Timesheet Management Solution With Powerapps

Real-Life Business Solutions Series: Build your own Timesheet Management App for your Office 365 Environment

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.7

- Learn to create a real-life business solution with PowerApps / Microsoft Power Platform
- Create free trial Office 365 E5 tenancy (if you don't want to experiment in your production tenancy)
- Prepare data sources for the Timesheet Management PowerApp solution with provided SharePoint list templates

What you'll learn

Learn to create a real-life business solution with PowerApps / Microsoft Power Platform
Create free trial Office 365 E5 tenancy (if you don't want to experiment in your production tenancy)
Prepare data sources for the Timesheet Management PowerApp solution with provided SharePoint list templates
Create required SharePoint lists
initialize necessary data
and create data connections for the PowerApp
Create the Timesheet Management PowerApp's landing screen with buttons for different functions
Create the Timesheet Submission screen and submission form - select a week
select an approver
fill timesheet and submit
Create the View My Timesheets screen - to allow the employees to view their own timesheets securely
Create the Approve Timesheets screen - to allow the managers/approvers to approve timesheets
Create email notification functionality - to send automatic emails to approvers and employees
Create the Search Timesheets screen - to allow the app admins or Payroll officers to search all employees' timesheets
Create People Picker control for Approver and Admins searching and selection
Create the Delete timesheets functionality for the App admins
Create the Timesheet Reporting function - to allow the app admins or Payroll officers to reprot on all timesheets
Create the App's Settings screen - to allow the app admins to configure various settings of the app
Use variables
data connections
and various PowerApps functions to build the whole solution
Integrate Timesheet Reports with the PowerApp
Test the Timesheet App with test data and end-to-end timesheet submission and approval workflow
Export and deploy the Timesheet Management solution in your production Office 365 tenancy

* Requirements

* A basic understanding of Office 365 tenant
* A basic understanding of PowerApps and SharePoint Lists
* An Office 365 tenant to build the solution. We will show you how to create a free trial Office 365 tenant.


  • Learn to create a real-life business solution with PowerApps / Microsoft Power Platform
  • Create free trial Office 365 E5 tenancy (if you don't want to experiment in your production tenancy)
  • Prepare data sources for the Timesheet Management PowerApp solution with provided SharePoint list templates
  • Create required SharePoint lists, initialize necessary data, and create data connections for the PowerApp
  • Create the Timesheet Management PowerApp's landing screen with buttons for different functions
  • Create the Timesheet Submission screen and submission form - select a week, select an approver, fill timesheet and submit
  • Create the View My Timesheets screen - to allow the employees to view their own timesheets securely
  • Create the Approve Timesheets screen - to allow the managers/approvers to approve timesheets
  • Create email notification functionality - to send automatic emails to approvers and employees
  • Create the Search Timesheets screen - to allow the app admins or Payroll officers to search all employees' timesheets
  • Create People Picker control for Approver and Admins searching and selection
  • Create the Delete timesheets functionality for the App admins
  • Create the Timesheet Reporting function - to allow the app admins or Payroll officers to reprot on all timesheets
  • Create the App's Settings screen - to allow the app admins to configure various settings of the app
  • Use variables, collections, galleries, tables, forms, data connections, and various PowerApps functions to build the whole solution
  • Integrate Timesheet Reports with the PowerApp
  • Test the Timesheet App with test data and end-to-end timesheet submission and approval workflow
  • Export and deploy the Timesheet Management solution in your production Office 365 tenancy

Course content

12 sections • 75 lectures

Introduction Preview 14:54

Course Outline Preview 08:01

Create Microsoft Outlook.com account Preview 03:05

Create Free Trial Office 365 E5 Tenant Preview 09:06

Section Introduction Preview 01:25

Create SharePoint site the correct way Preview 10:50

Create SharePoint lists using the provided list templates Preview 10:29

Initialize SharePoint lists with required data Preview 06:56

Section Introduction Preview 01:25

Create the new PowerApp Preview 03:34

Setup App's Start parameters Preview 03:11

Design Home Screen Preview 11:54

Add Buttons for Various Functions - Subit, View, Search, etc. Preview 05:51

Section Introduction Preview 01:17

Create Data Connections for SharePoint Lists Preview 03:48

Create Data Connections for Outlook and Office 365 Users Preview 02:57

Section Introduction Preview 02:48

Create Submit Timesheets Screen Preview 05:05

Create Week selection drop down control Preview 23:00

Calculate and Display selected week's Start and End dates Preview 06:29

Create People Picker Control to select the timesheet Approver Preview 11:52

Filter People Picker Control Preview 07:20

In this lecture, you will learn to filter the People Picker control to display only the active users.

Create the Collection for Timesheet Form - Part 1 Preview 12:10

Create the Collection for Timesheet Form - Part 2 Preview 14:27

Create the Timesheet Submission Form - Part 1 Preview 19:40

Create the Timesheet Submission Form - Part 2 Preview 11:09

Timesheet Form: Calculating Number of Working Hours Preview 24:24

Create the Timesheet Submission Form - Part 3 Preview 05:25

Create the Save Timesheet functionality Preview 26:20

Adjust the Form for Pre-saved Timesheets Preview 21:03

Adjust the Save Timesheet functionality Preview 27:21

Create the Submit Timesheet for Approval functionality Preview 15:55

Send Email Notification to Approvers Preview 23:10

Perform Form Data Validation Preview 31:54

Create Preloader Spinner Component for Data Saving/Loading Preview 21:04

Section Conclusion Preview 03:21

Share screenshots of Home as well as Submit Timesheet screens

Share screenshots of Home and Submit Timesheet screens you have created for your Timesheet PowerApp in the Q&A section on the course content page. Let us see the creativity you have used to design your screens. :-)

Section Introduction Preview 01:51

Create Approve Timesheets Screen Preview 03:52

Create Employee and Week selection drop-down controls Preview 12:49

Display selected timesheet that needs approval Preview 13:20

Create Approve functionality with Email Notification for Employee Preview 33:21

Create Reject timesheet functionality with Email Notification Preview 15:22

Section Introduction Preview 02:19

Create View My Timesheets Screen Preview 03:19

Create Timesheet Status and Week selection drop-down controls Preview 13:44

Display selected timesheet data Preview 05:48

Display Approver Comments for Approved/Rejected timesheets Preview 18:23

Create the Resubmission functionality for rejected timesheets - Part 1 Preview 25:11

Create the Resubmission functionality for rejected timesheets - Part 2 Preview 25:23

Section Introduction Preview 00:51

Create the Search Timesheets Screen with Selection Dropdowns Preview 13:21

Display selected timesheet data and Approver comments Preview 11:20

Create Delete Timesheet functionality Preview 18:37

Section Introduction Preview 00:58

Integrate Report button with a Timesheet data report Preview 07:30

Create Settings Screen and basic settings fields Preview 23:58

Define default Start and End Times for the Timesheets Preview 16:01

Manage App Administrators from Settings Screen Preview 10:54

Section Introduction Preview 00:50

Secure the App from Unauthorized Access Preview 14:07

Test with a full timesheet workflow Preview 22:23

Section Introduction Preview 00:54

Export Timesheet Management App Preview 02:09

Export SharePoint List Templates Preview 04:36

Deploy the solution to your production Office 365 environment Preview 21:07

Section Introduction and Lecture Resources Preview 03:24

Create a SharePoint Site (Section 2 Lecture 6 or Section 11 Leture 65) Preview 07:30

Create SharePoint lists using the provided list templates (Section 2 Lecture 7) Preview 10:29

Import Timesheet Management Skeleton PowerApp to your Office 365 Preview 01:56

Update Data Connections for the App Preview 03:44

Patch Code for various App Screens and Buttons Preview 15:02

Setup Initial Data and Settings for the PowerApp Preview 09:16

Test with a full timesheet workflow Preview 09:22

Get the Full Official Ready-to-deploy Timesheet Management Solution Package Preview 03:07