Master Your Emotions Uncertainty Stress Anxiety And Fear

Emotional Intelligence: Techniques for Recognizing, Overcoming, & Coping with Negative Emotions like Anxiety & Fear

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.5

- Feel good (or at least better) no matter what is going on around you
- Stop your emotions from spiraling out of control
- Feel resilient and capable of handling life stressors

What you'll learn

Feel good (or at least better) no matter what is going on around you
Stop your emotions from spiraling out of control
Feel resilient and capable of handling life stressors
Stop racing thoughts and calm your anxiety
Develop mindfulness by focusing on the present moment
Feel confident and in control of your emotional state and your life

* Requirements

* The ability to print worksheets



We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries.

We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.


Developing Emotional Intelligence is the biggest key to overcoming negative emotions, such as anxiety and fear.

This course will give you the tools that you need to develop emotional intelligence so you can recognize negative emotions (such as anxiety) while they’re happening, identify the triggers that cause the emotion, and overcome the emotion.  

We’ve been told lies about our emotions:  

  • Emotions are bad or that we’re not supposed to express them.  

  • We should trust them—trust our gut—but, wait, no—emotions are irrational and shouldn’t be trusted  

  • Emotions are something that happens TO us and, therefore, they’re outside of our control.  

The truth is that you CAN control your emotional state, including fear and anxiety. You can learn how to avoid the unwanted ones and purposefully create the ones you want. Just think about an astronaut—they HAVE to learn how to control their mind, emotions and body in order to handle the extreme stress of living in space. And, if they are human beings and can develop their emotional intelligence to overcome any anxiety and fear, so can you.   

In fact, the skill of emotional intelligence is perhaps the most valuable skill you can EVER acquire. By developing your INTRApersonal emotional intelligence skills, you are able to understand and regulate your own emotions. And that is the best way to be prepared to develop your INTERpersonal skills, a.k.a. your ability to understand other people's emotions.  

Being able to cope with and prevent high intensity stress, anxiety and fear unlocks our greatest abilities, frees us to go for our wildest dreams, and is a powerful factor that is often overlooked when comparing those who are successful at achieving their dreams and those who are not.  

For most of us, in our homes and schools, no one teaches us about our emotions and how they work.  

No one teaches that WE can control emotions such as fear and anxiety by using the power of our own mind to become aware of our thoughts and feelings and so unlock the ability to choose our emotions and direct the content of our lives.  

No one teaches us that lack of emotional management is what leads to drama, anxiety, suffering, addiction, stress and poor decisions…. And that if we learn to control our emotions we can avoid these things.  

Emotional intelligence matters!  

And that’s why we’ve created this course.  We’ll focus on 3 of the most undesirable emotions—uncertainty, anxiety, fear—and how you can use emotional awareness and self-control techniques to take back control of your emotions and feel better now.  

We’ll teach you what your emotions REALLY mean, how to recognize them, and how to direct them in a way that allows you to move toward your life goals  

We’ll teach how to get out of your head and become the observer of your emotions as they happen, so you can avoid being hijacked by your own brain and feel in control again. In other words, you will take your power back from anxiety, stress, and negative emotions.  

In this course, you will learn:  

  • Emotional Intelligence insights into to what emotions are and how they work  

  • Emotional Intelligence tools to recognize and identify your emotions  

  • Emotional Intelligence tools to direct your thoughts, giving you the power to direct your emotions  

  • Emotional Intelligence techniques for re-framing your perspective to find the blessings hidden within the pain  

  • How to take back your power and put yourself first  

  • Emotional Intelligence techniques for stress reduction and to make every day more enjoyable  

  • Proven emotional Intelligence tools for preventing loss of emotional control  

  • Emotional Intelligence techniques for de-escalating anxiety and fear  

  • NLP (neuro linguistic programming) techniques to rewire emotional reactions and anchor positive emotions  

  • Emotional intelligence tools to cope with challenges using humor and other self-empowerment techniques  

  • Emotional intelligence techniques to develop feelings of self-confidence and certainty  

  • Emotional intelligence techniques to master feeling hopeful and joyful  

So, if you are ready to reprogram your brain and let go of negative emotions, such as anxiety and fear, and learn the power of emotional intelligence enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!


Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.  we look forward to seeing you in the course!  

So, who are we:   

We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera. We both have over a decade in the field of education, psychology, social service and life coaching. Joeel has a Master’s Degree in Counseling and Education and is finishing his dissertation for his PhD in Psychology with an emphasis on happiness. He is also a former psychology instructor. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. We have worked with thousands of individuals and we’ve observed clearly that the content of people’s thoughts and focus influence their emotional state, which then influences their behavior and the results and outcomes they experience in their lives. We have each also had experiences in life that have pushed us to learn how to understand, identify and influence our own mental and emotional states—and our ability to control our emotions is directly responsible for the success we have created in life. In this course, we teach you everything we have learned through our own experiences, as well as through what we’ve learned from our clients, our research, our careers and our education.   

Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Who this course is for:

  • You’re experiencing UNCERTAINTY in your life and want to feel confident and at ease.
  • You’re STRESSED OUT and want tools to cope with the ups and downs of life and perform better under stress.
  • You experience ANXIETY, FEAR, or WORRY and you want to learn how to prevent de-escalate these emotions.
  • You are tired of feeling like your emotions are outside of your CONTROL.
  • You no longer want to experience DRAMA, fighting or emotional turmoil in your life.
  • You want to understand your emotions, how they work, and how you can manage them.
  • You want to learn how to take control of your thoughts, avoid negative, compulsive THINKING and silence your inner critic
  • You’re a life coach, counselor, social worker, teacher, nurse or parent who wants to HELP OTHERS learn to take control of their emotions.

Course content

8 sections • 50 lectures

Introduction Preview 04:48

Overview of why emotions matter and how this course will help you master your emotions.

Mind Body Emotions Connection Preview 03:52

Experience for yourself the power of the mind to impact your body and your emotions.

Joeel's Journey Preview 05:55

Meet instructor Joeel Rivera and her why she's passionate about helping you take your power back over your emotions.

Natalie Journey Preview 10:09

Meet instructor Natalie Rivera and her why she's passionate about helping you take your power back over your emotions.

Q&A, Support and Workbook Exercises Preview 03:32

Find out how to get the answers to any questions you may have as well as utilize the extensive workbook material and exercises contained in this course.

Questions, Resources and Meet the Instructors Preview 00:41

Biological and Psychological Foundations Preview 08:04

Learn about how emotions work in our brain and body.

Emotional Conditioning Preview 14:36

Learn how emotional responses and behaviors are learned through emotional conditioning.

Emotional Scale: Uncertainty (insecurity), anxiety/worry, and fear Preview 15:21

Learn how to move incrementally up the emotional scale.

Situational Vs Psychological Fear Preview 08:05

Learn the difference between fear that is triggered by immediate threat vs fear that is triggered by your thoughts.

Thoughts Create Emotions Preview 12:35

Explore how thoughts create your emotions, which then lead to behaviors and outcomes, and how learning to direct your thoughts consciously gives you the power to create your life.

Accepting Your Emotions Preview 06:09

Learn how acceptance of your current emotional state is a key to being able to change it.

What Are Emotions Telling You? Preview 03:55

Your emotions are a signal, a sign. Learn how to determine what they're trying to tell you.

Present Moment Awareness Preview 10:02

Learn why the present moment holds the key to unlocking the relief you want from your emotional suffering AND the key to unlock the positive emotions you want to experience.

Present Moment Process Preview 11:51

Learn a process for bringing your attention and awareness into the present moment.

Recognizing Your Emotions Preview 17:00

Learn how to recognize and identify your emotions so that you can redirect them to better feeling emotions.

Identifying Underlying Thoughts Preview 07:19

Learn how to identify what you're thinking about or what you believe that is influencing how you're feeling. Once you know this, you can change your thoughts as well as your emotions.

Identifying Triggers Preview 07:23

We all have triggers that influence our emotions. Some of the triggers are obvious and some are subtle. However, either way they have a significant influence in our life and our emotional state. Recognizing these triggers an essential part of taking control of your emotions. In this video we will go over how to identify emotional triggers. 

Changing Beliefs Preview 12:51

Learn a simple strategy for challenging and changing belief systems that limit you.

Mirror Neurons Preview 07:57

Learn how mirror neurons make us susceptible to being affected by how others are feeling and what's going on around us.

Behind the Scenes: Identifying the root source of emotions Preview 12:03

Dig deeper to unearth the root thoughts or beliefs that are the true source of your emotions.

Taking Back Your Power Preview 07:07

Take back your power by learning how to control your emotional and mental state.

Momentum: Stopping It Early Preview 10:11

Learn how thoughts and emotions end up spiraling out of control and how to stop them before they develop momentum.

Centering Exercises Preview 07:54

Explore techniques for calming your emotions and getting centered.

Perspective: Reframing Your Thoughts & Rationalizing Preview 08:53

Discover how reframing your perspective unlocks hidden blessings from within the curses. A new way of looking at something actually CHANGES your emotional experience of it.

Flow: Channel the Energy Preview 08:38

Explore how "getting in the flow" gives you a positive outlet for your emotional energy.

Balancing Emotional Responses with Physical Actions Preview 06:07

Learn how to balance and manage your emotional reactions.

NLP: Re-coding Your Emotional Memory Preview 09:05

NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exercise: Learn how to replace a negative memory that triggers negative feelings with a neutral or positive, imaginary memory that stops the negative emotional response.

NLP: Restructuring Your Feelings Preview 05:03

NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exercise: Learn how to eliminate a fear response by addressing the "structure" of your emotional and mental fear, rather than addressing the fear itself.

NLP: Changing Your Negative Self Talk Preview 04:01

NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exercise: Learn how to take power back from your inner critic and it's negative self talk by changing how you hear your own inner voice.

NLP: Anchoring Part 1 Preview 07:40

NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exercise: Learn how to create positive emotional anchors/triggers and how to use anchoring as a tool.

NLP: Anchoring Part 2 Creating a Happy Anchor Preview 09:14

NLP (neuro linguistic programming) exercise: Go through the NLP process for creating an anchor on yourself.

Backing Away From the Stress Cliff Preview 17:23

Learn how stress is cumulative and how the more stressed you are the more sensitive you are to additional stressors... and how learning to reduce your stress is the key to coping with it.

Exercise and Stress Preview 05:50

Learn how exercise can help reduce your stress.

Your 2 Brains: Food and Digestion (Neurotransmitters) Preview 08:11

Learn how food and digestion both contribute to stress and can help reduce your stress.

Emotional Equilibrium and Your Default Preview 11:54

Discover how to change your emotional default or set point and find emotional equilibrium.

Progressive Relaxation Preview 14:59

This video is a guided progressive relaxation audio for calming your mind and relaxing your body.

Putting Yourself First Preview 08:33

Explore how self care unlocks your emotional control and empowers you to help others.

Affirmations and Incantations Preview 12:33

Learn powerful tools for directing your own emotional state, including the RIGHT way to use positive affirmations (so they really work) and how to take it to a deeper level through incantations.

Confronting Yourself Preview 04:35

Explore how to give yourself the ultimate pep talk.

Becoming a Student of Yourself Preview 05:22

Explore how self-reflection will help you find perspectives of yourself and your past that unlocks your freedom.

Humor: Laughing At Yourself Preview 05:20

Explore how humor and other tools for self-empowerment can lighten even the darkest situations.

Pain and Pleasure Preview 06:36

Learn why people tend to move toward pleasure and away from pain and how you can use this instinct to motivate yourself to make changes.

Trigger Phrases Preview 03:59

Learn how to create positive triggers for yourself that elicit desired emotional states.

Practicing Confidence and Certainty Preview 08:39

Learn tools for practicing the emotions of confidence and certainty so that you get better at them and counteract experiences that feel uncertain.

Practicing Hope and Joy Preview 10:35

Learn tools for practicing feeling hopeful and happy so that you can FEEL GOOD NOW, reduce your stress, and be better able to find your way back to feeling good when stressors bring you down.

Experiencing UNconditional Emotions Preview 09:20

Identify how you REALLY want to feel in life, which is ultimately the reason you want everything you want. Then, learn how to FELL IT NOW without having to wait for this, that, or the other thing to happen. You can feel good now!

Next Steps Preview 02:51

Congratulations, you did it! In this section we will take a look at how what you've learned can be implemented in your daily life and how you can take it further.

Transformation Magazine Issue: Dig Deeper Preview 00:15

Attached is a free PDF version of Transformation Magazine: Dig Deeper . 

Dig deeper this month into self-empowerment! Read inspirational stories and proven tools for making better choices, preventing stress, and following through on intentions. If you have any forgotten dreams, rediscover what you REALLY want. Learn useful tips if you're an empath and explore how karma is the original recycling program. 

Bonus: Additional Resources You Don't want to Miss Preview 02:44