Oracle Data Integration12c

Everything about ODI12C with updated sections You will need in Real Projects

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4

- 100% Student Satisfaction Guarantee. How we can provide this. When you have any issue about ODI
- We will be able to live session over your machine. Remember and don't hesitate to ask me any questions.In the end of the course
- you’ll be able to develop and design all kind of ODI jobs(Packages
- Schedules
- ETL cycle
- etc..)
- Development Jobs with using ODI 12C new components
- design with new mapping
- Understand Knowledge Module structures

What you'll learn

100% Student Satisfaction Guarantee. How we can provide this. When you have any issue about ODI
We will be able to live session over your machine. Remember and don't hesitate to ask me any questions.In the end of the course
you’ll be able to develop and design all kind of ODI jobs(Packages
ETL cycle
Development Jobs with using ODI 12C new components
design with new mapping
Understand Knowledge Module structures
Create Topology and understand installation logic
Step by Step ODI 12C Components and Structures
Load Tables with different Knowledge Modul
Mapping Designing

* Requirements

* Internet Access
* Basic knowledge about SQL


Would you like to be an ODI/ETL Developer with  ODI 12C Training? ODI 12C is a last version of Oracle's integrator tool.  In order to professionalize you at this topic, we gathered up all of the trainings and performed the application of the theorical informations to provide a better education.

After obtaining these informations, you’ll learn ODI objects/new components and design new packages/mappings. . In this training, all of the abilities that a ETL and ODI developers  must have will be explained.  You’ll be able to have a wide range of informations over the topics listed bellow:

ODI (Oracle Data Integrator) 12C

  • Introduction to Oracle Data Integrator 12C
  • ODI Studio Components
  • ODI Repositories
  • Creating Master Repository
  • Creating work Repository
  • Overview of Topology Navigator
  • Creating Physical Architecture
  • Creating a Data Server
  • Testing a Data Server Connection
  • Creating a Physical Schema
  • Creating Logical Architecture
  • New features in ODI 12C
  • using new components in ODI 12C 
  • Overview of Logical Architecture and Context Views
  • Linking the Logical and Physical Architecture
  • Understanding Metadata in ODI
  • Understanding Reverse Engineering
  • Creating Models
  • Organizing Models
  • Creating Data stores
  • Overview of ODI Projects
  • Creating a New Project
  • Introduction to Knowledge Modules
  • Types of Knowledge modules
  • Creating a Basic Interface
  • Designing an Interface
  • Integration knowledge module (IKM) overview
  • Using Knowledge Modules (KM) with ODI Interface
  • Executing the interface
  • Operator Overview
  • Viewing the session log in operator
  • Exploring the code in operator
  • Creating simple mappings
  • Setting knowledge module option Truncate to True
  • Join Transformations
  • Set Operators Transformations
  • Creating Packages in ODI

Why you should have this course?

This is not a theorical education. All of  lessons are implemented in my machine. You can find all steps that you need to know when you want to develop a project in ODI 12C. I’m moving on with examples over ODI suitable for data warehouse structure and heavily used in the real projects.

With various documents and end-of-chapter quizes, I aim to reinforce the topics.

As being more than 6 years in the sector and being an instructor in companies that have big DWH structures, I provide this course.

You are choosing an instructor that can provide support for any type of questions about the training or about DWH structures that does not fall within the training.

Who this course is for:

  • Students
  • Developers and Analysts
  • Private company employees
  • Those who wants to develop themselves in Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence subjects
  • Data Scientists
  • Those who wants to learn ODI product and develop themselves in this subject

Course content

13 sections • 64 lectures

Introduction Preview 06:13

How to go forward for this course

Why lots of installation steps

How to understand the points

My Backgroung and ODI Preview 01:54

to share my ODI experience with you

Data warehouse and Data Lake Preview 06:15

What is the meaning of data warehouse and data lake

why they are using

What kind of environment they can serve to us

ETL and ELT Preview 14:17

What is the picture of data flow

what does the meaning of ETL/ELT

Necessary Things for ODI Preview 13:43

What do we need to install

How is ODI working with them

Important Points for ETL Lifecycle Preview 19:30

Why we need to use ODI or other Tools to get data

How is ETL lifecycle

Data flow for ACID as set of properties of database transaction

Let's read all of these terminology Preview 03:45

Section Introduction - Description Preview 05:58

What is the meaning of quickstart installation

Why we will go forward 2 different type installation method

Downloading Quickstart Installation Preview 04:36

Which webpage we can download ODI quickstart environment

how to install virtualbox

Importing Quickstart Image to VirtualBOX Preview 09:35

Open Quickstart Demo ova file into VirtualBOX

Open ODI studio

Connect to existing repository

Test - Repository Connection Preview 19:42

After prepared the environment which should have Oracle DB, SQL Developer, ODI Studio and its connections, so we can test them now if they are running properly or not.

How to reach to Database Tables

Open topology and test the connections

Installation Option 2 Introduction Preview 07:07

Description of Section

Who should perform same steps

What will be the requirements in your real projects and relation with this section

Creating a VM and installing Centos Preview 21:21

Creating a virtual machine and installing Centos to it.

Configuration Centos Settings Preview 15:40

Configuration and Checking the prerequisites  before oracle

Installation Oracle DB Preview 42:56

Reaching to Virtual Machine from Host machine

Uploading the installation file into virtual machine

Starting the installation

Checking DB situation

Connection to users at Database Preview 05:43

Starting Database

How to reach over Putty to new Database with command line

End of database install part Quiz 1

What did we learn from Centos Environment

Configuration Java JDK on centos Preview 04:23

Java installation on centos

Installation ODI 12C Preview 20:39

How to install ODI from centos Command

RCU Running (Master and Work Repository OS Commands) Preview 17:36

How to connect to Database from ODI

How to create a new Repository User for ODI

SUPERVISOR USER and Privileges

Downloading and installation Oracle Data Integrator 12C Preview 12:00

You can find all step in here ODI and Database.

Physical - Logical Schema - Context Relations Preview 22:42

What is Physical Schema

What is Logical Schema

Why we need to use Context

How to Get All Tables from Database User Preview 07:13

How to get all tables from Database User into ODI

Optional / Creating Model More Detail Preview 17:22

Importing tables that we will use them into Mapping and Package.

Overview ODI Interface Preview 19:05

We can say Interface from ODI 11g, we will see its name as Mapping.

Mappings and Projects Logic Preview 06:27

What is the logic of Projects and Mappings

How is their relation between each other

Basic Mapping and ETL Preview 06:35

How to load data into a new target table

How to show new table to ODI 12C

Create Source text/csv file Preview 02:40

Which type of file we should save for reading later

What is csv file

Upload the File to Correct Area Preview 06:00

Over Winscp How to upload the correct area which we will use later that path on ODI to show file to it.

Defining Source Topology Physical Architecture Preview 08:07

Why we have to use Physical Schema

How to define Data server for Source files

Defining Source Topology Logical Architecture Preview 06:07

how to create logical schema and connect to a Physical schema

Defining Source Designer Model Preview 04:50

How to change file to an object in ODI

How to create a new datastore for File and show column names as attributes

Preparing The Target Table Preview 03:34

How to prepare a target table for a source file with the fastest way

Defining columns and types

Preparing mapping from Source to Target Preview 06:36

Create a new Mapping

move your datastores into mapping area

Run the mapping

see the results

Optional / Importing the Knowledge Modules Preview 05:27

How to import Knowledge Module

The types of Knowledge Modules

Summary Steps of Extracting Data From File Preview 05:07

Summary for all steps in order to see basically

For Which Scenarios Extracting directly from files 

Knowledge Modul Setup Preview 05:07

Importing some important knowledge modules and you can meet knowledge module.

Using Hardcode Data Preview 11:44

Hardcode data that is mean what we want to see in our target table, we need to enter manually.

Creating a Basic Package Preview 18:27

We have created a few mapping and we can use them into a package.

Project Interface Setup Preview 12:17

We can start developing sample projects.

Creating Scenario Preview 09:29

Scenario that is like a snapshot of mapping or package. 

Declaring a Variable Preview 17:03

Using a variable in a package. Variable has a value that can be string , number or date. in this section you will learn using string and number.

Using ETL_DATE Variable Preview 09:49

A date variable can be used lots of projects. 

Lookup Tables Preview 10:43

Lookup tables has some values, they are usually description of a value. 

Configuration Settings for Cassandra Preview 10:15

how to prepare to run Cassandra Properly

Installation Cassandra to use with ODI Preview 07:07

How to install Cassandra on Centos

Connection to cqlsh and scripting Preview 09:06

How to write query for cassandra after connection

Create a new keyspace and a new table

inserting data into new table

Connect to Cassandra over ODI - Topology and Model Creation Preview 09:38

How to create a Data Server for connecting to cassandra

Creating a model in order to see tables they belongs to cassandra

View cassandra table data over ODI

Loading Data from Cassandra into Oracle Preview 09:31

How to get data from Cassandra to Oracle/Relational

Export data from Cassandra to a File Preview 06:22

How to prepare a map for extracting data from cassandra to a file

Using Join And Filter Preview 14:44

Using Joing between more then one tables and some filters.

Join Component (New Features) Preview 11:18

The components are new features in ODI 12C. And we will see using Join Component in this section.

Distinct Component (New Features) Preview 07:18

Distinct component is used for checking dublicate rows. it is a new feature in ODI 12C.

Sequence Component in a Mapping Preview 10:27

Performing sequence in a target table.

Split Component (New Feature) Preview 10:02

For seperating datas over some cases we need to use split component. This is new feature in ODI.

Aggregate Component (New Feature) Preview 22:14

Aggregate component is a new feature in ODI. we can use it for using "SUM", "COUNT" or any math formulas.

Using Subquery Component with different Approach Preview 04:47

continuing with subquery component

Union Component (New Features) Preview 09:08

Union combines more than one results. But we shouldn't forget all scripts have same column number and character types. 

Subquery Component (New Features) Preview 14:27

When we want to use "not in" or "in" or equal with other column that is in other table we can use subquery component. it is a new feature in ODI 12C.

Expression Component (New Features) Preview 14:02

Expression component can be used for heaping some results. We will see it.

Sort Component (New Features) Preview 06:20

Sorting Data over a number column using Sort component. it is new feature in ODI 12C.

Reusable Mapping (New Features) Preview 08:53

We will see how to use a reuseble mapping. And understand why it is used.

Designing Physical and Logical Schemas on Another Type Preview 17:22

We'll create and design  Physical and Logical Schema. Everything that you will need about topology in this section.

How to Seperate DEV/PROD Environments Preview 12:37

how to design ODI Environment

You need to Consider DEV/PROD environment