How To Manage A Disruptive Innovation Next To The Core

Learn how to manage and grow a disruptive innovation next the core business

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.4

- Understand why it is so challenging to manage disruptive innovations next to a core business
- Make better decisions within corporates to deal with managing innovations

What you'll learn

Understand why it is so challenging to manage disruptive innovations next to a core business
Make better decisions within corporates to deal with managing innovations

* Requirements

* No specific prior knowledge is required
* but in interest and understanding of business and strategy is helpful


This is an 30+min lesson about “How do you develop and grow a disruptive innovation next to your core business” This is a hot topic among CEO’s and their executive teams.  They all realize that they have to innovate, disrupt and can’t be left behind.  However developing and growing a disruptive innovation is more difficult than people think.

In this lesson, I will offer in this talk 6 evidence based tips on how leaders should think about those challenges.  The stories is based on research, and uses several great examples to make this story sparkle. This are the cases of Post-It (3M), Kodak, Nespresso, Medtronic and British Airways.

This story is particularly relevant for senior executives, mid level professionals in a wide variety of industries. But particularly so in traditional industries where there is a plenty of disruption going on. For example the Financial Services industry, it therefore is important to understand how to grow and develop disruptive innovations.

In short, it’s a very interesting lesson with good examples with several key take aways .and lessons that can be directly applied to your company

Who this course is for:

  • Prospective MBA students
  • Students, Employees, Managers and Executives with an interest in managing disruptive innovations

Course content

3 sections • 13 lectures

Introduction to Managing Disruptive Innovations Preview 02:14

This video includes the introduction and examples of businesses that have developed disruptive innovations.

Difficulty 1 - Evolution of Innovations Preview 03:51

Here we explain the first difficulty inherent to disruptive innovations that your core customers will lead you astray!

Difficulty 2 - Appearing to be an Extension of the Core Markets Preview 01:17

The second difficulty is that the market created by the innovation appears to be an extension of the the core market when in fact it is comparing apples and oranges.

Difficulty 3: - Conflicts with the Core Business Preview 01:34

The third difficulty is that the innovation conflicts with the core business – it’s a called a disruptor for a reason!

The Importance of Selling Preview 03:38

Selling is important. Luckily there is a framework that can help us.

Selling at Nespresso and 3M Preview 02:19

Here two well known examples of companies that used data in order to convince their organisation of the disruptive innovation.

Change or Die Preview 05:39

What we can learn from Harvard’s medical study named “Change or Die” on how to create change.

A Separate Unit or Not? Preview 03:37

It us usually, but not always, better, to grow the disruptive innovation in a separate unit.

What to keep Separated or in Common Preview 02:17

Manage Conflicts Don't Ignore Them Preview 02:12

Seperation doesn’t mean the conflicts have gone away. You have to actively manage animosity between the core and the innovation.

Kodak, British Airways and What to Do! Preview 02:12

In this final video, we stress the point of making to allow the innovator to have strategy that is appropriate for them (rather than for the core), highlighted with the examples of Kodak and British Airways.

Final Quiz

Disruptive Innovations - A Real world Example

There are many examples of how companies manage and grow a disruptive innovations. I would like you to find one, and explain in a short essay what choices they made to grow it successfully.