Eduvance Arduino

Tags: Arduino

This course is aimed at giving students a basic introduction towards Arduino and interfacing various components with it.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.2

- Basics of Arduino IDE
- Fundamentals of LEDs
- Seven Segment Displays
- LCDs
- Matrix Keypads.
- Programming basics in C

What you'll learn

Basics of Arduino IDE
Fundamentals of LEDs
Seven Segment Displays
Matrix Keypads.
Programming basics in C
How to interface Arduino with various components
Different Arduino Interfaces

* Requirements

* A PC/Laptop with Linux or Windows
* Internet connection


This course aims at giving the student a basic introduction to Arduino. The course will also discuss the basics of various electrical components like LEDs, Seven Segment Displays, LCDs, Matrix Keypads. The course will discuss the interfacing of an Arduino platform with these components.

The course will also include a hands on component where students can access an Arduino Board remotely and test their experiments.

Who this course is for:

  • Students with a background in Electrical/ Electronics / Electronics and Communication engineering

Course content

6 sections • 24 lectures

Intro to Arduino Preview 20:43

Basics of Arduino Programming Preview 12:33

Digital Outputs Preview 05:54

Led Blinking Using Arduino Preview 17:36

Program Explanation - LED Preview 06:07

Lab Session - LED Interface Preview 07:11

Basics of Arduino and LED program

Seven Segment Basics Preview 20:30

Program Explanation - Seven Segment Interface Preview 15:22

Lab Session - Seven Segment Interface Using Arduino Preview 05:10

Lab Session - Seven Segment Impementation Preview 03:36

Seven Segment Display

Character LCD Basics Preview 19:59

Program Explanation - LCD Interface Preview 07:14

Lab Session - LCD Connections Preview 05:19

Lab Session - LCD Interface Implementations Preview 05:37


Program Explanation - Switches and LEDs Preview 16:49

Lab Session - Switches and LED Connections Preview 03:43

Lab Session - Switches and LED Lab Implementation Preview 05:26

Switches and LEDs

Intro to Analog and Potentiometer Interface with Arduino Preview 13:27

Potentiometer and LCD Interface Preview 06:21
