Data Structures And Algorithms In C

Data Structures and Algorithms in C Using C DSA Data Structures Algorithms Competitive Programming C leetcode FAANG DSA

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms through animations
- Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in C language
- Get the confidence to face programming interviews

What you'll learn

Understand the details of Data Structures and algorithms through animations
Learn to write programs for different Data Structures and Algorithms in C language
Get the confidence to face programming interviews
Test your knowledge with over 100 Quiz questions
Learn how to analyse algorithms
Get the ability to write and trace recursive algorithms

* Requirements

* Basic knowledge of programming in any language


This "Data Structures and Algorithms In C" course is thoroughly detailed and uses lots of animations to help you visualize the concepts.

Subtitles are available for the first section only. Closed Captioning for rest of the sections is in progress and are available as [Auto-generated].

This "Data Structures and Algorithms in C" tutorial will help you develop a strong background in Data Structures and Algorithms. The course is broken down into easy to assimilate short lectures, and after each topic there is a quiz that can help you to test your newly acquired knowledge. The examples are explained with animations to simplify the learning of this complex topic. Complete working programs are shown for each concept that is explained.

This Data Structures and Algorithms using C course provides a comprehensive explanation of data structures like linked lists, stacks and queues, binary search trees, heap, searching, hashing. Various sorting algorithms with implementation and analysis are included in this tutorial. Concept of recursion is very important for designing and understanding certain algorithms so the process of recursion is explained with the help of several examples.

This Data Structures in C course covers following topics with C language implementation :

Algorithm Analysis, Big O notation, Time complexity, Singly linked list, Reversing a linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Linked list concatenation, Sorted linked list.

Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority queue, Polish Notations, Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Tree Traversal (inorder, preorder, postorder, level order), Recursion, Heap, Searching, Hashing

Sorting : Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Shell, Merging, Recursive Merge, Iterative Merge, Quick, Heap, Binary tree, Radix, Address calculation sort

Here is the course content-

  • Algorithm Analysis

  • Linked List

  • Stack and Queue

  • Recursion

  • Binary Tree

  • Binary Search Tree

  • Heap

  • Sorting

  • Searching

  • Hashing

Throughout this Data Structures and Algorithms with C course, a step by step approach is followed to make you understand different Data Structures and Algorithms. You will see code implementation of different data structures in C language and algorithms are explained in step-wise manner. Through this course you can build a strong foundation and it will help you to crack Data Structures and Algorithms in C coding interviews questions and work on projects. Good foundation on Data Structures and Algorithms in C interview topics helps you to attempt tricky interview questions.

In this Data Structures and Algorithms Through C In Depth course, C language programs are used for implementing various concepts, but you can easily code them in any other programming languages like C++, C#, Java, Python.

This Learn Data Structures and Algorithms In C online course on udemy will help software developers to refresh the concepts studied in Data Structures and Algorithms In C books / pdf and also to students learning from referred book / pdf.

What students are saying about this course-

"Till now I felt Data Structures is a complex subject. But this course is helping to understand how simple they are."

"This is exactly how I hoped to learn data structure and algorithm, PLUS, it's using C!!"

"Instructor is teaching in very well and efficient manner with a good pace ,clears every doubts and teaches concepts deeply."

"Great class, explains topics very well, better than any college class I ever took."

"yes this course has helped me a lot in discovering new topics and the example programs are also quite helpful."

"I really appreciate the way the steps are broken down incrementally."

"Deepali does a great job in explaining all the concept and the course is very well organized. First the concept is explained on paper and then there is a walk through of the code, and then execution of the code. I have learnt a great deal from this course."

"I am taking notes and writing code side by side watching videos which makes it beneficial to understand the code and easier to grasp the concept of the topic rather than just copying the source code. Thank you Deepali Mam for not giving the source it was better to write the code by myself. The videos are informative, detailed and right on point with step by step code programs and I feel learned a lot taking your course then the class which I took at University. This course made my base of data structures in C pretty strong thank you for that."

"This is an awesome course. If you need to understand then try to write every code yourself then try to analyze it. that's how you can gain confidence."

"I'm re-learning something what I am learn years ago, and this course is perfect for my need."

"Its quite helpful, it nicely supplements what you have studied in the book."

"Excellent presentation and content. Easily comprehensible. Since Data Structures and Algorithms are heart of computer science will give a 5 star for this kind of knowledge resource."

"It is one of the best courses that I have ever taken in Data Structures and C."

"Good foundation course covering the fundamentals of data structures in C."

"It's definitely a good course for beginners who have basic knowledge in C and want to learn Data Structures and Algorithms. Really good explanation by the instructor with experience of even writing a book on Data structures."

"Till now its above expectations.Mam I am also following your both book "C in Depth" and "Data Structure Using C"."

"Great in depth explanations of the data structures and algorithms covered."

"good and perfect teaching for basic levels for beginners in data structures."

"Very good clarification and reference for common data structures and algorithms."

"The Course material was very good and the concepts and the logical reasons behind the algorithm is explained."

"It was a great experience"

So what are you waiting for, click on Buy button to enroll now and start learning.

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers looking for jobs
  • Programmers wanting to write efficient code
  • Computer Science students having Data Structures as part of their curriculum
  • Non Computer science students wanting to enter IT industry

Course content

12 sections • 162 lectures

Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms Through C In Depth Preview 01:35

Data Structures and Algorithms Preview 02:54

Measuring Running time of Algorithms Preview 02:20

Asymptotic Analysis Preview 02:46

Big O Notation Preview 04:06

Finding Big O Preview 05:21

Tight and Loose Upper Bounds Preview 01:30

Introduction Quiz A

Big O analysis of Algorithms Preview 02:00

Finding Time Complexity Preview 03:16

Big O analysis of Algorithms: Examples Preview 11:24

Worst case, Best case and Average Case Analysis Preview 03:48

Common Complexities Preview 03:00

Abstract Data Types Preview 03:49

Introduction Quiz B

Introduction to Linked List in C Preview 04:57

Traversing and Searching a Single Linked List Preview 05:27

Finding pointers in a Single linked list Preview 05:12

Difference between while(p!=NULL) and while(p->link!=NULL) Preview 00:01

Insertion in a Single Linked List Preview 05:14

Insertion in a Single Linked List..contd Preview 07:37

Deletion in a Single Linked List Preview 03:56

Your Review Matters! Preview 00:16

Reversing a Single Linked List Preview 02:12

Linked List Quiz A

Doubly linked list Preview 03:03

Insertion in a doubly linked List Preview 06:34

Deletion from doubly linked list Preview 03:37

Reversing a doubly linked list Preview 02:32

Circular linked list Preview 02:19

Insertion in a circular Linked List Preview 03:13

Deletion in a circular linked list Preview 02:15

Concatenation Preview 03:03

Linked List with Header Node Preview 05:45

Sorted linked list Preview 04:31

Merging of sorted Linked lists Preview 09:47

Sorting a Linked list using Bubble Sort Preview 07:24

Sorting a Linked list using Merge Sort Preview 03:28

Finding and Removing a cycle in a Linked list Preview 09:58

Linked List Quiz B

Introduction Preview 02:09

Stack Preview 01:29

Array Implementation of Stack Preview 04:59

Linked List Implementation of Stack Preview 03:57

Queue Preview 01:13

Array Implementation of Queue Preview 06:24

Linked List implementation of Queue Preview 03:52

Queue through Circular Linked List Preview 02:21

Circular Queue Preview 07:55

Deque Preview 08:01

Priority Queue Preview 02:36

Checking validity of an expression containing nested parentheses Preview 05:49

Function calls Preview 02:16

Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions Preview 03:22

Polish Notations Preview 05:56

Converting infix expression to postfix expression Preview 10:31

Evaluation of postfix expression Preview 03:12

Stack and Queue Quiz

Introduction Preview 02:38

Flow of control in Recursive functions Preview 02:09

Winding and unwinding phase Preview 01:12

Factorial Preview 03:33

Printing numbers from 1 to n Preview 04:45

Sum of digits of an integer Preview 03:34

Base conversion Preview 02:05

Finding nth power of a number Preview 01:38

Euclids Algorithm Preview 02:48

Fibonacci Series Preview 02:31

Tower of Hanoi Preview 06:44

Tail recursion Preview 02:40

Recursion vs. Iteration Preview 01:26

Recursion Quiz

Introduction to Trees Preview 06:01

Binary Tree Preview 06:48

Strictly Binary Tree and Extended Binary Tree Preview 05:15

Full binary tree and Complete Binary Tree Preview 04:58

Array Representation of Binary trees Preview 03:26

Linked Representation of Binary Trees Preview 02:14

Binary Tree Quiz A

Traversal in Binary Tree Preview 02:06

Preorder Traversal Preview 04:58

Inorder Traversal Preview 04:43

Postorder Traversal Preview 04:30

Level order traversal Preview 03:18

Finding height of a Binary tree Preview 03:02

Binary Tree in C Preview 02:35

Constructing Binary tree from Traversals Preview 01:35

Constructing binary tree from inorder and preorder traversals Preview 04:23

Constructing binary tree from postorder and inorder traversals Preview 03:49

Binary Tree Quiz B

Introduction Preview 03:03

Traversal in Binary Search Tree Preview 01:55

Searching in a Binary Search Tree Preview 06:08

Nodes with Minimum and Maximum key Preview 03:23

Insertion in a Binary Search Tree Preview 07:40

Deletion in a Binary Search Tree Preview 11:48

Binary Search Tree Quiz

Introduction Preview 02:40

Heap Representation Preview 02:12

Insertion in Heap Preview 07:27

Deletion Preview 07:37

Building a heap Preview 04:15

Heap Applications Preview 01:06

Heap Tree Quiz

Introduction to Sorting Algorithms Preview 05:02

Sort Stability Preview 02:25

Selection Sort Preview 01:49

Selection Sort Example Preview 01:18

Selection Sort in C Preview 02:55

Analysis of Selection Sort Preview 02:20

Bubble Sort Preview 02:24

Bubble Sort Example Preview 02:11

Bubble Sort in C Preview 04:15

Improvement in Bubble Sort Preview 02:16

Analysis of Bubble Sort Preview 02:04

Sorting Quiz A

Insertion Sort Preview 02:37

Insertion Sort Example Preview 02:22

Insertion Sort in C Preview 03:43

Analysis of Insertion sort Preview 04:40

Shell Sort Preview 02:24

Shell Sort Example Preview 02:07

Shell Sort in C Preview 03:24

Analysis of Shell Sort Preview 03:29

Merging two Sorted Arrays Preview 05:54

Recursive Merge Sort Preview 02:29

Recursive Merge Sort in C Preview 03:40

Analysis of Merge Sort Preview 00:36

Iterative Merge Sort Preview 01:31

Iterative Merge Sort in C Preview 02:45

Quick Sort Preview 06:56

Quick Sort in C Preview 06:48

Analysis of Quick Sort Preview 03:00

Binary tree sort Preview 03:05

Binary Tree Sort in C Preview 02:31

Analysis of Binary Tree Sort Preview 01:14

Heap Sort Preview 07:02

Heap Sort : C implementation and Analysis Preview 01:46

Radix Sort Preview 04:17

Radix Sort : C implementation and Analysis Preview 05:28

Address Calculation Sort Preview 04:50

Address Calculation Sort in C Preview 02:44

Analysis of Address Calculation Sort Preview 01:02

Sorting Records Preview 01:53

Sorting Quiz B

Linear Search Preview 04:58

Variations of Linear Search Preview 06:42

Binary Search Preview 06:04

Implementation of Binary Search Preview 13:51

Analysis of Binary Search Preview 02:55

Direct Addressing Preview 04:17

Hashing Preview 06:26

Collisions Preview 02:10

Hash Functions Preview 09:13

Open Addressing : Linear Probing Preview 10:48

Open Addressing : Quadratic Probing Preview 07:40

Open Addressing : Double Hashing Preview 09:21

Deletion in Open Addressed Tables Preview 05:23

Implementation of Open Addressing Preview 04:31

Separate Chaining Preview 06:54

Implementation of Separate Chaining Preview 03:15

Recommended Course and offer on my other courses Preview 00:35