Microservices Software Architecture Patterns And Techniques

Learn how to design and implement microservice systems using the right architecture design patterns and techniques

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.1

- Learn about microservices architecture
- Learn how to implement software architecture patterns for a distributed system to allow scalability whilst maintaining consistency
- Learn techniques to help you in the design
- development
- deployment and monitoring of your microservice based system

What you'll learn

Learn about microservices architecture
Learn how to implement software architecture patterns for a distributed system to allow scalability whilst maintaining consistency
Learn techniques to help you in the design
deployment and monitoring of your microservice based system
Identify technical challenges and common pitfalls

* Requirements

* Basic software development knowledge
* Experience developing software in the industry would be a plus as it would help you appreciate some technical challenges better
* but is completely optional


In this course you will learn in detail the software architecture patterns and techniques to develop robust and scalable microservices

We will go through techniques and design patterns that are required in enterprise architecture including :

  • Event Sourcing pattern
  • Saga pattern
  • Microservice Registration
  • Circuitbreaker pattern
  • API compostion
  • Two Phase Commit
  • Microservice Discovery
  • and more !

The course is structured around both video tutorials explaining different techniques and architecture patterns, and (optional) assignments to help make sure you're understanding what we're learning.

I'm also available to answer any queries you may have regarding any course material which you didn't understand or would like further detail on. 


Just in case you're still not convinced if you should take this course, here are a couple of positive reviews from the hundreds I have received on my bestselling, top rated Udemy courses: 

"The course is comprehensive and well explained through clear and concise examples, and shows that the instructor is highly experienced in their field. Overall this course is excellent and highly appropriate for software developers looking to improve their architectural and programming skills, both beginners as well as more advanced programmers. I will be looking forward to more courses by the author in the future." - J. Fusselberg

"High quality videos, lectures are clear and to the point. This course is highly recommended for any developer who wants to move on to a senior position or software architect role. However, it will also be a good start for beginner to introduce them to proper coding practices early on." -  Roberto de Souza

I look forward to seeing you in my course and hearing how the course has helped you progress in your career !

Who this course is for:

  • Software developers who are developing microservices
  • Software developers who are thinking of refactoring their current system to microservices
  • Software architects who want to improve their skills in designing microservices
  • Anyone who wants to learn about microservices and gain in-depth technical knowledge on how to design, structure and develop microservice based systems

Course content

5 sections • 28 lectures

Introduction Preview 01:57

What are microservices, and when should I use them? Preview 03:23

Microservice Applicability

Practice identifying where microservices software architecture is applicable, and where it is not

Why many microservices projects fail Preview 03:20

Microservice template Preview 02:18

Microservice Templates - Getting Started Preview 00:50

Code Repository Setup Preview 04:50

Microservice Decomposition Preview 02:26

Microservice Decomposition

Practise decomposng a system into different microservices.

Inter-Service Communication Preview 03:21

Synchronous vs Asynchronous flows

Practise distinguishing between asynchronous and synchronous flows in a system

Service Registration Preview 02:34

Service Discovery Preview 03:40

Service Registration & Discovery - Getting Started Preview 01:39

Databases Preview 03:58

API Composition Preview 01:50

Event Sourcing Preview 05:04

Event Sourcing - Getting Started! Preview 02:19

Two Phase Commit Preview 03:54

Saga Preview 06:30

Choosing the right data pattern

Practise choosing the right data pattern for a microservice scenario

Failover Mechanism Preview 02:11

Circuit breakers Preview 02:36

Circuit breakers - Getting Started Preview 02:09

Health API Preview 01:33

Logging Techniques Preview 03:15

Troubleshooting Microservices

Practise your train of thought in troubleshooting errors in microservice based systems

Next Steps Preview 00:31