Relationship Management In Corporate Banking

Tags: Banking

How to acquire and manage successful Corporate Client Relationships in Corporate Banking

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Know how to acquire and sustain profitable Client Relationships
- and how to offer the right products with correct pricing
- Learn how credit transactions get approved by addressing all relevant risks and properly defending the proposed structure
- Understand why knowing the Client's business ('Know Your Client' process) is so crucial to assess risks and prevent losses

What you'll learn

Know how to acquire and sustain profitable Client Relationships
and how to offer the right products with correct pricing
Learn how credit transactions get approved by addressing all relevant risks and properly defending the proposed structure
Understand why knowing the Client's business ('Know Your Client' process) is so crucial to assess risks and prevent losses
Know what are the Compliance aspects around Client Relationships and the potential damage of not complying or monitor them
Identify when a Credit Agreement is sufficiently solid and strong and how to negotiate it with the Client
Know how to prepare for Client meetings
and lead negotiations on pricing
credit structures and conflict situations

* Requirements

* Basic knowledge of a company's Financial Statements (Balance Sheet
* Profit&Loss
* Cash Flow) and Financial Analysis
* Fair knowledge of banking in general
* and banking products including loan products
* Basic understanding of why companies need banks and vice versa


This course will bring you to the world of large Corporates and the Corporate Bankers/Relationship Managers that deal with them. Relationship Managers are in the driving seat of Corporate Client Relationships: they set the pace of what happens between the Corporate Client and the Bank, and Banks depend on their capabilities, strategy and performance to achieve results. This course gives you an extensive overview of what is the day to day job of a Relationship Manager in Corporate Banking. 

Managing Corporate Client Relationships requires specific knowledge, high professional standards, several skills, and involves many responsibilities. The course will describe which they are and what it takes to master them all. 

Corporate Client Relationships are often based on large financing deals. Therefore, the course leads you through the process of properly pricing financing offers to the Client, and then through your role in the preparation of credit applications, and how to best prepare to convince approval bodies that the lending relationship you propose is one that the bank should pursue. 

The course will teach you about crucial topics in Legal and Compliance that a Relationship Manager must dominate, and about your involvement in negotiating a Credit Agreement - one that the Client accepts but also protects the Bank from all the risks it is exposed to. You will learn about leading client meetings, negotiation skills, and corporate banking products. And why not only acquire but also maintain a Corporate Client Relationship that is sustainable and profitable is key for the bank. You will also learn about the rules for socializing with clients and how important they are. All this will be given to you from the perspective of an insider, as if you would be already in the Clients' Department of the Bank, feeling the emotion and challenge that will face you day by day.

After this course, you will be ready to go out there, experience the job, and with time and dedication become a successful and excellent Corporate Banker. 

(if there is music included, credits go to: The Beginning - Factor Eight by Tune Core.)

Who this course is for:

  • Young graduates interested in taking up a Corporate Banking career that want to know what will be expected of them
  • Bank Employees aspiring to a Relationship Manager position within Corporate Banking (or who desire to understand more about it)
  • Recent hired Employees in the Relationship Management or Corporate Lending Departments with little (or without) previous experience
  • University students looking for a basis for first job interviews for Corporate Banking positions or for preparing dissertation on Corporate Banking topics

Course content

13 sections • 45 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:25

This introduction explains briefly what Corporate Banking means, and the context of the Relationship Manager Position the Corporate Banking world.

The Relationship Manager's Job Description Preview 10:10

What are the main tasks and responsibilities of the Relationship Manager and what mainly characterizes the role within the Banking organisation.

How is Client Acquisition Organised Preview 14:13

How are acquisitions organised in Corporate Banking and in the Client's Department. What to expect from prospect lists and how to approach them.

How to target a new client - first/cold calls Preview 12:37

Client Maintenance and Follow up Preview 12:09

The tasks behind maintaining a client. The importance of acting upon feedback, following up on client's needs and performance, and being pro-active. 

Prioritizing Client Lists

Identify which is the best criteria to influence your prioritization for contacting potential clients 

Ahead of the meeting: how to prepare Preview 21:04

What to think about and how to prepare ahead of client meetings. 

Acquisition meetings Preview 12:46

Follow up/Negotiation meetings Preview 16:22

Why follow up meetings are so important to maintain client relationships and how to prepare for the most unpleasant ones on the most difficult topics.

Why is KYC essential in Corporate Banking Preview 04:39

Know Your Client is one of the most crucial concepts in Corporate Banking. It is the basis for the Relationship Manager's performance on his job and essential for the acquisition efforts as well as during the lifetime of the relationship.

KYC source 1: The Client's Management and contact persons Preview 04:22

The well known "wine&dine" expression is often misunderstood in the context of the Relationship Manager's responsibilities. Entertaining the proper contact people is essential to maintain a solid relationship with the Client. However, there are rules.

KYC source 2: Analysis of the Client's Financial Accounts Preview 04:58

The Client's financial performance not only gives valuable information about the Client's activities but also contributes to prevent distress situations and provide valuable red flag information. And it can also contain hints of business opportunities.

KYC source 3: Products&Services in use or with potential Preview 02:59

A continuous care related to the products and services used by the Client is crucial. But not less so is the permanent need to discover what additional alternatives could be offered/explored for improvement. The lecture also touches upon Chinese Walls principles.

KYC source 4: Compliance and Regulatory Requirements Preview 12:33

A number of important regulations apply to the Client account maintenance and sufficient care is to be given to the Client's regulatory behavior.

KYC source 5: Common Sense and Intuition Preview 03:27

Often disregarded but extremely important feature in every Relationship Manager. It can at times be determinant for the success or failure of the Relationship.

KYC process Fundamentals

Learn to understand what type of information is relevant and can be used for the KYC process of a new (under acquisition) client

Proper calculation of the total Client Relationship profitability Preview 02:42

The correct Pricing of Products Towards the Client Preview 11:55

Pricing offers must take into account not only the expected profitability but also correspond to what the client wants to pay. How do Relationship Managers go about getting the price right.

The relation between Cost of Funding and Loan Pricing Preview 11:39

How and where does the bank get the funds to pass on to clients. What are the risks associated with funding loans and what are some of the mechanisms used.

What is a sustainable Client Relationship and why it matters Preview 03:42

Why and why not to onboard a client

Explore the possible reasons behind the decision of NOT starting a new Corporate Relationship, or why to still start one when hurdles rates are not met

In what way the Credit Application is the Relationship Manager's responsibility Preview 15:00

Depending on the Bank's organisational structure, preparation of the pack may be the responsibility of the Lending Department. So why would the Relationship Manager still be responsible for its contents?

The several Sections of the Credit Pack and their content means Preview 12:26

Learn all the important sections to include in the Credit Application and additional concepts to take into account to make it complete, professional  and acceptable for approval bodies. 

Approving or Declining Credit requests

Now you get to be the approval body! A few examples of credit requests with simplified explanations and reasons for recommendation by the Relationship Manager and Lending Specialist will be presented. Your task is to decide to approve, decline, or approve with conditions.

Approval process and what happens after approval or decline Preview 14:55

What happens after an approval and what can still be done after a decline. The rebound process.

How to measure the several risks (risk levels) and how to monitor them Preview 07:30

It is not sufficient to know what risks to look for in a Client Relationship. You also need to know how to assess and monitor them, in order to avoid or at least prevent dangerous situations for the Bank, financially or reputation wise.

Early Warning Signals and Red Flags, Ongoing risk assessment Preview 13:35

Besides the risks described in the Credit Pack, there are other risks to take into account while the Client relationship exists. Have a deep enough view into what are the main risks and what they may represent for the Bank.

Non Financial Risks and Reporting of Incidents Preview 11:40

What are non-financial risks in the Bank and how they relate to Relationship Managers.

Compliance and Legal aspects in the Corporate Client Relationship Preview 06:26

Compliance and Legal as protecting mechanisms for the bank.  The importance of complying with regulatory aspects in client relationships, what are they,  and the damage that may happen if banks don't. 

Compliance and Legal: Essential for the Bank's protection Preview 10:48

Irregular/Out-of-Normal Transactions, Public Officials, Gifts&Entertainment Preview 11:06

Be open and Transparent Preview 03:56

Inside information and Cartels Preview 10:10

How crucial it is to keep client information confidential. How dangerous are cartel practices and restrictive agreements  - how they deform the ideal open and transparent market competition principles.

Preparation of Agreements, General Conditions and Basics of Negotiation Preview 26:32

What is the usual process of preparation of Legal Agreements - particularly Lending Agreements - in Corporate Banking. Main topics and Clauses where to expect client resistance and negotiation arguments that may be used.

Important Clauses in Loan Agreements - Interpretation for the Bank's protection Preview 19:47

Collateral considerations and Letters of Comfort Preview 10:23

Why security is important for the Bank, and when it is OK to finance a Borrower without it. We discuss the value of Letters of Comfort.

Understanding how Legal Clauses protect the Bank in Credit Agreements

Using the same 3 company cases we worked with under the Credit Application assignment, think about which clauses/covenants would help to protect the bank in each case.

Product Departments Preview 05:20

Support Departments and External Parties Preview 06:30

How support departments are important for the job of the Relationship Manager. Which are the external parties - besides the Clients - you can expect to encounter as Corporate Banker.

Qualitative Targets and Quantitative Targets Preview 08:36

Performance approvals are to be expected to discuss achievement of targets and areas for improvement. Which concrete targets will likely be given to Relationship Managers and what is their purpose.

Striving for Improvement and the Bank's overall performance Preview 05:31

Relationship Management with Financial Institutions as Clients Preview 03:11

How Relationship Managers manage the relationship with clients that are not only corporates but financial institutions.

Bonus lecture: How do Club Loans work Preview 07:54

Final Remarks Preview 01:07

How Sustainability is Changing the Financial Sector Preview 01:33

This lecture lets you know that because you enrolled in this course, you will receive a coupon to assess my Course on how Sustainability is changing the Financial Sector for free. Check out the details in the lecture.