Gamification In Teaching And Learning

Design your students' gamified learning experiences!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.7

- At the end of this course
- students will be able to learn how to make an educational game based on the gamified learning experience throughout this course.

What you'll learn

At the end of this course
students will be able to learn how to make an educational game based on the gamified learning experience throughout this course.

* Requirements

* Students will know how to create an educational game for gamified learning.
* Please prepare a note as "Gamification Journey Note" for gamified self-directed learning.


This course is to foster creating your own educational game for your students' enjoyable, effective, memorable and sustainable learning experiences. Also, this course provides gamified self-directed learning experiences such as quests, points, badges and unlocking the magic code based on "Level-up Gamified Teaching and Learning Game." 

Through the gamified learning experience, you may understand your students' gamified learning experience in the classroom. It would be helpful to design your students' learning experience as well as to create educational games for your brilliant students.

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for teachers, instructors, professors, and parents who are interested in gamified teaching as well as gamified learning experience.

Course content

11 sections • 43 lectures

[Module 1] Course introduction #1 Preview 08:36

This module provides the general introduction including the rules of "Level-up Gamified Teaching & Learning Game" as your gamified self-directed learning. The next lecture will explain general gamification information. From module 3 to 10, you will learn about 4F 8Steps in the Edu. Game design process and then wrap up session. 

[Module 1] Gamified learning introduction #2 Preview 05:24

This gamification in teaching and learning course is designed for gamified teaching based on gamified self-directed learning experiences. To do so, this lecture provides the gamification route, map, strategies, levels and instructors’ roles.

[Module 1] The 1st quest #3 Preview 02:10

The first quest rewards one point. After completing the quest, check your level and gamification XP chart. 

[Module 2] Gamification in education #1 Preview 03:03

In this module, we are going to take a look at the definition of gamification and the typical flow of gamification. Plus, we need to check the knowledge related to gamification and the process to create an educational game.

[Module 2] The typical flow of gamification in education #2 Preview 02:16

This lecture suggests the typical flow of gamification in education. 

[Module 2] The types of Edu. games #3 Preview 03:05

This lecture provides the types of educational game and the second quest which rewards 1 point. 

[Module 2] The body of knowledge about Edu. games #4 Preview 02:25

This lecture will let you know the basic knowledge about educational game. 

[Module 2] 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game Design #5 Preview 02:32

This lecture will compare with both ADDIE instructional model and 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game Design. 

[Module 3_Red] "4F_1st Step" Figure out program] #1 Preview 02:54

In Module 3, you are going to figure out your current teaching program based on flow theory. At the end of this module, you will have an opportunity to earn 1 point through the 4th quest. 

[Module 3_Red] "4F_1st Step" Figure out program] #2 Preview 01:54

This lecture provides an opportunity to check your level, badge, and gamification XP chart in “Level-up Gamified Teaching & Learning Game." 

[Module 4_Orange] "4F_2nd Step" Focus on Players #1 Preview 04:34

In this module, you will figure out your students as players through the analysis of the player’ types and needs. To do so, we are going to talk about Maslow’s needs theory, motivation theory, experience and behavioral economy, Bartle’s player types, DISC theory and game terms related to players. 

There are two quests in this module, and you will have a great opportunity to unlock the first magic code at the end of this module. 

[Module 4_Orange] "4F_2nd Step" Figure out Players #2 Preview 04:27

Bartle’s player types provide the analysis of your students as players. 

[Module 4_Orange] "4F_2nd Step" Figure out Players #3 Preview 08:37

To analyze you students as players, you'd better understand Maslow's needs theory, motivation theory, experience and behavioral economy. 

[Module 4_Orange] "4F_2nd Step" Figure out Players #4 Preview 02:27

DISC is about behavior assessment tool related to personality traits based on Dr. Marston’s DISC theory. 

[Module 4_Orange] "4F_2nd Step" Figure out Players #5 Preview 02:34

This lecture provides the game terms related to players. 

[The 1st Quiz for Unlocking the Magic Code!]

<< Discover the magic code!!! >>

Q: Which one is a Bartle's player type?  

     Choose one answer! 

[Module 5_Yellow] "4F_3rd Step" Focus on Scope #1 Preview 04:39

In module 5, we are going to focus on the scope to be gamified. Before limiting the scope, we need to take a look at the several points and the teaching contents for gamified teaching. 

[Module 5_Yellow] "4F_3rd Step" Focus on Scope #2 Preview 01:32

This lecture provides how to decide the parts to be gamified. 

[Module 5_Yellow] "4F_3rd Step" Focus on Scope #3 Preview 01:09

This lecture provides an opportunity to check the yellow badge and your gamification XP chart. 

[Module 6_Green] "4F_4th Step" Focus on Fun #1 Preview 01:36

In module 6, we are going to focus on fun elements based on PLEX factors. At the end of this module, you will have a great opportunity to earn one point through the 7th quest.

[Module 6_Green] "4F_4th Step" Focus on Fun #2 Preview 07:16

PLEX model classified 20 flavors of fun experiences. 

[Module 6_Green] "4F_4th Step" Focus on Fun #3 Preview 03:08

Professor Sangkyun Kim sorted three different levels about 20 fun factors for Edu. Game Design based on PLEX model. 

[The 2nd Quiz for Unlocking the Magic Code!]

<< Discover the magic code!!! >>

Q: Think about PLEX model! 

     Which one of the following is not a fun factor based on PLEX model?

     Choose one answer. 

[Module 7_Blue] "4F_5th Step" Fun Design: Story #1 Preview 04:57

In this lecture, we are going to discuss game scenario based on alief effect and 12 steps of the game scenario. Plus, you will have great chances to earn a point through the 8th quest and to unlock the 3rd magic code.

[Module 7_Blue] "4F_5th Step" Fun Design: Story #2 Preview 03:39

This lecture provides a superhero story structure in a game based on Voglar and Montez’s research. 

[The 3rd Quiz for Unlocking the Magic Code!]

Game Scenario

[Module 8_Indigo] "4F_6th Step" Fun Design: Rules #1 Preview 05:24

In this module, we are going to talk about game mechanics and rules for fun Edu. Game design. In the middle of the lecture, you will have a great chance to earn a point through the 9th quest. Plus, at the end of this module, you will unlock the 4th magic code as the 4th mission. 

[Module 8_Indigo] "4F_6th Step" Fun Design: Rules #2 Preview 12:52

This lecture provides 26 game mechanics. 

[Module 8_Indigo] "4F_6th Step" Fun Design: Rules #3 Preview 02:18

This lecture provides 12 game rules, which are commonly used in Edu. Game.  

[Module 8_Indigo] "4F_6th Step" Fun Design: Rules #4 Preview 04:07

This lecture provides the 10th quest which rewards 1 point. 

[The 4rd Quiz for Unlocking the Magic Code!]

Game rules

[Module 9_Purple] "4F_7th Step" Finalize: Prototypes #1 Preview 03:05

In module 9, we are going to talk about how to make Edu. Game prototypes and components as the finalization stage. This lecture contains the process of “Talk Card Game" creation such as instructions, prototypes, and game simulation.

[Module 9_Purple] "4F_7th Step" Finalize: Prototypes #2 Preview 02:33

This lecture provides the process of making an Edu. Game prototype. 

[Module 9_Purple] "4F_7th Step" Finalize: Prototypes #3 Preview 02:30

This lecture provides how to play "Talk Card" game. 

[Module 9_Purple] "4F_7th Step" Finalize: Prototypes #4 Preview 03:59

This lecture provides the simulation of "Talk Card" game. 

[Module 10_Pink] "4F_8th Step" Finalize: Playtest #1 Preview 03:03

In this lecture, we are going to finalize the last 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game Design, “finalize playtest” including playtest process, rubrics, and checklist. At the end of this lecture, you can earn 7 points by the last quest and unlock the last magic code. After unlocking the last code, you can earn 50 points and you will be “expert level!"

[Module 10_Pink] "4F_8th Step" Finalize: Playtest #2 Preview 04:16

This lecture provides 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game checklist. 

[Module 10_Pink] "4F_8th Step" Finalize: Playtest #3 Preview 02:54

This lecture provides the last quest which rewards 7 points. 

[The 5th Quiz for Unlocking the Magic Code!]

4F process

[Wrap up] Review #1 Preview 05:21

This module is the last as wrap-up session. We are going to talk about the considerations of gamification in education and we are going to briefly review 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game Design. Plus, we will check the 5-digit magic code for unlocking as well as "Your Gamification XP Chart."

[Wrap up] "Unlocking the magic code!" #2 Preview 03:54

This lecture provides an opportunity to check the 5-digit magic code for unlocking.

[Wrap up] "End? And!" #3 Preview 03:43

The practical course is waiting for you! The next course will provide the five actual ducational game examples that professor Sangkyun Kim created. The practical course would be free for you if you unlocked the magic code. 

The free coupon code will be "_ _ _ _ _7" which contains the 5-digit magic code. 

 See you on the next practical course! Thank you! 

[Checking the Magic Code for Unlocking!]