Aws Certified Developer

Become an AWS Certified Developer! Learn all AWS Certified Developer Associate topics. PASS the Certified Developer Exam

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.6

- Pass the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2019 Exam
- Become intimately familiar with the AWS platform from a developer perspective.
- All the services of AWS required to pass AWS certified developer associate exam

What you'll learn

Pass the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2019 Exam
Become intimately familiar with the AWS platform from a developer perspective.
All the services of AWS required to pass AWS certified developer associate exam
Installing Apache Server on EC2
S3 Storage and DataBases SQL vs NoSQL
Serverless services of AWS
Developing on AWS using CICD
Automating Development using CodePipeline
Encryption and security services of AWS

* Requirements

* You will need to set up an AWS Account (you can use the free tier for this course)
* A Windows
* Linux or Mac PC/Laptop
* Knowledge of at least 1 programming language is advantageous but not strictly required


Amazon Web Services - (AWS) Certification is a growing and essential certification for any IT professional or developer working with AWS. This course is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate 2020 Exam. Even if you have no prior knowledge of the AWS platform before, by the end of this AWS course you will be able to take the exam. No specific programming knowledge is needed although knowing at least one programming language would be advantageous and no prior AWS experience required. With AWS certification, you will have an advantage over other developers in the industry and will have the upper hand in any cloud or development related job.

Please note, this is not a course to teach you how to code, this course is specifically designed on helping you to pass the AWS Certified Developer exam.

AWS are constantly evolving their platform, This course will help you find the study material also and will guide you to keep up to date with the exam and AWS services as well.

All lectures are 5 - 15 minutes long. The Hands-on Labs are designed in such a way to guide you through each step and help you understand all the possibilities and overcome all the hurdles in deploying applications and migrating your local services to the AWS platform

Who this course is for:

  • AWS absolute beginners. No prior AWS experience necessary
  • Existing developers
  • People interested in hosting highly tolerant applications on the AWS cloud.
  • Anyone wanting to acquire the knowledge to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
  • Developers who want to improve their skills and understand how to leverage the AWS Cloud for their applications

Course content

15 sections • 109 lectures

AWS Regions and AZ Preview 03:17

IAM Introduction and IAM Federation Preview 05:26

IAM Lab Preview 07:54

What is EC2? Preview 02:57

Lab : Launching an EC2 Instance running Linux Preview 09:01

How to SSH into your EC2 Instance - Linux / Mac OS X Preview 04:00

Introduction to Security Groups Preview 03:58

Security Groups Deeper Dive Preview 04:16

Private vs Public IP (Ipv4) vs Elastic Ips Preview 03:51

Launching an Apache Server on EC2 Preview 05:26

EC2 User Data Intro + Lab Preview 04:37

EC2 Instance Launch Types + EC2 Pricing + CPU Credits Preview 08:30

What’s an AMI? + Why would you use a custom AMI? Preview 01:33

What is load balancing + Why use a load balancer? Preview 05:09

Types of load balancer on AWS + Health Checks Preview 03:56

Application Load Balancer (v2) vs Network Load Balancer (v2) Preview 03:34

Load Balancer Lab Preview 08:41

Auto Scaling Group + ASG in AWS + ASG with Load Balancer Preview 05:42

Auto Scaling Alarms Preview 06:58

ASG Lab 8.13 Preview 08:11

What’s an EBS Volume? Preview 04:27

EBS Volume Types + EBS Volume Resizing + EBS Snapshots Preview 04:50

EBS Encryption + EBS vs Instance Store Preview 07:23

AWS Route 53 Preview 06:32

RDS and Read replicas Preview 07:16

RDS Multi AZ + Backups Preview 06:16

RDS Encryption, Security and Aurora Preview 06:49

RDS Lab Preview 13:13

ElastiCache Preview 06:20

ElasiCache Patterns Preview 08:52

VPC and 3-tier Preview 05:58

S3 Intro Preview 06:31

S3 Lab Preview 08:08

S3 Encryption Preview 11:07

S3 Security Preview 07:53

S3 Security and Encryption Lab Preview 11:24

S3 Website + CORS Preview 03:14

S3 Website Lab Preview 07:51

S3 Consistency Model + Performance + Glacier Preview 06:53

Introduction Preview 04:05

AWS CLI Setup Preview 05:47

AWS CLI Configuration Preview 07:05

AWS S3 using CLI Preview 07:35

AWS CLI on EC2 Lec Preview 03:50

AWS CLI on EC2 LAB Preview 03:50

Policies and Roles Preview 11:05

AWS sdk Preview 07:48

Elastic Beanstalk Preview 11:02

Elastic Beanstalk LAB Preview 12:23

EB Configuration Preview 04:38

EB Update Options Preview 05:44

Deployment Methods Preview 13:19

EB extension and CLI Preview 07:30

EB with RDS Preview 09:39

CICD Introduction Preview 07:56

AWS CodeComit Preview 08:58

CodeComit Notification Preview 07:05

AWS CodePipeline Preview 07:37

CodeBuild Preview 12:23

AWS CodeDeploy Preview 11:49

Deployment Configuration Preview 07:16

Infrastructure as Code Preview 10:35

How Cloud formation works Preview 08:09

Resources and Parameters Preview 10:13

Mappings, Outputs and Conditions Preview 10:03

Intrinsic Functions Preview 10:37

CloudFront Preview 06:53

CICD and Monitoring Preview 12:19

CloudFormation and Monitoring Preview 08:40

Monitoring and Controlling Preview 06:33

AWS Metrics and Alarms Preview 05:05

Metrics and Alarms Hands-on Preview 06:37

AWS Logs and events Preview 06:01

Logs and Events Hands-on Preview 10:06

CloudTrail Preview 05:20

AWS Lambda Serverless Preview 06:40

AWS Lambda Hands-on Preview 14:28

Lambda Configuration Preview 07:19

Lambda Config Hands-on Preview 14:06

AWS Lambda Monitoring Preview 06:37

Lambda Dependencies Preview 06:25

Versions and Alias Preview 06:09

DynamoDB Introduction Preview 10:52

Lab DynamoDB Preview 13:26

Provisioned Throughput Preview 08:46

Developing on DynamoDB Preview 12:22

Lab extended Preview 14:06

DynamoDB security Preview 06:21