3dmotive Learn The Basics Of Blueprints In Unreal 4

Understand how to add action items in UE4 for game design like moving doors, toggling lights on and off, and more!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.6

- Learn to create Blueprints in UE4
- Learn to open doors
- Toggle Lights
- Pickup doors
- and more in UE4

What you'll learn

Learn to create Blueprints in UE4
Learn to open doors
Toggle Lights
Pickup doors
and more in UE4

* Requirements

* Epic's Unreal 4


In this course, Kyle Horwood will go over an introduction of blueprints inside of UE4. Using the level provided, he will be utilizing level blueprints within UE4 to create toggleable lights that when active allow a door within the level to open. In addition, he will be using Blueprint Classes to create a locked door that needs a key to open, and use the UMG features within UE4 to create a HUD to let us know if the player has the key.

(Students - please look under Section 1 / Lecture 1 downloads for the source files associated with the lesson.)

More about the Instructor:

Since graduating university in 2012, Kyle has contributed to multiple small game projects. In addition, during his time at University he contributed as an assistant lecturer while learning and exploring his passion for 3d modelling, sculpting, texturing, and video game design.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to Intermediate game designers ready to learn how to create action items inside of Unreal 4
  • Students with a base understanding of UE4

Course content

1 sections • 11 lectures

Download Course Files Here! Preview 00:05

Introduction Preview 00:52

UE4 Blueprint UI Interface Preview 04:56

Blueprint Classes Preview 03:02

Toggle Lights in Level Blueprints Preview 11:40

Moving a Door in Blueprints Preview 10:46

Creating the Key Pickup Preview 08:40

Creating the Key HUD Preview 07:38

Creating the Door Class Preview 16:06

Finishing Touches and Course Wrapup Preview 06:24

Bonus Lecture: Further Learning with 3dmotive Preview 00:18