Eft For Golf Improve Your Score

Tags: Golf

Practical, proven exercises and techniques to super charge your Golf game and make it more fun while cutting strokes.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.8

- Golf with confidence
- Release any stress that they have about hitting difficult shots

What you'll learn

Golf with confidence
Release any stress that they have about hitting difficult shots

* Requirements

* How to golf
* Have an open mind


"Golf is 99 percent in your head."Annika Sorenstam, 90 tour wins, one of the greatest female golfers ever.

This true of most sports. When we make a mistake it can be burned into your psyche. How many times have you said, or heard another golfer say, "I always miss [insert shot here]. How often do you see the runaway leader falter and lose. This is what made Tiger Woods so feared on the course - in his prime, he was so tough mentally that he pretty much never faltered. If you were behind, you stayed behind.

Yes, you need to practise your strokes. But what happens when you get a handle on the mental part of the game? Mental errors like these...


I hear golfers complain a lot about tension on the course. They complain that tension gets in the way of smooth swings and putting strokes. What would happen to your game if you had a simple technique that could produce relaxation in about 20 seconds on the course?

Emotional Memories

Golfers are often haunted by negative emotional memories. If they mis-hit a shot on the first tee, it affects their entire game. If they come to a hole that they hit a bad shot on a week ago, all they can think about is that bad shot last week. What would happen to your game if you had a simple technique that could erase negative emotional memories in a few minutes?

Emotional Reactions

If you watch professional golf, you've seen Tiger Woods's reaction to hitting a bad shot. It is clear that he is having quite a negative reaction at the moment. What is amazing to most people is that he can leave that negative emotional reaction behind and completely focus on the next shot. How would your game improve if you had that same ability?

Comfort Zones

Comfort zones affect all golfers, even the touring pros. You can tell when a comfort zone has been triggered; self-sabotage kicks in. An example is when a golfer shoots the front nine better than his typical round and then sabotages the back nine, completing the round at about his average score. Or you see the reverse. He shoots a poor front nine, then recovers and shoots a great back nine to end the round at about his average. What if you had an easy process that would help you breakthrough and elevate your comfort zone?

Personal Problems

We have all had experiences where we take a personal problem onto the course and it affects the way we play. We have all been affected by a disagreement with someone, worrying about something at work, or a myriad of other things. What would happen to your game if you had an easy process that would allow you to leave your personal problems in the parking lot?

First Tee Jitters

The first tee jitters seems to be an almost universal problem. What if you had an easy process that would reduce or eliminate first tee jitters in about one minute?


I have been surprised by the number of golfers who will privately admit to me that they have the yips. These include putting yips, chipping yips, hazard yips, and driving yips. Surveys have shown that the yips affect between 20% and 40% of all golfers. It turns out that the yips are common in many sports and even other activities in life such as public speaking. What if you had an easy process that could eliminate the yips with a little work? Yes, I said "eliminate," not work around.

This course is designed by an EFT therapist with over twenty years of experience helping golfers just like you handle the stresses that negatively impact their game.

The information inside this training are insider secrets that take regular guys like you and me and improve their golf game instantly.

Secrets that put you on the same field as Tiger, Phil, Jack and other top pros... well, it probably won't give you their scores, but you will feel every bit the champion that they are.

  • You will get INSTANT, LIFETIME ACCESS to everything I mentioned - the EFT lessons that show you everything from A to Z!
  • LIFETIME UPDATES with NO ADDITIONAL costs, which includes more lectures, bonuses and special reports.
  • SUPER FAST & UNLIMITED SUPPORT, if you have any questions or need help in something, we are always here to help. Our support is LEGENDARY at Udemy!

Oh, and just to make this a complete no brainer… I'm removing all the risk! EFT for Golf - Improve your score. Master the Mental Game course comes with a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee! If you aren't blown away by the information inside it, and your improved golf scores, you'll get 100% of your money back!

Start to golf like a boss NOW!

Who this course is for:

  • Golfers
  • Golfers who want to shave strokes off their game
  • Golfer who understand their mind makes a huge difference in how they play

Course content

5 sections • 29 lectures

Disclaimer Preview 00:36

Joan gives her disclaimer about using EFT.

Introduction Preview 01:31

Joan shares what you can expect from this course.

What is EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques? Preview 02:37

Emotional Freedom Techniques and how it works.

Secrets to Success Preview 01:27

Be curious! What would happen if you tried some of the ideas and concepts Joan shares (and they worked!).

Who is Joan Kaylor, MSEd., LPC, DCEP? Preview 01:17

Joan shares her story of how she felt pulling her hair when she was young, and how she eventually stopped.

What is EFT?

Tapping Points Preview 1 page

Where are the tapping points?

The Steps Preview 05:12

Joan shares the important steps are for a successful tapping session.

EFT Process Preview 1 page

The EFT Tapping Points

Testing Preview 02:45

Testing helps you to understand how you are progressing.

How EFT works

Introduction Preview 01:40

You are excited to start your game. You are excited. You are looking forward to playing, but... You bring all the tensions of the past week into your game, which hinders your score and enjoyment. In this section, joan will show you how to let go, have fun and play your best game ever!

EFT for Focus and Relaxation Preview 08:23

Joan helps you improve your focus as you play using EFT.

EFT for Self Sabotage Preview 05:55

Eliminate self-sabotage in your Golf game.

EFT for Social Anxiety Preview 04:45

When you play golf with others, anxious thought can rise up due to time limitations and other people watching you.

EFT for Frustration Preview 05:17

Sometimes frustration raises its ugly head and prevents us from hitting good shots. Use EFT in this session to let go of frustration.

EFT for Patience - Learning Golf Preview 05:33

As you start learning to golf, you can feel overwhelmed and more than a bit impatient. The standard golf joke often included 'throwing your clubs into the water trap.' And it has more than a little truth in it, which is why it is so funny. In this lecture, Joan guides you through an EFT session to deal with impatience as you learn to Golf.

EFT for Patience - Playing Golf Preview 05:15

Do you throw your golf club? Your golf bag? Discover how you can deal with your frustrations on the golf course.

Preparation for playing

Introduction Preview 01:15

As you golf, you get into different, potentially very challenging, situations. Each one requires focus and attention. Use EFT to bring out the best in your golf game.

EFT for Tee-Off's Preview 02:44

Get ready to tap yourself to a great tee-off with this empowering lecture.

EFT for Hooks and Slices Preview 03:42

Let go of stress and frustration that comes from hooking or slicing your ball in this EFT Session.

EFT for Sand Traps Preview 02:10

EFT for releasing the stress for landing in a sand trap and the anxiety about hitting the ball out of the sand trap.

EFT for Water Hazards Preview 03:58

What happens when you prepare to hit and you see that water hazard off in the distance and you know your golf ball will be heading straight into it. This EFT session helps you prepare to hit your ball past the water and not into it.

EFT for Putting Preview 03:25

No more three putting. No more 4 putting. Focus. Relax. And putt the ball directly into the hole.


Course Summary Preview 03:54

Joan reviews the course

Next Steps Preview 03:46

Congratulations on finishing your course! Now it's is time to put your new skills into action.

          Thank you for being a student. More exciting EFT and Chakra courses with Joan. Special coupons for our                students.

Help Us Help You Preview 01:08

Leave questions or specific issues in the discussion area to the right. Please give us your feedback by returning to the main course page and click the blue button on the top right corner.