Anti Aliasing In Pixel Art

Tags: Pixel Art

Polish your Pixel art

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- learn the value of the pixel and how it relates to those around it
- learn how to make your art clearer and more polished
- give your pixel art the professional quality polish

What you'll learn

learn the value of the pixel and how it relates to those around it
learn how to make your art clearer and more polished
give your pixel art the professional quality polish

* Requirements

* basic ability to draw pixel art
* basic knowledge of photoshpo
* Aseprite
* or similar program for creating pixel art. Even Microsoft paint works
* drawing pad optional but recommended


In this course you will learn the ins and outs of Anti Aliasing in Pixel art to polish your art and improve your craft. You will learn the different types of anti aliasing and the do's and don'ts. You will learn how to apply anti aliasing when working with a limited color palette. There will be step by step video lectures on how to apply Anti Aliasing to your art. You will also observe as I give a 45 minute demo session to see how I apply anti aliasing as well as observe images from other successful games to see how they do it.

Who this course is for:

  • beginner to intermediate artists looking to learn anti aliasing or expand their knowledge on the subject

Course content

1 sections • 7 lectures

Introduction Preview 00:42

Welcome to Anti-Aliasing in Pixel art! I'm so glad you found this course and am excited to see what you will learn from it. In this course I will teach you the different types of Anti Aliasing and the things to watch out for. I will show you the do's and don'ts of anti aliasing. i show you how to still be able to anti alias your art with a limited color palette. There is a 45 minute demo section where I show you my process for anti aliasing from start to finish. We also look at pixel art from successful video games to find good examples of how others in the industry do it.

Anti Aliasing Types Preview 03:03

In this section we go over the different types of anti aliasing and what their purposes are. You will have a beginner level project and also a project for more advanced application.

Do's and Don'ts Preview 07:28

Limited Palette Preview 03:05

In this lesson we will talk about Anti aliasing with a limited palette. The ins and outs and how to overcome the difficulties.

Look in the resource files for a practice file to follow along with.

Demo Preview 45:48

In this section you will view a 45 minute session to see how I do anti aliasing to get a feel for how it looks when applied practically.

Observation Preview 18:18

In this section we review pixel art and animations from other successful video games to see what works well and how professionals do their anti aliasing.

Conclusion Preview 00:37

I hope you gained new knowledge from this class. You now should understand the basic types of anti aliasing and how to apply them. How to work with anti aliasing in a limited color palette. The right and wrong ways to apply anti aliasing. I hope you enjoyed this course and look forward to seeing your creations. Please reach out to me with any questions you may have!