React Native Expo From Beginner To Pro Also With Meteorjs

New to programming? Want to create awesome apps? This is the perfect course for you.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4

- Build React Native Apps for iOS and Android
- Have a basic understanding of React and React Native
- Connect a MeteorJS server to a React Native app

What you'll learn

Build React Native Apps for iOS and Android
Have a basic understanding of React and React Native
Connect a MeteorJS server to a React Native app
Use Expo components
Use Native Base components

* Requirements

* You should have some programming experience. Skills with HTML
* and JS are helpful.


This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to program apps easily with React Native Expo. Expo is the hottest new expansion to the world of React Native programming. It gives you plenty of new tools to quickly get your app started and it is incredibly easy to use. Whether you have little experience with programming or you are a seasoned React Native developer looking to understand Expo, this course will help you learn a lot! 

We cover: 

  • Installing and using the Expo XDE
  • The basics of React and React Native
  • How to make API requests to a database with axios
  • How to build a MeteorJS server and connect it to our app
  • Build a Mongo Database with Meteor and hook up accounts to log into
  • And so much more!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to make apps now!
  • People interested in rudimentary React Native and Expo learning.
  • Anyone who wants to mix React Native with Meteor.

Course content

4 sections • 63 lectures

Important Installations Preview 05:37

Getting Expo Ready Preview 06:21

Explaining React Preview 04:24

Building our first React component Preview 07:03

First styles object Preview 04:39

Adding React Native components Preview 04:56

Using the React state Preview 05:42

Displaying the state Preview 06:11

Rendering a list to the screen Preview 05:17

Using arrays with the state Preview 04:54

Removing items from an array in state Preview 05:56

Adding styles to our app Preview 02:58

Material colors and more styling Preview 06:28

Finish styling and wrapping up Preview 04:53

Using expo to start our next project Preview 01:50

Putting an image in the assets folder Preview 03:33

Adding first styles and handling platform compatibility Preview 03:09

Installing native-base for easy styles Preview 05:19

I apologize for the fan in this video

Setting up the landing page Preview 08:24

Making a second component Preview 06:31

Making a simple router with state Preview 08:11

Creating our search header Preview 08:39

Dividing up components Preview 05:21

Adding a loading gif Preview 03:32

Making an API call with axios Preview 07:52

Capturing the data from the API Preview 03:53

Displaying some data on screen Preview 05:01

Displaying more data on screen Preview 08:20

Displaying even more data on screen Preview 04:49

Finishing up PokeSearch Preview 04:51

New app and installing Meteor Preview 03:22

Setting up our project Preview 04:13

Firing up our server Preview 04:20

Understanding Meteor and installing packages Preview 04:56

Making a new component Preview 03:21

Making the sign in screen look nice Preview 05:08

Getting input for email on screen Preview 04:23

Adding in a password field and button Preview 06:03

Styling the sign in some more Preview 03:24

Securing our server and adding packages Preview 04:36

Fixing the bcrypt error Preview 01:33

Adding in our first Meteor function Preview 07:22

Looking at the Meteor object and connecting to the server Preview 07:21

We "fixed" the "glitch" Preview 03:16

IMPORTANT :: Changing localhost Preview 03:35

Making a user Preview 04:18

Handling the user sign in Preview 04:03

Setting up the imports for the map component Preview 04:24

Exploring AirBnB maps and adding our own Preview 07:07

Styling our map Preview 04:08

Adding FABs and creating a state Preview 03:32

Getting the location of the map center Preview 04:22

Adding a database of pokemon images Preview 04:19

Starting a server function to add pokemon Preview 07:47

Finishing a server function to add pokemon Preview 08:05

Meteor data for the app Preview 04:25

Subscribing to data on the app Preview 05:17

Displaying and adding pokemon to the map Preview 05:43

Adding ability to remove pokemon Preview 06:21

Front side account handling and wrapping up Preview 05:50