Learn Ansible

Tags: Ansible

This course introduces Ansible to the absolute beginner in DevOps. Practice Ansible with coding exercises in browser.

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Beginner level introduction to Ansible
- Introduction to YAML and Hands-on Exercises
- Build Ansible Inventory Files with Hands-on Exercises

What you'll learn

Beginner level introduction to Ansible
Introduction to YAML and Hands-on Exercises
Build Ansible Inventory Files with Hands-on Exercises
Build Ansible Inventory Files with Hands-on Exercises
Automate provisioning and web server deployment

* Requirements

* Basic Linux Administrator Skills
* Good to have (Not Mandatory) access to a Linux System to setup Ansible to follow along


"Course is simple and awesome. I always wanted to learn Ansible, I have been through several courses and this is the best." - Student Testimonial

What's in this course?

This course introduces a beginner in DevOps to basic fundamentals of Ansible with easy to do hands-on exercises that you can practice right in the browser. The course introduces basic use cases of Ansible followed by an introduction to Ansible Inventory, Playbooks, Modules, Variables, Conditionals, Loops and Roles. Each lecture is accompanied by a set of coding exercises giving the user a hands-on experience in developing Ansible Playbooks.

What is so special about THIS course?

Lectures backed by animated slides makes it simple and easy to understand. This is the only course that provides Coding Exercises were you can practice Ansible Playbooks right in your browser.

"One of the best courses I've taken. The contents and the explanation are wonderful" - Student Testimonial

"I liked the hands on with task completion. Would recommend to anyone looking for a getting started guide with hands on experience" - Student Testimonial

What is Ansible?

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications— automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.

Legal Notice:

Ansible® and Ansible Tower® are registered trademarks of Ansible, Inc. in the United States and other countries. This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Ansible, Inc.

Who this course is for:

  • System Administrators
  • Cloud Infrastructure Engineers
  • Automation Engineers
  • Anyone who wants to learn to automate without coding

Course content

11 sections • 34 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:34

Introduction to Ansible Preview 03:48

Download Presentation Preview 00:02

Demo - Part 1 - Setup Lab - Install VirtualBox Preview 09:01

Demo - Part 2 - Setup Lab - Clone VMs and Install Ansible Preview 06:15

Labs - FAQ Preview 01:23

Student Preferences Preview 00:22

Ansible Inventory Preview 04:14

Demo - Ansible Inventory Preview 05:03

Coding Exercise - Ansible Inventory Preview 00:01

Introduction to YAML Preview 08:36

Coding Exercise - YAML Preview 00:01

Ansible Playbooks Preview 05:54

Demo - Run Ansible Playbooks Preview 07:01

Demo - Tips & Tricks - Atom IDE with Ansible Preview 17:51

Coding Exercise : Ansible Playbooks Preview 00:01

Ansible Modules Preview 10:06

Coding Exercise - Ansible Modules Preview 00:01

If you like it, share it! Preview 00:03

Ansible Variables Preview 03:44

Coding Exercise: Ansible Variables Preview 00:01

Conditionals Preview 04:12

Coding Exercise: Ansible Conditionals Preview 00:01

Loops Preview 06:59

Coding Exercise: Ansible Loops Preview 00:01

Ansible Roles Preview 07:45

Ansible Inventory - 3

Advanced Topics Preview 09:39

Project - Introduction Preview 06:00

Ansible Inventory - 6

Demo-Project Preview 12:25

Project Preview 00:03

Course Completion Certificate Preview 01:58

Bonus Lecture: Ansible Certification Course Preview 03:05