Economics For Accounting And Finance Professionals

Tags: Economics

Learn basics of economics useful for real life application

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- Understand What is Economics
- Understand Difference between Micro Economics and Macro Economics
- Understand Theory of Demand

What you'll learn

Understand What is Economics
Understand Difference between Micro Economics and Macro Economics
Understand Theory of Demand

* Requirements

* This course starts from fundamentals
* No prior knowledge is required


Welcome to course on "Basics of Economics A Complete Study"

Finance, Accountancy and Economics are three different business subjects but with inter dependence, similarities and of course distinct differences.

If one has to excel in any of the above one domain (Finance / Accountancy / Economics) he should have strong understanding of main domain and basic understanding of other two domains.

Hence, this course will provide basic knowledge on Economics for Finance and Accounting Professionals.

So, what is Economics is all about?

Its about making choices.

Its not just about money.

It is about weighing different choices or alternatives.

So, there are variety of modern definitions for economics. Some of the differences may reflect evolving views of the subject or different views among economists

By studying Economics, you will understand two fundamental facts;

a) Human beings have unlimited wants; and

b) The means of satisfying these wants are relatively scarce

and the above form the subject matter.

By taking this course, you will learn

i) What is Economics

ii) Definition and Scope of Economics

iii) Nature of Economics

iv) Methods of Study of Economics

v) Economic Problems

vi) Theory of Demand

vii) Law of Demand

viii) Expansion and Contraction of Demand

ix) Demand Curve

x) Elasticity of Demand

Based on students engagement level, further courses will be added on the topics like

Theory of Production and Cost, Price Determination in Different Markets, etc.

This course is structured in self paced learning style.

You will experience virtual class room with black / green board writing and lectures with supporting lectures.

Take this course to understand the basics of Economics.

Who this course is for:

  • Finance and Accounting Professionals
  • CA / CS / CMA / B.Com., /M.Com Students

Course content

14 sections • 80 lectures

Introduction Preview 04:42

Wealth and Welfare Definition of Economics Preview 04:57

Economics Scarcity Definition Preview 03:20

Economics Growth Definition Preview 05:16

Methods of Economic Analysis Preview 05:39

Economic Laws Preview 07:09

Human Wants Preview 04:37

Charecteristics of Wants Part I Preview 05:05

Charecteristics of Want Part II Preview 03:19

Classification of Wants Preview 02:40

Significance of Classification of Want Preview 02:17

Utility - Total Utility and Marginal Utility Preview 05:53

Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility (DMU) Preview 13:06

Importance of Law of DMU Preview 03:17

Criticism of Law of DMU Preview 03:52

Law of Equi Marginal Utility Preview 09:27

Limitations of Law of EMU Preview 01:43

What is Demand? Preview 03:02

Law of Demand Preview 03:26

Demand Schedule & Demand Curve Preview 03:57

Individual Demand and Market Demand Schedule Preview 02:36

Market Demand Curve Preview 03:10

Exceptions to law of Demand Preview 03:45

Extension and Contraction of Demand Preview 01:54

Shifts in Demand (Increase / Decrease in Demand) Preview 03:05

Factors determining Demand Preview 04:12

Introduction to Elasticity of Demand Preview 01:47

Price Elasticity of Demand Preview 07:49

Decision Making in Business Preview 02:36

Fundamental concepts in Decison Making followed by Incremental Concept Preview 09:35

Incremental and Marginal Concepts Preview 06:27

Market Preview 03:43

Classification of Markets Preview 03:51

Types of Market Struture Preview 05:42

Total Revenure, Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue Preview 04:05

Determination of Prices in Open Market Preview 10:29

Increase in Demand and new Equilibrium Point Preview 07:09

Decrease in Demand and new Equilibrium Point Preview 03:15

Features of Perfect Market Preview 04:56

Price determination in perfect market Preview 13:10

Why Total Revenue Curve of a price taking firm is an Upward Sloping Straight Lin Preview 02:44

What is the relation between Market Price, AR and MR of Price taking firm? Preview 03:38

What is Market Equilibrium? Preview 01:53

When do we say there is excess demand for commodity? Preview 02:42

When do we say there is excess SUPPLY for commodity? Preview 02:35

What will happen if Market Price greater or less than Equilibrium Price? Preview 01:49

How price is determined in a perfectly competitive market? Preview 01:59

How equilibrium price and quanity affected due to change in Income? Preview 04:52

How increase in price of shoe affect sales of socks? Preview 02:52

How change in price of coffee affects sales of tea? Preview 03:26

How change in price of inputs affect equilibrium? Preview 03:43

Effect of Rightward shift in Demand and Supply Curve on Equilibrium Price and Qu Preview 06:56

Prefect Competion Pure Competition Preview 02:14

why firms in Perfect Competion are Price taker? Preview 01:25

Effect on equilibrium Price Preview 02:49

what is Monopoly Preview 02:01

Feratures of Monopoly Preview 02:58

Different ways of Creating monopoly Preview 01:46

Monopolistic Competition & its Features Preview 05:49

Budget Set and Budget line Preview 02:25

How to draw Budget line Preview 04:20

Price Elasticity of Demand Preview 03:58

Impact on Demand for Change in Price Preview 01:31

Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand Preview 04:50

Different type of Price Elasticity of Demand Preview 11:16

Total Expenditure Method Preview 05:45

Geometric or Point Method Preview 04:29

Percentage or Proportionate Method Preview 02:28

Cost and Cost function Preview 02:21

Money cost and Real Cost Preview 01:53

Opportunity Cost, accounting & Economic Cost Preview 04:38

Private Cost Social cost Preview 01:06

Fixed cost and variable Cost Preview 07:04

Short run Average Cost Curve Preview 11:33

Marginal Cost Preview 06:06