Certified Kubernetes Application Developer Ckad Test

3 tests with 57 hands-on exam questions in order to prepare Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.3

- Students will prepare to Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
- Students will accelerate their configuration speed which is very important for the exam

What you'll learn

* Requirements



The purpose of this exam course is to measure your knowledge and identify where to revisit some Kubernetes topics in order to make sure whether you are ready for the exam.

The exams covers below topics

  • Core Concepts - 13%

  • Multi-container pods - 10%

  • Pod design - 20%

  • Configuration - 18%

  • Observability - 18%

  • Services and networking - 13%

  • State persistence - 8%

Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Exam is different from other exams. You have to practise as much as possible and during the exam, you are able to use official documentation of Kubernetes.

Every exam answer is going to be linked to official Kubernetes documentation, so you can easily refresh your knowledge.

In order to prepare to exam, you need to execute the exercises in one of Kubernetes distribution.

  • minukube Start (I couldn't paste the link here, please search minikube start in the google)

  • You can also use other cloud providers like Digital Ocean or AWS.

In the beginning of the question, you might be asked to execute some commands in order to prepare your environment. Once you successfully run the commands, you will be ready to start the exam question. In the exam, another challenge would be the time. You can overcome this via more practise.

Please let me know if you have any doubts, sometimes different environment react some unusual responses.

Here, you can see one of sample question. It is not A,B,C,D. You will be asked to implement a hands-on configuration and check the results by yourself. At the end of the exam, the answer will be the explanation of the exam.


---  Sample Question       --


Prerequisite : Please run the pod before starting to the question :

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

Create a service for nginx pod which serves on port 80 and the type should be NodePort. The service name should be nginx-service


---  Answer of Question       --


You need to solve the problem in your environmet (minikube etc...). There is no lab or validation in Udemy environment

Run the pod

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx

Make sure the pod is running

kubectl get pod

Expose the pod with kubectl command

kubectl expose pod nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort --name=nginx-service

You can check whether the service is created

kubectl get service nginx-service

Who this course is for:

  • Architects and developers who are going to take Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) exam

Course content

1 sections • 3 lectures

CKAD Test 1

Please run the preparation commands  before solving the question

CKAD Test 2

Please run the preparation commands  before solving the question

Practise Test 3

Please run the preparation commands  before solving the question