Kotlin For Java Developers

Tags: Kotlin

Use your Java skills to learn Kotlin fast. Enhance career prospects and master Kotlin, including Java interoperability

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Create Kotlin programs
- Understand the differences between Java and Kotlin
- Understand how Java and Kotlin programs interoperate

What you'll learn

Create Kotlin programs
Understand the differences between Java and Kotlin
Understand how Java and Kotlin programs interoperate

* Requirements

* Ideally
* have at least a basic knowledge of Java (not essential)
* A computer running Windows
* Mac OS X or Linux


Are you a Java developer wondering if you need to learn Kotlin?

Maybe you are an experienced Java developer who wants to learn Kotlin quickly, to be prepared for future project work.

Perhaps instead, you're an Android app developer who knows Java well, but you want to be able to move forward with Kotlin for new Android development work.

Well, with Google's recent focus on Kotlin for Android app development, this language has been launched into the mainstream, and you can be sure you will be seeing a lot more about it. It's also highly likely that you will be working with Kotlin in your Java projects in the near future.

Because Kotlin works anywhere Java works, and can even be called from Java code (and vice-versa), this brings with it a massive opportunity for Java developers. Being able to work with both Java and Kotlin is going to give you a massive advantage over other programmers.

This course was designed to teach Java developers how to use Kotlin in the shortest possible time.

Sarah Ettritch, your course instructor, is an experienced Java and Kotlin developer, with many years of software development experience. She is uniquely qualified to teach you how to use this powerful and exciting language.

While you won't learn Android app development in this course, you will learn Kotlin, and also the key differences between Kotlin and Java.

There is an entire section dedicated to Java interoperability, which is vital for all Java developers to learn.

In addition, the Kotlin syntax is explored in detail.

Over sixteen hours of videos are included in the course, making it one of the most comprehensive courses on the language.

Now is the perfect time for you to learn Kotlin, while it's relatively new.  It has been around for a while, but only now is it being thrust into the limelight.

It's absolutely vital for Java developers to learn Kotlin to maximize future career opportunities. Objective-C developers who failed to transition to Swift, or were too slow doing so, were left behind. Don't make the same mistake they did!

If you are ready to greatly increase your career prospects by adding Kotlin experience to your skills and knowledge, then sign up for the course today.

Who this course is for:

  • Java programmers wanting to learn Kotlin

Course content

11 sections • 90 lectures

Introduction From Tim Buchalka Preview 03:05

Introduction to the course Preview 06:01

JDK8 Install Windows Preview 05:15

JDK8 Install Mac Preview 02:44

JDK8 Install Linux Preview 04:20

Intellij Windows Install and Configure Preview 09:35

Intellij Mac Install and Configure Preview 09:28

Intellij Linux Install and Configure Preview 10:03

IntelliJ Kotlin Settings Preview 09:59

Introduction to Section 2 Preview 00:29

Introduction to Kotlin Preview 06:04

The Java Text Adventure Game Preview 13:21

The Converted Kotlin Text Adventure Game Preview 21:42

IDEA's Java to Kotlin Converter Preview 04:31

Introduction to Section 3 Preview 00:37

Hello World from Kotlin Preview 09:15

The Kotlin Standard Library Preview 04:25

Variable Declarations in Kotlin Preview 12:07

How to Create Type Aliases in Kotlin Preview 03:14

Quick Differences Between Kotlin and Java Preview 10:01

How Kotlin handles equality differently from Java Preview 13:20

Bit Operators and Smart Casting in Kotlin Preview 06:08

String Templates in Kotlin Preview 07:49

Raw Strings in Kotlin Preview 08:08

The Kotlin REPL Preview 04:00

Kotlin Challenges (Round One) Preview 14:42

Introduction to Section 4 Preview 00:46

The Builtin Dataypes in Kotlin Preview 20:08

Arrays in Kotlin Preview 23:08

Null References in Kotlin - Part One Preview 21:04

Null References in Kotlin - Part Two Preview 14:47

Arrays and Null References Preview 06:19

Kotlin Challenges (Round Two) Preview 15:58

Introduction to Section 5 Preview 00:45

Kotlin's Access Modifiers Preview 09:17

Declaring Classes and Using Constructors in Kotlin Preview 22:23

Properties and Backing Fields in Kotlin Preview 12:28

Constants and Data Classes Preview 12:10

Kotlin Function Basics Preview 21:53

Extension Functions Preview 11:44

Inline Functions Preview 02:42

Inheritance in Kotlin - Part One Preview 11:24

Inheritance in Kotlin - Part Two Preview 14:09

Interfaces in Kotlin Preview 08:00

Singletons in Kotlin Preview 06:05

Companion Objects in Kotlin Preview 13:40

Anonymous Objects in Kotlin Preview 06:35

Enums in Kotlin Preview 04:10

Imports in Kotlin Preview 16:45

The Internal Access Modifier Preview 05:23

Kotlin Challenges (Round Three, Part 1) Preview 20:12

Kotlin Challenges (Round Three, Part 2) Preview 19:19

Introduction to Section 6 Preview 00:36

The For Loop Preview 27:57

The If Expression Preview 09:52

The When Expression Preview 22:15

The Try/Catch Expression Preview 11:58

Kotlin Challenges (Round Four) Preview 23:26

Introduction to Section 7 Preview 00:57

Lambda Expression Basics Preview 12:55

Lambdas With Receivers Preview 19:15

Lists Preview 16:25

Kotlin Collections Functions Preview 09:56

Maps and Destructuring Declarations Preview 15:37

Sets in Kotlin Preview 06:28

More Collections Functions in Kotlin Preview 16:13

Sequences in Kotlin Preview 15:54

Generics in Kotlin Preview 10:50

Generics: Functions and Erasure Preview 22:27

Generics: Reified Parameters in Kotlin Preview 08:38

Generics: Covariance Preview 27:35

Generics: Contravariance Preview 20:56

Generics: Use-Site Variance Preview 10:46

Kotlin Challenges (Round Five) Preview 27:01

Introduction to Section 8 Preview 00:40

Reading Text Files Preview 16:24

Reading Binary Files and Try with Resources Preview 07:34

Walking the File Tree Preview 06:16

Introduction to Section 9 Preview 01:31

Nullability when using Java from Kotlin Preview 14:50

More about calling Java from Kotlin Preview 17:17

Calling Kotlin Functions from Java Preview 16:21

Annotations when calling Kotlin from Java Preview 17:32

Kotlin Challenges (Round Six) Preview 25:07

Introduction to Section 10 Preview 01:06

Revisit the Converted Kotlin Text Adventure Preview 10:01

Kotlin for Java Developers Wrap Up Preview 02:25

Tell Us What Content You Want Us To Add! Preview 00:13