Become An Expert On Mortgage Credit Reports

Tags: Mortgage

Finibi Mortgage, CEO, Joe Correa teaches you how to Solve Credit Problems and Improve Borrowers Credit Scores

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- You will learn how to read a tri-merged residential credit report
- You will learn how to understand different terms and numbers that appear on credit reports
- You will know how to interpret credit scores and determine what score lenders will use to qualify borrowers

What you'll learn

You will learn how to read a tri-merged residential credit report
You will learn how to understand different terms and numbers that appear on credit reports
You will know how to interpret credit scores and determine what score lenders will use to qualify borrowers
Students will learn how to run credit simulations to increase credit scores
Students will learn how long it takes for derogation credit to come off borrowers credit
You will learn how to analyze why a borrower has the credit scores they have
You will learn how credit scores are determined by Equifax
and Experian
You will learn how credit repair companies work
You will learn how to improve your own credit by using the same strategies credit repair companies use

* Requirements

* Basic English
* High school level mathematics


Becoming an Expert on Mortgage Credit Reports is a smart and practical approach to approving more borrowers and helping them have better interest rates in the process which will increase your sales and total income. Mortgage credit report experts are always in high demand, they close more deals, and make more money!

In this modern course, you'll learn all of the skills necessary to become an expert on mortgage credit reports and be able to use these skills in you're day-to-day working life. From how to read a credit report to requesting a "rapid re-score" to running credit score simulations, these lectures are designed for any one who wants to approve more buyers and borrowers. With real world examples demonstrating exactly how to execute each step of the credit score improvement process, you'll find out exactly what to do to remove delinquent credit and how to get it to report in a matter of days not months, and be compliant with all federal and state regulations.

Main benefits of this course and of being an expert on mortgage credit reports are:

- Double, triple, or quadruple your income by approving and closing more loans.

People who put into practice what they learn in this course can go from making $60,000 to $300,000 or more. The volume of loans that you can close will increase many times over which will seriously increase your income.

- Improve your own credit scores

- Get hired much faster with a bank, lender, or mortgage company or simply help more buyers get approved if you already work in the financial industry.

- Help borrower's get better interest rates and lower mortgage payments.

- Become the best at what you do or want to do by knowing more than you competition about mortgage credit reports.

If you already know the basics of mortgage credit reports and want refresh your memory or are just starting out and want to learn more in depth, this is the course for you. Ensuring the success of each and every loan requires that you have the knowledge necessary to solve credit problems. You need to know how to solve different types of credit problems and tools you can use to make these changes. This course will provide you with the knowledge and the solutions you need to become a success in the mortgage and real estate industry.

The first and second sections of this course will take you through two hugely important parts of the mortgage credit process: how the entire mortgage credit reporting process works and what it means to be a mortgage credit report expert. You will learn how credit scores are determined and what can bring them up the most. In addition, you will learn what scoring models are and just how high credits scores can go. Besides that you will understand what components go into a mortgage credit report and how each one affects a borrowers capacity to qualify for a mortgage.

In the third and fourth sections of this course you will learn what you need to do to improve borrowers credit and their scores (or your own if that's our goal). This section will go into depth how to solve common credit problems borrowers have such as collections, late payments, low credit scores, bad credit, etc., so that you can quickly recognize them and efficiently resolve them.

In the fifth and sixth sections, you will learn how to solve common credit problems and how to run credit simulations to see just what needs to be done for each particular borrower to bring their scores up. You will also understand what the minimum credit requirements are to qualify for a home loan and how credit repair companies work and how they help borrowers. In the end of this section, you will understand what credit fraud and identity theft are and how to prevent them. This is a growing concern among borrowers which you can advise them on.

At the end of it all, you'll have the tools needed to make better, and more successful decisions when helping borrowers qualify for a mortgage. A course diploma will be available to you when all sections have been completed at 100% which you can save or print. For instructions on downloading your course diploma you can go to:

Your instructor

Joseph Correa is the founder and CEO of Finibi Mortgage, a licensed mortgage brokerage business based out of Orlando, Florida. Having closed hundreds of mortgage loans and having improved borrowers credit to help them close, he has the necessary mortgage credit knowledge to help you become a success. In the past, he has also owned a correspondent lending business and invested in real estate.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to improve their own credit scores
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to read a credit report
  • Mortgage loan originators, processors, underwriters, real estate agents, property managers, financing departments
  • Anyone who wants to increase borrowers credit scores and close more loans
  • Anyone who wants to approve loans they once could not approve due to low credit scores
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about the mortgage industry
  • Anyone who wants to learn to repair credit

Course content

10 sections • 86 lectures

Who should become an expert on mortgage credit reports? Preview 00:29

Why should you become an expert on mortgage credit reports? Preview 00:37

What are the benefits of becoming an expert on mortgage credit reports? Preview 00:33

Who should become a mortgage credit expert? Preview 00:53

What does an expert on mortgage credit do? Preview 00:43

What are mortgage credit reports? Preview 00:58

Instructor background Preview 00:33

Why do lenders and banks require a mortgage credit report? Preview 00:41

Is it possible for credit bureaus to report different information? Preview 00:49

Mortgage credit report expert tasks and borrowers expectations Preview 01:03

Teaching your borrowers to manage their credit proactively Preview 00:29

What are the main benefits of this course? Preview 00:36

What are the main benefits of this course? The break down. Preview 00:36

The general process of how credit is reported Preview 02:05

What is the fair credit reporting act? Preview 00:51

How credit scores are determined Preview 00:42

How credit reporting agencies determine credit scores Preview 04:54

How are amounts owed determined? Preview 01:34

How is the length of credit history determined? Preview 00:55

How is new credit determined? Preview 01:05

How are types of credit determined? Preview 00:43

What is a good or bad credit score? Preview 02:10

What are the scoring models? Preview 00:48

What is a Vantagescore and other factors that affect credit scores? Preview 01:22

What are soft credit inquiries? Preview 00:39

What are hard inquiries? Preview 00:40

How long do credit inquiries last? Preview 00:39

Free annual credit report Preview 00:54

Free annual credit report overview of website Preview 01:55

What are the components of a mortgage credit report? Preview 01:35

1. Borrower's credit scores Preview 00:50

2. Potential score increases Preview 00:48

3. Date of credit report, reference number, and company that pulled credit Preview 00:52

4. Borrower's information Preview 00:44

5. Scoring models for each credit bureau Preview 04:28

6. Current tradelines Preview 00:51

7. Derogatory accounts Preview 00:57

8. Collections and charge offs Preview 03:13

9. Other credit history and public records Preview 00:56

10. Alerts and remarks Preview 00:51

A Quick Interruption Preview 01:03

11. Trade and derogatory summary Preview 01:14

12. Source of information Preview 00:40

13. Credit inquiries Preview 00:54

14. Creditors and their contact information Preview 00:44

15. Miscellaneous information Preview 00:38

16. Disclaimer Preview 01:18

Understanding a mortgage credit report Preview 11:27

What credit score ranges will result in a change in interest rates? Preview 01:06

What things can be improved on a credit report to see a short term increase? Preview 00:55

What things can be improved on a credit report to see a long term increase? Preview 00:37

What tools do most mortgage companies and lenders have to help borrowers? Preview 00:44

Can scores go up without any credit improvements? Preview 00:36

1. The borrower's credit is new and does not reflect credit scores Preview 00:56

2. Only one or two credit scores appear on the mortgage credit report Preview 00:43

3. Borrower has derogatory credit that has expired but not been removed yet Preview 00:40

4. The co-borrower doesn't have a good enough middle credit score to qualify Preview 00:45

5. A bankruptcy chapter 7 or 13 appear on the borrower's credit report Preview 01:18

6. A foreclosure appears on the borrower's credit report Preview 00:36

7. A short sale appears on the borrower's credit report Preview 00:31

8. A recent late mortgage payment shows on the borrower's tri-merged credit Preview 00:41

9. The borrower's middle credit score is short 2 points to qualify Preview 00:45

10. How can a collection be removed from a mortgage credit report Preview 00:50

11. The borrower paid off a debt but it does not reflect on their scores Preview 00:36

12. Too many inquiries have dropped the borrower's credit scores to qualify Preview 00:43

13. The borrower's total debt is too high and is hurting their scores Preview 00:36

14. No credit scores or tradelines appear on the borrower's mortgage credit Preview 01:17

What are credit score simulations? Preview 01:58

How credit score simulations work Preview 01:42

The most common ways to increase borrower's credit scores Preview 00:46

How to run a credit score simulation Preview 03:24

Can borrower's improve their credit on their own? Preview 01:53

How can borrower's create credit fast Preview 00:55

Credit Karma website overview Preview 01:50

What is the minimum credit score needed to qualify for a home loan? Preview 01:03

How do credit scores affect borrower's rates? Preview 00:58

Are there any loans that don't care what your credit scores are? Preview 01:08

Can a credit repair company make a difference? Preview 00:45

How much do credit repair companies charge Preview 00:59

What do credit repair companies have to offer? Preview 00:39

Have several credit repair companies to choose from Preview 00:45

What are fraud alerts? Preview 01:08

Why are fraud alerts important and how to place one? Preview 01:57

What is an extended fraud alert, a credit freeze, and a credit report lock? Preview 02:21