Design Thinking A Hands On On Innovation

Learn how to introduce products that WOW your customers

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 3.6

- Fully understand and lead Design Thinking programs at their workplace

What you'll learn

Fully understand and lead Design Thinking programs at their workplace

* Requirements

* No prior knowledge or experience is necessary to take this course but an interest in products helps
* All a student needs to take this course is a pencil
* paper
* and a computer or mobile device with internet connection


Ever wonder why certain products are so integral to our lives? Some products or services really resonate with us.They seem to solve our problem before we have even expressed them. A common theme to products that WOW us is Design Thinking.

This course is a hands-on approach to Design Thinking, a popular and effective Innovation approach. In this course, you will learn the following:

  • What good design implies
  • Products and industries where Design Thinking has been used
  • Product Design Challenges
  • Five Stage Design Thinking Process
  • Getting hands-on with Design Thinking

About Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a customer-centric innovation framework. At the heart of it is a strong drive to solve key problems faced by the customer when using products. The approach is very successful in addressing latent needs, which results in an unforgettable customer experience. What makes the latent needs so critical is that such needs are often not mentioned by the users of products. The framework we'll cover in this course will set you on the path to uncover latent needs and set you on a path of a successful customer experience.

Design Thinking has been used for many users in every industry you can imagine. We'll cover the wide portfolio of products where this approach has been used to innovate. Most importantly, it transform how customers interact with products and keep coming back over and over again.

Product design challenges

We'll also spend a fair amount of time on the product design challenges. These are three challenges that every product or service must meet to ensure that it will be successful. First we want to ensure that there are enough people who are facing the problem we want to solve. Second, we want to evaluate how our solution can be enabled and how we can beat any competing products. Finally, we want to confirm that there is a good financial return on investment for our fantabulous introduction in the market. We'll go through the questions you need to answer when facing each challenge.

Five stage Design Thinking Process

We'll delve into the five stage Design Thinking process discussing each stage in detail. These will walk you through understanding customer behavior with products and how to extract their emotional experiences when using it. Then we will define a target that will cover the latent needs that our product has to address. The fun is in knowing how to generate as many solutions as possible to solve our problem. Next comes the implementation – we don't just leave ideas, we want put them into practice. We will follow a strict criteria for developing prototypes. Finally, we test it and discuss when to release the product.

My approach to this program is that it must be hands-on i.e. You will be solving a problem to innovate to a solution using the Design Thinking approach. I guarantee that once you complete this course, you will be able to directly apply the principles for your projects.

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants to introduce new products and services
  • Anyone who wants to work on innovation projects

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to design and develop new products and services
  • This course is apt for professionals who want to establish themselves as innovators and strategic thinkers
  • Anyone seeking to start a career in innovation

Course content

5 sections • 11 lectures

Product Design Challenges Preview 08:02

Exercise - Products and Services that meet the product design challenges

Take 2 minutes to jot down products or services that meet the three design challenges

Elements of Design Thinking - Five stage process Preview 11:18

Hands-On Design Thinking - Digging into each element with a problem Preview 08:09

Empathize - Design Thinking exercise

Jot down the pain points around the movie experience cycle You have five minutes to complete this exercise

Define - Design Thinking Exercise

From the list compiled, select on only one problem You have two minutes to complete this exercise

Ideate - Design Thinking Exercise

Generate as many solutions as possible for your defined problem statement

Prototype - Design Thinking Exercise

From your brainstormed list, pick your top two solutions How will you implement it? List the broad steps involved You may create a flow chart, jot down individual steps, create a pictorial flow

Design Thinking Resources Preview 00:08