Supply Chain Risk Management

Learn to Minimise Disruptions, Reduce Risk and Make your Supply Chain Resilient

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.3

- You will be able to manage risks
- reduce the effects of disruptions in your supply chain
- and meet the needs and expectations of your customers and partners
- You will understand how to determine
- implement
- and monitor an optimal mix of measures to avoid
- defer
- reduce
- or transfer all relevant supply chain risks
- You will have the ability to develop
- execute and implement a 5-step risk management process

What you'll learn

You will be able to manage risks
reduce the effects of disruptions in your supply chain
and meet the needs and expectations of your customers and partners
You will understand how to determine
and monitor an optimal mix of measures to avoid
or transfer all relevant supply chain risks
You will have the ability to develop
execute and implement a 5-step risk management process
You will learn how to develop and implement a Predictive – Proactive SCRM methodology
You will learn how to build supply chain security through capability development and dynamic security management capabilities

* Requirements

* No previous knowledge required.
* Computer and Internet.


RISK MANAGEMENT must be on the radar screen of every business management team and organisation - from top to bottom. From planning to documentation, from risk identification to hazard assessment, from global risk management strategies to the key role of supply chain management, this course contains plenty of practical, relevant information and best practices for managing the unknown.

Just as it is impossible to totally prevent most disasters and disruptions, it is unrealistic to assume that they will happen to other companies but not to yours. Being prepared when things happen is just plain good business. Failure to plan for such events can lead to supply chain disruptions that can devastate company performance, damage profitability and stock prices, and result in irreparable harm to the organisation. The consequences can also result in cascading damage to every business and organisation relying on the timely receipt of your goods and services that enable them to continue meeting their customers’ needs.

By blending organisational capabilities emanating from people, processes, and technology, the firm can embrace a supply chain security orientation and effectively protect itself and its supply chain assets from damage and/or destruction caused by internal and external threats.

By completing this course, you'll be armed with the valuable and practical skills you need to develop and implement an Effective Supply Chain Risk Management program, improve your business operations performance, and make your supply chain secure and resilient.

Who this course is for:

  • The course is suitable for students and business professionals who want to get a basic understanding of risk management and to explore various strategies and best practices, tools for identifying and managing risks, and tools for planning and analysis.
  • The course is suitable for supply chain professionals involved in developing and implementing risk management plans.

Course content

2 sections • 21 lectures

Course Introduction Preview 03:50

Supply Chain Risk Basics Preview 05:21

Download the Presentation Slides

The Changing Face of Supply Chain Risks Preview 04:12

Risk Management Process Preview 07:29

External Risk Drivers Preview 09:35

Internal Risk Drivers Preview 12:17

Risk Assessment Preview 15:38

Risk Treatment Preview 11:01

Continual Monitoring of Risks Preview 12:20

Predicting and Managing SC Risks Preview 15:55

Supply Chain Security Preview 12:28

Supply Chain Risk Strategies Preview 04:37

Supply Chain Risk Matrix Preview 09:56

Download the Presentation Slides and Excel Spreadsheets

Example Application of Risk Matrix Preview 04:46

SC Selection Decisions Preview 10:23

Source Selection Example Preview 05:30

Optimization Model Example Preview 09:08

Balanced Scorecard in SCM Preview 05:51

Balanced Scorecard Analysis Example Preview 05:19

Course Quiz

Course Closure Preview 01:07