The Effects of Classism: On the Individual Self and Society as a …

July 07, 2022 | Admin |


             The effects of classism are felt by individuals through out the United States and has become interwoven into our  societal norms. The negative and damaging impacts of classism are felt in such areas as employment, education, housing, and overall political and economic power. The vast differentials in these areas creates an environment where  people that are considered in “lower” classes are often excluded from public policy making, thus their basic needs are not met which can result in devastating results.  

        Classism has created an ideology and shaped beliefs in our society that have lead to the acceptance and rationale for these  inequalities. According to Yeskel (2007)  " While it is true that there is some class fluidity, and that our class position may change over the course of a lifetime, the current reality is that economic class is much less fluid than most people think." (p.13). From this quote Yeskel is acknowledging the vast difference in opportunities provided that can help someone to change or maintain their class position. Where one individual may be provided a paid for education and career opportunities upon graduation, another may have to work harder to get pay for their education and to obtain employment independently  upon graduation.   People in this situation, without an adequate systemic understanding of how class works, may internalize classism and blame themselves for their inability to obtain or maintain their desired class status.


       Classism, as with other forms of oppression can be internalized; creating low self-esteem, low expectations, discouragement, and lead to bitterness towards others who are working class which can further divide  communities. Individuals can also tend to find scapegoats by blaming others,  which continues the cycle of classism's negative impacts particularly in tough economic times. This results in attention being diverted away from the real damaging policies that benefit the powerful and elite while blaming the working poor, people receiving welfare, and minorities for the woes of society . 

       Economics is the  predominant  factor for wealth and  privilege. We are constantly told that class divisions do not exist, but as Garrity (2005) points out, "We are almost always identified by economic status in our culture." Class status can grant privilege or scorn, acceptance or invisibility, assumed intelligence or ignorance, and numerous other negative stereotypes that can continue to fuel the oppression cycle. 



Garrity, R. (2005). Classism: Why Should We Care?.  Off Our Backs,  35(1/2), 22-23.

Yeskel, F. (2007). Opening Pandora's Box: Adding Classism to the Agenda.  Diversity Factor,  15(1), 11-16.

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