Powershell For Active Directory Administrators

Use PowerShell to manage Active Directory users, computer, groups, security settings and more on Windows Server

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Manager Active Directory users
- computers and groups using PowerShell
- Bulk import of accounts into Active Directory
- Automate tasks using powershell

What you'll learn

Manager Active Directory users
computers and groups using PowerShell
Bulk import of accounts into Active Directory
Automate tasks using powershell
Deploy domain controllers using powershell

* Requirements

* Basic knowledge of PowerShell
* Knowledge of how to install Active Directory to create a domain controller
* Basic knowledge of Active Directory administration
* Basic knowledge of Active Directory objects


This is a 'living' course that will be continuously updated.

This powershell course is designed for those that work with active directory on a regular basis that needs to automate tasks using powershell. 

  • Create and modify active directory user accounts with powershell

  • Learn to import active directory users in bulk using .CSV files using powershell

  • Create and manage active directory computer accounts with powershell

  • Create and manage active directory group membership and properties with powershell

  • Understand the security issues related to powershell and powershell remoting

  • Install active directory using powershell

  • Manage Server Core operating system locally and remotely using powershell

  • Search for inactive user accounts and inactive computer accounts

  • Enable the active directory recycle bin

  • Learn the capabilities of the Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC)

  • And more. . .

Who this course is for:

  • Those that manage Users, Computers, Groups or perform other Active Directory related tasks
  • Admins with a need to utilize powershell for automation
  • Active Directory administrators that need to learn more about powershell

Course content

15 sections • 24 lectures

Introduction Preview 01:10

Course introduction

IMPORTANT: Udemy Player Settings Preview 01:12

Udemy has had issues with some videos having moments of blurred screens. The cause of this is the Auto (1080p) setting in the Udemy player that dynamically changes at times. The recommendation is to change the Udemy player setting to 720p- that will stop all blurriness in Udemy videos.

Playback Speed Preview 00:28

Wishlist Preview 00:27

PowerShell Overview Preview 02:41

Some things about powershell that you need to know before we start managing active directory

Understanding the PowerShell Console Preview 11:04

Learn powershell features that will be used later in the course

PowerShell Logging

Using Help in PowerShell Preview 11:19

Understand how to use help to ensure you are using the proper syntax

PowerShell Help

Understanding Powershell ISE Preview 11:21

Explore the benefits of powershell ISE (Integrated Scripting Engine)

Creating new user accounts using Powershell ISE Preview 21:38

Creating new user accounts in powershell ISE

Import accounts using .CSV files Preview 20:02

Learn to create a .CSV file and import accounts into active directory using powershell

Supplying Credentials within a PowerShell script Preview 05:50

Manage Active Directory Computer accounts using Powershell Preview 07:03

Learn to create computer accounts using powershell

Manage groups using Powershell Preview 09:10

Lean to manage groups using powershell

Locate inactive accounts using Powershell Preview 10:15

Locate accounts that have not logged in within a specific timeframe.

Updating objects using Powershell Preview 09:30

Update existing active directory objects using powershell

Powershell Remoting Preview 09:23

Learn how to remotely connect to a server and perform powershell administration

Securing Powershell remoting Preview 04:00

Learn how to increase security for powershell remoting.  Restrict powershell remoting to specific IP addresses/subnets, users and computers, and interface types

Using the Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC) Preview 08:28

Learn the benefits of the Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC) and how it relates to powershell

Implementing the Active Directory Recycle Bin Preview 07:06

Implement the active directory recycle bin

Understanding Powershell Providers Preview 07:16

Learn how to determine powershell providers and run various commands to locate domain controllers and specific services within the enterprise

Installing a domain controller using powershell Preview 17:36

Learn to install active directory domain services (AD DS) using powershell