Regression Analysis For Statistics Machine Learning In R

Learn Complete Hands-On Regression Analysis for Practical Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning in R

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Implement and infer Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression using R
- Apply statistical and machine learning based regression models to deals with problems such as multicollinearity
- Carry out variable selection and assess model accuracy using techniques like cross-validation

What you'll learn

Implement and infer Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression using R
Apply statistical and machine learning based regression models to deals with problems such as multicollinearity
Carry out variable selection and assess model accuracy using techniques like cross-validation
Implement and infer Generalized Linear Models (GLMS)
including using logistic regression as a binary classifier
Build machine learning based regression models and test their robustness in R
Learn when and how machine learning models should be applied
Compare different different machine learning algorithms for regression modelling

* Requirements

* Should have prior experience of working with R and RStudio
* Should have basic knowledge of statistics
* Should have prior experience of using simple linear regression modelling
* Should have interest in building on the previous concepts to learn which regression models are applicable under different circumstances
* Should have an interest in learning the machine learning based regression models in R


            With so many R Statistics & Machine Learning courses around, why  enroll for this ?

Regression analysis is one of the central aspects of both statistical and machine learning based analysis. This course will teach you regression analysis for both statistical data analysis and machine learning in R in a practical hands-on manner. It explores the relevant concepts  in a practical manner from basic to expert level. This course can help you achieve better grades, give you new analysis tools for your academic career, implement your knowledge in a work setting or make business forecasting related decisions. All of this while exploring the wisdom of an Oxford and Cambridge educated researcher.

My name is MINERVA SINGH and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources  using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. This course is based on my years of regression modelling experience and implementing different regression models on real life data.  Most statistics and machine learning courses and books only touch upon the basic aspects of regression analysis. This does not teach the students about all the different regression analysis techniques they can apply to their own data in both academic and business setting, resulting in inaccurate modelling. My course will change this. You will go all the way from implementing and inferring simple OLS (ordinary least square) regression models to dealing with issues of multicollinearity in regression to machine learning based regression models. 

Become a Regression Analysis Expert and Harness the Power of R for Your Analysis

  • Get started with R and RStudio. Install these on your system, learn to load packages and read in different types of data in R
  • Carry out data cleaning and data visualization using R
  • Implement ordinary least square (OLS) regression in R and learn how to interpret the results.
  • Learn how to deal with multicollinearity both through variable selection and regularization techniques such as ridge regression
  • Carry out variable and regression model selection using both statistical and machine learning techniques, including using cross-validation methods .
  • Evaluate regression model accuracy
  • Implement generalized linear models (GLMs) such as logistic regression and Poisson regression. Use logistic regression as a binary classifier to distinguish between male and female voices.
  • Use non-parametric techniques such as Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to work with non-linear and non-parametric data. 
  • Work with tree-based machine learning models
  • Implement machine learning methods such as random forest regression and gradient boosting machine regression for improved regression prediction accuracy.
  • Carry out model selection

Become a Regression Analysis Pro and Apply Your Knowledge on Real-Life Data

This course is your one shot way of acquiring the knowledge of statistical and machine learning analysis that I acquired from the rigorous training received at two of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal like PLOS One. Specifically the course will:

   (a) Take the students with a basic level statistical knowledge to performing some of the most common advanced regression analysis based techniques

   (b) Equip students to use R for performing the different statistical and machine learning data analysis and visualization tasks 

   (c) Introduce some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts to students in a practical manner such that the students can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation

   (d) Students will get a strong background in some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts for regression analysis.

   (e) Students will be able to decide which regression analysis techniques are best suited to answer their research questions and applicable to their data and interpret the results

It is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to both statistical and machine learning regression analysis. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different  techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects. 

TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with this course is a success.

Who this course is for:

  • People who have completed my course on Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis in R (or equivalent experience)
  • People with basic knowledge of R based statistical modelling
  • People with knowledge of linear regression modelling
  • People wanting to extend their knowledge of regression modelling for solving real world problems.
  • People wanting to learn how to apply machine learning based regression models using R
  • Undergraduates and postgraduates seeking to deepen their knowledge of statistical and machine learning analysis
  • Academic researchers seeking to learn new techniques for data analysis
  • Business data analysts who wish to use regression modelling for predictive analysis

Course content

8 sections • 62 lectures

INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE: The Key Concepts and Software Tools Preview 01:15

Data For the Course Preview 00:03

Difference Between Statistical Analysis & Machine Learning Preview 05:36

Getting Started with R and R Studio Preview 06:36

Reading in Data with R Preview 15:28

Data Cleaning with R Preview 17:12

Some More Data Cleaning with R Preview 08:05

Basic Exploratory Data Analysis in R Preview 18:53

Conclusion to Section 1 Preview 01:58

OLS Regression- Theory Preview 10:44

OLS-Implementation Preview 08:40

More on Result Interpretations Preview 07:46

Confidence Interval-Theory Preview 06:06

Calculate the Confidence Interval in R Preview 04:53

Confidence Interval and OLS Regressions Preview 07:19

Linear Regression without Intercept Preview 03:40

Implement ANOVA on OLS Regression Preview 03:37

Multiple Linear Regression Preview 06:27

Multiple Linear regression with Interaction and Dummy Variables Preview 15:05

Some Basic Conditions that OLS Models Have to Fulfill Preview 12:56

Conclusions to Section 2 Preview 02:55

Identify Multicollinearity Preview 16:42

Doing Regression Analyses with Correlated Predictor Variables Preview 05:36

Principal Component Regression in R Preview 10:39

Partial Least Square Regression in R Preview 07:33

Ridge Regression in R Preview 07:22

LASSO Regression Preview 04:24

Conclusion to Section 3 Preview 02:00

Why Do Any Kind of Selection? Preview 04:40

Select the Most Suitable OLS Regression Model Preview 13:19

Select Model Subsets Preview 08:22

Machine Learning Perspective on Evaluate Regression Model Accuracy Preview 07:10

Evaluate Regression Model Performance Preview 14:26

LASSO Regression for Variable Selection Preview 03:42

Identify the Contribution of Predictors in Explaining the Variation in Y Preview 08:38

Conclusions to Section 4 Preview 01:35

Data Transformations Preview 12:17

Robust Regression-Deal with Outliers Preview 06:58

Dealing with Heteroscedasticity Preview 07:12

Conclusions to Section 5 Preview 01:12

What are GLMs? Preview 05:25

Logistic regression Preview 16:18

Logistic Regression for Binary Response Variable Preview 09:10

Multinomial Logistic Regression Preview 06:11

Regression for Count Data Preview 06:19

Goodness of fit testing Preview 03:43

Conclusions to Section 6 Preview 02:12

Work With Non-Parametric and Non-Linear Data Preview 00:20

Polynomial and Non-linear regression Preview 09:45

Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) in R Preview 14:09

Boosted GAM Regression Preview 06:15

Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS) Preview 08:06

Machine Learning Regression-Tree Based Methods Preview 00:16

CART-Regression Trees in R Preview 10:54

Conditional Inference Trees Preview 05:45

Random Forest(RF) Preview 11:52

Gradient Boosting Regression Preview 04:10

ML Model Selection Preview 05:31

Conclusions to Section 7 Preview 01:45

Read in DTA Extension File Preview 04:03

Getting Acquainted with Github Desktop Preview 05:16

Using R Colab Preview 06:07