Powersystemopt Course

Online guide on how to learn GAMS like a Pro. Complete Practical Examples, take your GAMS skills to the next level now!

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- How to mathematically formulate your problems in GAMS?
- How to start coding in GAMS?
- Solve Optimal AC/DC power flow

What you'll learn

How to mathematically formulate your problems in GAMS?
How to start coding in GAMS?
Solve Optimal AC/DC power flow
Model Energy Storage in GAMS
How to formulate and implement the demand response in GAMS?
How to fix your GAMS code ?
is Multi-Objective Optimization covered in this course ? YES
PMU allocation is implemented in GAMS
How to model and implement Unit commitment ?
How to formulate the environmental constraints in energy problems ?
Build a complete understanding of GAMS from the ground up!
Learn advanced GAMS features
like conditional statements
How to turn optimization skills to income for yourself ?

* Requirements

* No extensive prior knowledge of GAMS is required
* A desire to learn new concepts like GAMS coding
* A passion for decision making and optimisation
* A laptop or PC to run your code.
* No need to have a full GAMS licence to run your codes


  • How to mathematically formulate your problems in GAMS?
  • How to start coding in GAMS?
  • Solve Optimal AC/DC power flow
  • Model Energy Storage in GAMS
  • How to formulate and implement the demand response in GAMS?
  • How to fix your GAMS code ?
  • is Multi-Objective Optimization covered in this course ? YES
  • PMU allocation is implemented in GAMS
  • How to model and implement Unit commitment ?
  • How to formulate the environmental constraints in energy problems ?
  • Build a complete understanding of GAMS from the ground up!
  • Learn advanced GAMS features, like conditional statements, options, reporting
  • How to turn optimization skills to income for yourself ?

Course content

6 sections • 48 lectures

Pre-Class note (Read before you start) Preview 00:27

Before you start this module please have quick look at this video

Optimal Decision Making Preview 07:41

  • What is the decision making? 

  • Some practical examples

  • What is the objective function?

  • What is the constraint?

GAMS installation on Windows Machines Preview 06:15

This video explains how to install GAMS on a windows machine

GAMS structure Preview 04:56

In this lesson, you will get familiar with the general structure of each GAMS code

Sets in GAMS Preview 04:55

  • What is set ?

  • How to deal with sets in GAMS ? 

  • Syntax ? 

Scalars in GAMS Preview 01:50

  • What is Scalar?

  • How to deal with Scalars in GAMS ? 

  • Syntax ? 

Parameters in GAMS Preview 02:41

  • What is parameter?

  • How to deal with Parameters in GAMS ? 

  • Syntax ? 

Table in GAMS Preview 01:26

  • What is Table?

  • How to deal with Tables in GAMS ? 

  • Syntax ? 

Variables in GAMS Preview 06:14

  • Real variables

  • Binary variables

  • Integer variables 

  • SOS1

  • SOS2

  • Semicont

  • SemiInt

How to define lower and upper bounds for variables ?

Equations in GAMS Preview 04:36

How to define equations in GAMS?

What is the syntax ?

Model definition in GAMS Preview 14:32

  • What kind of optimisation models can be solved in GAMS ? 

  • What is my model type ? 

Solver selection in GAMS Preview 03:10

How to select the right solver for my model in GAMS?

Simple LP programming Preview 09:30

In this session you will learn how to code a linear programming problem in GAMS 

Example 1 LP


Example 2 LP

Duality Theorem in LP Preview 06:31

In this lecture you will get familiar with the duality concept in linear programming problems

Mixed integer quadratic programming Preview 07:51

Mixed integrer programming in transportation problem is discussed here

Conditional statements in GAMS Preview 32:52

Conditional Expressions, Assignments and Equations


LOOP in GAMS Preview 16:20

How to define a model in loops in GAMS environment? 

Multiobjective Optimisation in GAMS Preview 14:38

In this lecture you will learn:

  • What is the optimisation and decision making ?

  • What is an objective function ?

  • What is a constraint ? 

  • What is multi-objective optimisation ?

  • What is Pareto optimal front ?

  • How to code a Pareto optimal front in GAMS ?

In a given circle find a rectangle of maximal area. Preview 02:49

In a given circle find a rectangle of maximal area.

Cylinder in a Sphere Preview 02:31

In a given sphere find a cylinder of maximal volume

Travel time minimisation Preview 03:36

“A woman at a point A on the shore of a circular lake with radius 2 mi wants to arrive at the point C diametrically opposite A on the other side of the lake in the shortest possible time (see the figure). She can walk at the rate of 4 mi/h and row a boat at 2 mi/h. For what value of the angle θ shown in the figure will she minimize her travel time?“

Herons Problem Preview 03:02

A and B are two given points on the same side of a line ℓ. Find a point D on ℓ such that the sum of the distances form A to D and from D to B is a minimum.

Steiner problem Preview 03:15

(Steiner) In the plane of a triangle, find a point such that the sum of its distances to the vertices of the triangle is minimal.

Shortest path via LP Preview 19:21

In this lecture you will learn how to code in GAMS for finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph, which may represent, for example, road networks.

Traveling Sales Person (TSP) Preview 07:55

The travelling salesman problem (TSP) asks the following question: "Given a list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible route that visits each city and returns to the origin city?"

Each city should be met only once

Every city should be visited

Modeling the Game 'Clash of clans' as a mixed integer linear programming Preview 01:20

In these slides, you will see how to formulate the game clash of clans as MIP and solve it in GAMS

Power system optimisation library Preview 04:42

In this video you will learn how to find and have access to Power system optimization library in GAMS website.

Economic Dispatch problem modelling in GAMS Preview 10:20


Dynamic Economic Dispatch Preview 08:47

In this lesson you will learn how to use the GAMS for solving the Dynamic economic dispatch problem

Dynamic Economic Dispatch with Storage Preview 08:38

DC-OPF Preview 10:06

DC Optimal power flow modelling will be discussed

AC-OPF Preview 23:45

The AC -OPF takes into account the non-linear KVL-KCL constraints and tries to determine the optimal generating schedules of units

Locational Marginal Price (LMP) Preview 18:21

In this lecture you will learn how to calculate the LMP in GAMS

Security Constrained DC-OPF (N-1) Preview 18:55

Security constrained optimal power flow is modelled in this lecture. The N-1 contingencies can cause overloading the remaining lines.

Unit commitment Preview 17:49

The unit commitment problem is explained in this lecturer

PMU allocation Preview 06:12

This session provides a solution for increasing the power system observability by allocation of Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) problem in GAMS. The PMU is able to measure the voltage phasor at the connection bus and also it measures the current phasor of any branch connected to the bus hosting the PMU.

Linearize the multiplication of two binary variables

Suppose we have two Binary variables (x,y) , how can we linearize the following equation? Z=XY

In transportation problem

In the transportation problem, answer the following questions

Optimal Decision Making Elements

In a given graph, find the minimum spanning tree:

Increase the demand value and see the impact

What is the impact ?

Dual of the primal LP

Solve the Dual of the LP examples

Demand response modelling in DED

Can you model the DR in DED ? 

2 bus Code

Line loading

Find the highest loaded line

What is the impact of adding a new generating unit ?

Add a new generating unit and investigate the impact on total operating cost

Bonus lectures Preview 00:05

Complete Pyomo Bootcamp: Python Optimization Beginners course!
