:23

In this lecture, we will learn about different Spring Kafka Terminologies which are necessary to configure a Kafka Consumer.

Configure Kafka Consumer using SpringBoot Profiles - application.yml Preview 05:31

In this lecture, we will code and learn about how to configure a Kafka Consumer using Spring Boot AutoConfiguration.

Build Kafka Consumer using @KafkaListener Annotation Preview 07:35

In this lecture, we will code and learn about how to configure a Kafka Consumer using the @KafkListener Annotation.

How Spring Boot AutoConfiguration Works ? - Kafka Consumer Preview 06:41

In this lecture, I will explain about how Spring Boot Auto Configuration works behind the scenes for Kafka Consumer.

Consumer Groups and Rebalance- Hands On Preview 05:57

In this lecture, I will demonstrate how Consumer Groups plays a vital role when it comes to scalable message consumption and consumer rebalance.

Default Consumer Offset Management in Spring Kafka - Hands On Preview 04:39

In this lecture, we will code and learn about the Default consumer offset management by Kafka.

Manual Consumer Offset Management - Hands On Preview 07:24

In this lecture, we will learn about how consumer offset can be manually managed from the application.

Concurrent Consumers - Hands On Preview 02:57

In this lecture, I will demonstrate how to achieve scalable message consumption by increasing the concurrency level to greater than 1.

Configuring the H2 In-Memory DB Preview 04:50

In this lecture, we will configure the in-memory DB in library events consumer.

Create LibraryEvent and Book Entity Preview 06:15

In this lecture, we will code the entity classes to map the Library Event and configure the LibraryEvents Repository.

Build Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - ADD Event Type Preview 11:53

In this lectture, we will code the service layer to process the "ADD" LibraryEvent.

Build Service Layer to process LibraryEvent - MODIFY Event Type Preview 07:28

In this lectture, we will code the service layer to process the "MODIFY" LibraryEvent.

Configure Embedded Kafka for Integration Tests Preview 08:06

In this lecture, we will code and learn to set up the Integration test for the Kafka Consumer.

Write the Integration test for posting a new LibraryEvent Preview 09:53

In this lecture, we will code the first integration test for the Library Events Consumer.

Write the Integration test for posting a "UPDATE" LibraryEvent Preview 07:36

In this lecture, we will code the first integration test for the Library Events Consumer for the MODIFY LibraryEventType.

Integration Test for "MODIFY" Library Event - Not a valid library Event

Write the integration test for the Modify Library Event that's going to result in "IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid library Event")"

Integration Tests for Real Databases using TestContainers Preview 02:21

In this lecture, I will talk about the technique for writing integration tests for real databases.

Custom Error Handler Preview 05:45

In this lecture, we will code and learn about implementing the custom error handler in Kafka Consumer.

Retry in Kafka Consumer Preview 08:26

In this lecture, we will code and learn about introducing the Retry in the Kafka Consumer.

Retry SpecificExceptions using Custom RetryPolicy Preview 08:26

In this lecture, we will code and learn about retrying only some specific exceptions.

Recovery/Retry in Kafka Consumer Preview 03:11

In this lecture, we will code and learn about introducing recovery in the Kafka Consumer flow.

Handling Recovery in Kafka Consumer - Part 1 Preview 05:19

In this lecture, we will implement the recovery logic in Kafka Consumer.

Handling Recovery in Kafka Consumer - Part 2 Preview 10:13

In this lecture, we will implement the recovery logic in Kafka Consumer.

Error Handling in Kafka Producer Preview 02:00

In this lecture, we will discuss about the different error handling options available in Kafka Producer.

Retry in Kafka Producer - Broker Not Available Preview 06:00

In this lecture, we will learn about the options that are available to retry a failed record in Kafka Producer.

Retry in Kafka Producer - min.in.sync.replicas Preview 05:47

In this lecture, we will learn about the recovery options that are available from the Kafka Producer end.

Retain/Recover Failed Records in Kafka Producer Preview 02:24

In this lecture, we will learn about the technique to retain the record that failed because of the Kafka Cluster issue.

Why Kafka Security & How SSL works? Preview 08:11

In this lecture, we will discuss about the need for Kafka Security and How SSL Works?

How Enterprises add/manage SSL Certificate ? Preview 02:18

In this lecture, how enterprises request for SSL certificate from Certificate Authority(CA).

Set Up SSL Kafka Security in Local Preview 16:24

In this lecture, we will set up the SSL security in our local Kafka Cluster

Accessing Secured Kafka Cluster using CLI - Producer/Consumer Messages Preview 08:18

In this lecture, we will learn about the techniques to produce and consume messages for a secured cluster using CLI.

2 Way Authentication - Client & Server Authentication Preview 06:31

In this lecture, we will understand and enable 2 way authentication in Kafka Cluster.

Configuring Library Events Producer to access SSL secured Cluster Preview 08:01

In this lecture, we will learn code and learn about accessing the SSL secured topic from our spring boot application.

Configuring Library Events Consumer to access SSL secured Cluster Preview 03:15

In this lecture, we will learn code and learn about accessing the SSL secured topic from our spring boot application.