The Art Science Of Drawing Weeks 3 4 Form Space

Tags: Drawing

Learn to draw in 3-Dimensions

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.9

- How draw the foundational volumes
- spheres
- cylinders and cubes
- in any orientation in space.
- How to break any form down into basic volumes and in doing so
- understand how to draw them 3-Dimensionally.
- How to draw objects properly in perspective.

What you'll learn

How draw the foundational volumes
cylinders and cubes
in any orientation in space.
How to break any form down into basic volumes and in doing so
understand how to draw them 3-Dimensionally.
How to draw objects properly in perspective.
How to produce drawings that give the illusion of 3-Dimensional objects occupying deep space.

* Requirements

* Some drawing experience recommended
* but not required. If you're a true beginner
* try The Art & Science of Drawing / Basic Skills.


This course contains the third and fourth installments of The Art & Science of Drawing series. In this course you’ll learn to do drawings that give the illusion of 3-Dimensional objects occupying deep space.

You’ll start by learning how to draw the sphere, the cylinder and the cube, the foundational shapes that all other forms, no matter how complex, are constructed from.  Next you’ll learn to combine and manipulate these forms to draw any form observable or imaginable.  You'll even get an introduction to linear perspective! Never again will your drawings appear flat and lifeless on the page.

The Art & Science of Drawing is a remarkable program that will teach you how to draw one day at a time. The program is simple, each day you’ll watch one video lesson that introduces an essential drawing skill, and then do the recommended practice. The Art & Science of Drawing is overflowing with powerful insights into the drawing process and offers some of the clearest, most accessible drawing instruction available. Many of the tools and techniques you'll learn here are rarely seen outside of private art academies.

This is the perfect course for painters who want to add depth to their work and the perfect primer for figure drawing. Learning how to think and draw in terms of volume is what makes the difference between good artists and great artists. 

This course contains the third and fourth installments of an 8-part series.  If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order:
Basic Skills
Dynamic Mark Making
Form & Space
Measuring & Proportion
Shading Fundamentals
Shading: Beyond the Basics

If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Who this course is for:

  • Any artist wanting to improve their drawing or painting skills.
  • Any artist wanting to create more dynamic and believable drawings or paintings.
  • Any student preparing for a career in the arts.

Course content

2 sections • 11 lectures

Introduction to FORM & SPACE Preview 05:34

Day 1: Drawing the Sphere Preview 17:50

Here, you'll be introduced to the concepts of form, space and volume and learn how to draw a sphere oriented believable in space.

Day 2: Drawing the Cylinder Preview 16:18

In this lesson you'll learn how to draw a cylinder believably occupying space and in any proportion and orientation.

Day 3: Drawing the Cube Preview 20:26

This lesson will introduce you to 1 point, 2 point and 3 point linear perspective and, in doing so, teach you to draw the cube accurately in perspective.

Day 4: Observing Objects Preview 14:51

Day 5: Drawing A Simple Still Life Preview 16:49

Here, you'll put everything you've learned together and learn to draw multiple objects believably occupying space.

Week 4 Day 1: Compound Form Preview 14:12

In this lesson you'll learn how to combine the foundational volumes of spheres, cylinders and cubes in order to understand and draw more complex forms.

Day 2: Organic Form Preview 15:51

Here, you'll learn to "sculpt on the page" by using the 3 foundational volumes as a basis for complex organic forms. This is an essential skill for every aspiring master.

Day 3: Beyond The Box Preview 15:42

In this lesson you'll learn to create complex planar shapes from more basic boxes by turning slicing and combining them. This is an essential skill for every aspiring master.

Day 4: Drawing Rims & Handles Preview 15:47

Cups, vases, and pitchers are common still life subjects, but students struggle with how to draw their rims and handles accurately,  This lesson will demystify these forms and give you the strategies you need to draw any handle or rim on a subject.

Day 5: Drawing Volumetric Still Life Preview 19:42

In this final installment of the FORM & SPACE section, you'll learn how to pull everything you've learned together to accurately draw multiple complex still life subjects as volumes believably occupying space.