Aws Certified Developer Associate Practice Tests Dva C01

325 Test Quiz Questions on DVA-C01 ! Practice the AWS Certified Developer Exam & ace the AWS Certified Developer Exam!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.7

- Practice for the DVA-C01 exam with 4 full practice exams of 65 questions each
- Consolidate and validate the learning from the Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate course

What you'll learn

* Requirements



[Update May 2021]: 25 new questions have been added based on exam feedback from students

[Update Aug 2020]: All questions have been re-written, detailed explanations added, and new questions added based on exam updates

[Update July 2019]: 33 Bonus Questions have been added. They're based on newer topics students had at the exam!

[Update Apr 2019]: ALL AWS Certified Developer practice exams are now using scenario-based questions, just like the real exam!

[Update Feb 2019]: Added detailed explanations on why answers are correct / incorrect + ECS questions on each quiz


Preparing for AWS Certified Developer Architect Associate DVA-C01? This is THE practice exams course to give you the winning edge.

These practice exams have been co-authored by Stephane Maarek and Abhishek Singh who bring their collective experience of passing 18 AWS Certifications to the table.

The tone and tenor of the questions mimic the real exam. Along with the detailed description and “exam alert” provided within the explanations, we have also extensively referenced AWS documentation to get you up to speed on all domain areas being tested for the DVA-C01 exam.

We want you to think of this course as the final pit-stop so that you can cross the winning line with absolute confidence and get AWS Certified! Trust our process, you are in good hands.

All questions have been written from scratch! And more questions are being added over time! You can see for yourself some of the amazing testimonials from our students who have aced the real exam:



5 stars: These exams should definitely be a part of everyone's study material, they were extremely helpful and packed with information. I got a 43% on the first exam before taking his course, then after taking the course I got 76, 78, 84, 89, 86 on all 5 tests, and was able to pass with a 959/1000 on the real exam

5 stars: I recommend you take this practice exam with Stephane's hands-on course. For your reference, I passed a real exam over 900 points.

5 stars: Passed with 914 on the exam. This is exam was very good in comparison to the real exam


Quality speaks for itself...


You have migrated an on-premise SQL Server database to an Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) database attached to a VPC inside a private subnet. Also, the related Java application, hosted on-premise, has been moved to an Amazon Lambda function.

Which of the following should you implement to connect AWS Lambda function to its RDS instance?

  1. Use Lambda layers to connect to the internet and RDS separately

  2. Configure lambda to connect to the public subnet that will give internet access and use Security Group to access RDS inside the private subnet

  3. Use Environment variables to pass in the RDS connection string

  4. Configure Lambda to connect to VPC with private subnet and Security Group needed to access RDS

What's your guess? Scroll below for the answer...

Correct: 4.


Configure Lambda to connect to VPC with private subnet and Security Group needed to access RDS - You can configure a Lambda function to connect to private subnets in a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your account. Use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) to create a private network for resources such as databases, cache instances, or internal services. Connect your lambda function to the VPC to access private resources during execution. When you connect a function to a VPC, Lambda creates an elastic network interface for each combination of the security group and subnet in your function's VPC configuration. This is the right way of giving RDS access to Lambda.


Use Lambda layers to connect to the internet and RDS separately - You can configure your Lambda function to pull in additional code and content in the form of layers. A layer is a ZIP archive that contains libraries, a custom runtime, or other dependencies. Layers will not help in configuring access to RDS instance and hence is an incorrect choice.

Configure lambda to connect to the public subnet that will give internet access and use the Security Group to access RDS inside the private subnet - This is an incorrect statement. Connecting a Lambda function to a public subnet does not give it internet access or a public IP address. To grant internet access to your function, its associated VPC must have a NAT gateway (or NAT instance) in a public subnet.

Use Environment variables to pass in the RDS connection string - You can use environment variables to store secrets securely and adjust your function's behavior without updating code. You can use environment variables to exchange data with RDS, but you will still need access to RDS, which is not possible with just environment variables.



My name is Stephane Maarek, and I'll be your instructor in this practice exam. I teach about AWS certifications with my focus always on helping my students improve their professional proficiencies in AWS. I am also the author of some of the most highly-rated & best-selling courses on AWS Lambda, AWS CloudFormation & AWS EC2.

Throughout my career in designing and delivering these certifications and courses, I have already taught 1,000,000+ students and gotten 350,000+ reviews!

I'm delighted to welcome Abhishek Singh as my co-instructor for these practice exams!


Welcome to the best practice exams to help you prepare for your AWS Certified Developer Architect Associate exam.

  • You can retake the exams as many times as you want

  • This is a huge original question bank

  • You get support from instructors if you have questions

  • Each question has a detailed explanation

  • Mobile-compatible with the Udemy app

  • 30-days money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied

We hope that by now you're convinced!... And there are a lot more questions inside the course.

Happy learning and best of luck for your AWS Certified Developer Associate exam!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to practice the DVA-C01 AWS Certified Developer exam before taking the real one!

Course content

1 sections • 6 lectures

Practice Test #1 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!

Practice Test #2 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!

Practice Test #3 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!

Practice Test #4 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!

Practice Test #5 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!

Practice Test #6 (AWS Certified Developer Associate - DVA-C01)

About this practice exam:
- questions order and response orders are randomized
- you can only review the answer after finishing the exam due to how Udemy works
- it consists of 65 questions, the duration is 130 minutes, the passing score is 720


In case of an issue with a question:
- ask a question in the Q&A
- please take a screenshot of the question (because they're randomized) and attach it
- we will get back to you as soon as possible and fix the issue

Good luck, and happy learning!