Cpm Pert For Project Management

Learn Project Planning and Scheduling to Become Successful Project Management Professional

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.6

- Project Planning and Scheduling
- Correct prioritizing of activities and proper allocation of resources in project activities.
- Critical Path Method (CPM)
- a technique widely used in project planning and control.

What you'll learn

Project Planning and Scheduling
Correct prioritizing of activities and proper allocation of resources in project activities.
Critical Path Method (CPM)
a technique widely used in project planning and control.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).
Handling adversities in project.

* Requirements

* It is an intuitive approach towards Project Management. One should be willing to think in intuitive way.


Critical Path Method (CPM)/ Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) are the most sought after techniques in Project Planning and Scheduling. Stakeholders in any major project demand for CPM/PERT analysis to get convinced about the likely success of project. This course goes into the nuances of this powerful technique and helps project management professionals make use of it in gaining finer insight into the project. This course also discusses about how to use the CPM/PERT analysis for preparing Gantt Chant.

An interesting case has been included in exercise form that makes you apply these techniques in resource planning, resource allocation, prioritizing the activities and handling change in critical path. PERT CPM examples discussed in this course are easy to understand even for beginners.

A section has been added for Probabilistic models that help in evaluating and managing uncertainties. Risk is measured in terms of probability. This brings quantitative approach towards project risk management particularly related to time overrun.

Who this course is for:

  • Professionals who have to handle projects in their work.
  • Students or Professionals preparing for PMP Certification or any professional examination.
  • Any person who likes getting to the nuances in any technique.

Course content

7 sections • 34 lectures

Projects Vs. Operations Preview 02:06

What Difference it Makes Preview 06:19

Identifying Project Activities Preview 08:47

This video discusses about the important considerations in identifying activities in a project and applies them in a project that has quite a few parallel activities.

Establishing Activity Interrelationships Preview 06:56

Activities in a project are mutually related. Some may be started only after some other activities are completed. Whereas, some may be done in parallel even when some other activities of the project are on. This video takes the project of previous lecture and establishes the relationships between the activities.

Activity Time Estimation Preview 01:32

Activity on Arrow Network Diagram Preview 11:23

We start drawing an activity on arrow network diagram in this video.

Network Diagram Continued with Complexities Preview 07:46

This video completes drawing of network diagram of the previous video. It demonstrates use of dummy activity in handling complex interrelationships among activities.

Drawing Complete Activity Network Diagram Preview 01:50

This note summarizes the concept of drawing activity network diagram.

Practice Drawing Network Diagram Preview 00:15

Revision Question Set A Preview 01:21

There are 4 questions to revise the basics.

Answer to Revision Questions Set A Preview 25:36

Computing Earliest Time of Events Preview 09:33

In an Activity on Arrow (AOA) network diagram, activities are represented by arrows drawn between nodes. Nodes represent end or start of one or more activities. Hence they represent events indicating start or end of activities. Earliest time of an event is such time before which this event cannot happen. This is because of the dependencies of activities ending at this event on other activities in the project. This video computes earliest time of events in the project for which network diagram has already been drawn in earlier videos.

Computing Latest Time of Events Preview 10:47

Earliest time of the node representing end of the project gives the project completion time. The project cannot be completed before that without reducing activity times. In deterministic situation, the project is planned to be completed in the earliest possible time only. Latest time of various events are such time before which the event must happen to avoid delay in project completion. The earliest time and the latest time for some events differ. This knowledge helps project managers in correctly prioritizing the activities.

This video computes the latest time of all the events in this project.

Slack Time and Critical Path Preview 07:22

Practice Problem

WBS of a project is given in the first question of this quiz. Answer the questions related to earliest time and latest time of various events in the project.

Activity Based Analysis Preview 11:43

Project Scheduling: Gantt Chart Preview 05:07

Project Management Decisions

This assignment brings various decision situations related to activity prioritising and adversity handling in systematic way and makes you get important insight for taking smart decisions.

Detailed Solution to Assignment Questions Preview 11:28

Resource Problem in the Beginning Preview 05:13

Delay in Activity Execution Preview 08:50

Reducing Project Time Preview 11:50

Sometimes project needs to be completed before the scheduled time due to reasons like making use of some unforeseen opportunity or to accommodate some requirement or something like this. Resources can be deployed on various activities to reduce the activity time. This  video brings some important point related to change in critical path to help managers deploy the resources to get best result.

A Case involving Resource Allocation and Priority Setting Preview 03:18

It is an interesting case that involves resource planning, prioritizing of activities and resource allocation. It also involves change in critical path due to resource allocation. This case is quite helpful in understanding nuances of project management and can make you take smart decisions during project execution.

Solutions to Revision Questions Set B Preview 27:10

These questions are based on data given in the Case related to resource allocation and priority setting just before this lecture. There are four multiple choice questions to apply your understanding of the concepts. Solutions are given in the video itself. So, if you want to try on your own, pause the video, see the question, solve that and play the video to check your answer and go to the nest question.

Risks Estimates in Activities Preview 06:17

It takes a WBS with optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time estimates of activities and discusses about uncertainties and risks involved in the activities based on that.

Expected Project Completion Time and Variance Preview 06:19

This lecture computes expected project completion time and variance for the project under probabilistic situation.

Probability of Project Completion within Planned Time Preview 06:16

It takes the same project for which WBS with probabilistic time estimates has been discussed earlier in this section and the expected project completion time and variance have been computed. This lecture goes further to find the probability of project being completed before different planned times. It uses Normal Distribution table to find the probability.

Deciding Planned Time Preview 03:07

It decides about the desired probability of project completion in planned time and computes the project time plan to get that probability of success.

Practice on Probabilistic Situation Preview 01:24

Here, few questions are given related to project management in probabilistic situation. Answers are also given. It will help if you do these questions yourself. Detail answer in video form will be made available as resource to this lecture.

Revision Question Set C Preview 01:11

Solutions To Revision Question Set C Preview 26:35

Project Planning in Probabilistic Situation Preview 12:52

Network Diagram and Dummy Activities Preview 17:34

Project Completion Time and Change in Critical Path Preview 18:38