Practice Java By Building Projects


Ultimate Java interview prep course! 100% focused on applying object-oriented design in real-world applications

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.2

- Build 5 complete
- end-to-end Java applications from scratch
- Implement core object-oriented programming techniques
- Optimize applications with best practices and sharpen your programming skills

What you'll learn

Build 5 complete
end-to-end Java applications from scratch
Implement core object-oriented programming techniques
Optimize applications with best practices and sharpen your programming skills
Master design principles and apply proper architecture to solve problems
Apply inheritance
access modifiers
Use data structures and arrays to handle data sets and collection of objects
Develop your own utility class to read data and export results to a file
Analyze data from a file and apply conditional operations to make decisions
Design a real-world project with abstract classes and abstract methods
Use constructors
and overriding to enhance applications

* Requirements

* Familiar with Java development environment
* Knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts recommended
* Consider enrolling in my "Become a Junior Java Software Developer" course


If your goal is to GET HIRED, then you need to PASS THE INTERVIEW!

As a trainer for over 6 years, one of the most common questions I get asked is "I'm new to programming, how can I get better and prepare for a job interview?My answer is "Practice, practice, practice!" I created this course to help people see the core Java concepts in action. This will help you understand the ideas and know how to apply them in an application. 

The BEST way to prepare for a technical interview is to get practice building applications and applying core principles of object-oriented design. I've designed this course to accomplish that objective.

Many people fail interviews because:

  • They don't grasp object-oriented programming concepts
  • They can't apply object-oriented design in an actual program
  • They haven't practiced developing their applications by hand
  • They haven't debugged their code and overcome challenges

This course is designed for someone who simply wants to get better at understanding and applying Java design and object-oriented programming. It is perhaps the most effective thing you can do to prepare for your job interview. Forget about flashcards, forget about quizzes. Start practicing!

In my Practical Java course, you will build realistic projects from scratch. We will approach each program analytically and outline our approach to implement the solution. Then, piece by piece we will write the code to create a fully functioning application.

  • Understand client scenarios and requirements
  • Approach each problem analytically
  • Write our solution outline
  • Implement code step-by-step
  • Apply core principals of object-oriented design

Everyone hoping to start out in Java needs to practice! It's not enough to learn and watch, but you must try yourself! So enroll in this course and get typing!

Note: this course was build for someone who has some working knowledge and familiarity of Java or application design. If you are new to Java, I recommend enrolling in my "Become a Junior Java Software Developer" course first.

Who this course is for:

  • Current students or recent graduates
  • Anyone looking to practice Java
  • Someone preparing for a Java interview
  • Someone starting a new Java project
  • Anyone wanting a refresher on object-oriented programming or application architecture

Course content

4 sections • 39 lectures

The Ultimate Java Prep Guide Preview 02:12

Survey of Course Projects Preview 02:30

Course Pre-Requesites Preview 02:05

Preparing the Java Environment Preview 01:52

Overview of the Email Application Preview 01:54

Creating the Outline for the Email Admin Class Preview 02:45

Implementing the Constructor Preview 02:56

Defining the Email Department Preview 06:06

Generating a Random Password Preview 07:46

Creating the Email Syntax Preview 03:51

Implementing Class Set Methods Preview 02:58

Implementing Class Get Methods Preview 02:57

Using the Show Info Method Preview 06:20

Overview of the Student Database Application Preview 02:33

Creating the Outline for Student Class Preview 03:46

Initializing the Student Constructor Preview 03:58

Creating the Unique Student ID Preview 06:56

Implementing the Enrollment Method Preview 09:34

Implementing the Pay Tuition Method Preview 05:48

Cleaning Up and Finishing Touches Preview 05:53

Creating an Array of Objects Preview 08:28

Overview of the Bank Application Preview 07:01

New Bank Account Data

Arielle Duncan,444102638,Savings,1000
Marybeth Sanders,431551383,Checking,2500
Hattie Storey,476687875,Checking,3500
Hilary Ward,005965723,Checking,6000
Luella Bradbury,217512645,Savings,1500
Frankie Davidson,002607927,Checking,10000
Darnell Goodman,469426397,Savings,15000
Shila Obrien,233479044,Savings,2200
Agnes Leonard,003827896,Savings,6500
Florinda Goulding,233025468,Checking,25000
Eliseo Waller,395157182,Savings,12500
Fredia Hastings,208728517,Checking,6500
Melody Potts,687057316,Savings,1500
Deadra Power,009545701,Checking,4500
Clyde Higgs,164445329,Checking,1000

Setting up the Project Architecture Preview 03:01

Creating the Outline for All Bank Accounts and Interest Rate Preview 04:00

Using Super Constructors with Inheritance Preview 09:36

Listing Account Shared Properties Preview 03:01

Initializing New Accounts with Constructors and Super Constructor Preview 06:47

Generating the Account Number Preview 07:28

Generating Account Number by Account Type Preview 03:06

Implementing the ShowInfo Method Preview 05:46

Implementing the Savings Account Safety Deposit Box Preview 05:40

Implementing the Checking Account Debit Card Preview 04:08

Setting up the Interest Rate Interface and Implementation Preview 10:50

Implementing Account Shared Transactions Preview 05:03

Implementing the Compound Interest Rate Method Preview 05:01

Enhancing Application with Correct Access Specifiers Preview 04:16

Writing a CSV Reader Utility Preview 11:36

Determining Which New Account to Open Preview 04:03

Creating a List of Objects Preview 08:15