Middle School Classroom Decor Themes - DecorTalk.net

July 07, 2022 | Admin |

Middle School Classroom Decor Themes - DecorTalk.net

Easy Science Door Ideas Eazy ! Four Seasons Classroom Decorations Ideas for Middle School Use these science lab decorating ideas when youre short on time. How much fun is this little think like a proton science door? Its too cute and Im in love with the simplicity and the cleverness. Let us pause for a moment of science. Clever. I really like this science door. This science classroom door will help your students feel special and exclusive. Dont have much time to put a classroom door together? This flask is easy and straight to the point. Im a bit of a sucker for science icons, so I really like this explore science classroom door. I like this science classroom door idea because its all hand drawn, so if youre short on time, you can use this as your inspiration. Using the periodic table of elements to decorate a science classroom is a popular choice. This is a phrase I see on science t-shirts a lot. You could do any number of variations of this science door.Nature Themed Classroom Decor: A Calming And Plant Filled Classroom My first ever high school classroom was nature-themed, and Im now Im bringing it back for a middle school teacher in my area! While I dont have any pictures from that teaching era, I can paint you a picture of what I looked like: I printed some of my favorite hiking pictures to display around the room, hung a giant stick with twinkle lights from the ceiling, and incorporated plants wherever I could! Using a nature theme is great for classroom decor on a budget because you can go on a nature scavenger hunt and find all kinds of free elements to use in your woodland classroom! As for the classroom makeover that Im working on now, I have a slightly larger budget than I used back when I was a new teacher , but I still want to keep this project within a realistic cost so that other teachers can create this beautiful and budget-friendly design in their own classrooms! Classroom Before and After: Classroom Plan and Cost: 3 Days: 3 Hundred Dollars: actually saved them money This was such an awesome challenge that you put together because not only was it fun but it also allowed me to make an intentional plan for my classroom so that it was cohesive and saved me a ton of money. @mrcspillstheteaHere is my classroom setup cost: If you have help, the peel and stick works best, but if you are working solo, the plain paper with hot glue is easier to manage.Joyful Geography Travel Maps Places Themes Bulletin Board Set from Oriental Trading Co. Turn wooden cutouts into Hall Passes with twogirlzstuff! Great Classroom Tour by Building Book Love Use a paper globe on your lamp! Idea from Michelle Bush Hang paper globes all around your classroom! Idea from Michelle Bush Use places you study as Table Group Labels! Credit to Joy in the Journey by Jessica Lawler Don’t Miss: Floor And Decor Avon Ma Print Out Your Standards Or Learning Targets So You Dont Have To Re I used to write out my learning targets on my board each day, but I quickly grew tired of it! Instead of rewriting the same standards time after time, I created a mini-poster for each of our power standards . I inserted these into page protectors, and then hung them up where my students would see them every day. You can find these templates here!Is Financial Aid Available Just as financial aid is available for students who attend traditional schools, online students are eligible for the same provided that the school they attend is accredited. Federal financial aid, aid on the state level, scholarships and grants are all available for those who seek them out. Heres what students need to know about financial aid for online schools. Read Also: Floor And Decor Human Resources Phone Number Fun Touches For Your Camping Themed Classroom I have collected some more fun ideas that I found that will really bring the camping theme to life in your classroom. Check them out below. IMAGE SOURCE | A.LATTE.TEACHING.AND.HEART Here is a great camping themed classroom management idea. This teacher created this behavior scoreboard. When students are doing well, they get more fireflies in the jar. Fireflies can be made easily with a pompom, googly eyes and a round magnet. IMAGE SOURCE | HARTWIGSHAPPYCAMPERS This teacher created a goodie bag to go with her camping theme for her students on the first day of school. They are filled with delicious smores treats! IMAGE SOURCE | CAMPINGOUTIN2NDGR These are felt smores that the class can earn when they receive compliments from others. The class gets a party when then earn a certain amount of smores.Middle School Classroom Decorating Ideas You can still use some of the basic ideas from elementary classroom decorating, but make a few tweaks to suit their age.Establish a Theme Themes can be an awesome addition to your middle school classroom décor, but you need to take more care in what you pick so you can win over your students. Arrange your Classroom After lunch, drowsiness is going to start hitting at this age. If its possible, leave enough space around your classroom for your students to get up and be active. Incorporate games and lessons that require your students to stand up so they can wake up. If you have enough space, stations are still a great way to organize your materials. Be open to changing your classroom arrangement. The longer you teach youll have a better idea as to your favorite classroom arrangements. Keep in mind, the arrangement that works for one class might not work as well for next years class. Dont be discouraged but be flexible to trying new arrangements. Arranging your classroom is a great opportunity to build collaborative learning. You can arrange the desks in a way that encourages communication and teamwork on school projects. If you have assigned seating, change your seating up once every few months to encourage kids to socialize with those they might not have.Incorporate Interactive ElementsRecruit Student Help Don’t Miss: When Does New York City Decorate For Christmas Tips For Decorating English Classrooms For Teens cant in betweenPresto PlansInside My Farmhouse Classroom Makeover1. Have a color scheme Sara:contrastBonnie: 2. Stick to a few favorite fontsSara: 3. Make your classroom library a focal pointBonnie: draw students inGive bookshelves a makeover by rolling them a new coat of paint and/or taking the shelves out and attaching wallpaper or scrapbook paper to the back.Put a few floating shelves on the walls near your library area where you can feature particular novels recommended by students.Add comfortable, flexible seating near a library to make it more welcoming. These items can be more expensive, so shop around online or scour garage sales until you find seating that may work.Use old books as decorations! When a book is unusable, find a way to repurpose it. One easy way to do this is to cut out the pages and write a reading-inspired quote in black permanent marker on top of the page. Frame the page and put it on your bookshelf! Sara: 5. Use author-inspired decorSara: 6. Make your posters work togetherSara: Bonnie: Vintage Moths Classroom Decor Theme 10 Classroom Decor Ideas for Social Studies Teachers | Back to School Ideas That is where the Vintage Moths Classroom Decor Collection comes in! This beautiful classroom decor bundle is unlike any other bundle that you will find. This unique set is sure to create a warm and welcoming space while setting your classroom apart. It is the perfect upper elementary classroom decor or middle school decor if you teach reading or ELA classes! The items that are included in this set are not only beautiful but most importantly, are functional and useful in your reading/ELA classes. Make your classroom decorating a breeze with this set. Vintage moths, dark barn wood, gold stars, are all set against a nighttime backdrop to create this unique and attractive classroom decor collection. Accents of soft vintage green and sparkly gold add interest to the pieces in this set. I believe that classroom decor should be functional and useful. I admit, I also like it to be pretty. Why not make it coordinate if you can? This classroom decor bundle contains posters and bulletin boards that are perfect for a middle school or upper elementary reading/ELA classroom. Don’t Miss: Pottery Barn Home Decor Ideas Learning Targets Bulletin Board Ensure that your students know what they are learning with this useful learning targets bulletin board. Editable pieces are included. Your administration will appreciate your objectives being posted front and center in your classroom. Easily create a bulletin board display, or attach posters and headers to a whiteboard to simply write your I can statements.Fun Theme 3d Decoration Ideas 9. Safari Themed Reading Hut Create a cozy themed space with a a simple frame and top. This safari-themed hut is invitingly cozy but open for easy classroom management. 10. Create a HUGE Classroom Tent Get creative and think big! For a day or for all year, use bulletin board paper to make a reading tent or whole group meeting area. Perfect for a camping theme. Recommended Reading: Lone Star Western Decor Phone Number Back To School Classroom Decor We need to remember that the amount or quality of classroom decor you have doesnt determine your worth as a teacher. Classroom decor is nice to have, but at the end of the day its not a replacement for you. With that being said, its still helpful to have tools that make content more fun and engaging for students! If you liked any of our Classroom Decor Ideas be sure to check out our New Teacher Checklist! We created this free resource to help new teachers make sure they have everything they need to start the school year off right! If you liked this list of 10 Classroom Decor Ideas for Social Studies, consider watching the corresponding video here!Decorate Drab Surfaces With Decals This is another Dollar Tree classroom hack! They have some amazing decals that you can use to dress up drab surfaces like ugly filing cabinets or drawers. I stalk the store every so often and always find a few new ones. These decals are easy to apply and remove! I loved dressing up my classroom storage. Filing cabinets dont have to be ugly! Don’t Miss: How To Style Home Decor How To Decorate Your Bulletin BoardMake it interactive. Since its easy to add and remove things from a corkboard, make your board interactive for your students. Let them post their ideas or their favorite parts of class.Use it for review. Post review material on your board. As you teach, ask your students what would be most helpful for them to have on the board.Change it up. Try changing up your board decorations throughout the year to keep it fresh and interesting for your students. If you need help with some ideas for how to make your bulletin board stand out, check out one of our posts on corkboard DIY ideas. Have more questions? Wed love to chat. Follow us on , , or . Send us an email, or give us a call. We are always happy answer any questions you might have.Supplies For Decorating A Classroom Science Door If you dont know what to get- these supplies are the best place to start with your science door decorating planning. You can also find many of these supplies at a local craft store- although I prefer shopping online because who wants to visit 3-4 stores and take hours when you can have it all shipped directly to you in 2 days or less? The products listed below are affiliate links. You May Like: Floor And Decor Luxury Vinyl Plank Repurpose Old Planner Pages As Wall Art If you feel like you wasted money on that adorable planner that you abandoned after a month, then this hack is for you! Remove the cute pages before each month and then repurpose them in cheap frames for cute wall art! The prints below are from my Happy Planners and the frames are from the Dollar Tree. I recycled my planner pages with $1 frames. I saved these cute pages from my planner.Make Classroom Decor Functional Creative classroom decorating ideas for middle school Decorate If youre like most teachers, you have limited space for decor that doesnt serve a useful purpose. In my classroom, a dry erase board covered one wall, my ActivBoard was on another, one wall had a row of computer tables against it, and one had a huge bookshelf. Then there were the required posters: hamburger paragraphs, PBIS , emergency procedures, etc. That leaves little room for the things you want to display, like inspirational quotes, student work, or photos of your puppy . One way to make your room feel decorated without just overwhelming it with posters and bulletin board borders is to include those things that are going to be posted on your wall anyway in your decor scheme. You May Like: Cake Decorating Store Mesa Az The Best Classroom Themes For 2021 And 2022 Are you looking for a new classroom theme to try this year? If so, I have collected the top classroom themes for the 2021-2022 school year and I will show you gorgeous classrooms with these themes as well as some easy ways to incorporate them into your class this year. This includes ideas for gorgeous bulletin boards, reading nooks, fun classroom management ideas, organization ideas and even pretty teacher spaces to match your theme! Get inspired by some amazing classrooms and learn how to transform your classroom into the space your students will love to come to every day. This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase using my link, I make a small commission at no cost to you. Read the full disclosure here.Middle School Classroom Decor$4.50 Add to Favorites Bestseller Add to Favorites$4.99 Add to Favorites$10.50 Add to Favorites$9.00 Original Price $9.00 Add to Favorites$2.50 Add to Favorites$8.99 Add to Favorites$3.25 Add to Favorites$8.99 Add to Favorites$1.50 Add to Favorites Bestseller Add to Favorites$7.99 Add to Favorites$3.00 Add to Favorites$11.56 Add to Favorites$18.00 Add to Favorites Recommended Reading: Floor & Decor Riviera Beach Fl Rainbow Space For The Teacher IMAGE SOURCE | SCHOOLGIRLSTYLE If you really want to take it up a notch create your own personal teacher space to match your rainbow theme. This teacher created this space with all of her favorite items, pens, and pretty accessories as her spot to work. I think I could do some creative work there! RAINBOW CLASSROOM DÉCOR | WHERE TO FIND I created these free boho rainbow printables to go with your theme. Click here to download them!Check Out The Blog Post Related To Your Theme The Clutter-Free Classroom Blog has published over 40 individual posts dedicated to our classroom themes. Visit the blog post pertaining to the theme you chose to find ideas for color schemes, bulletin board trims, decor, bulletin boards and decorative accents, a list of related books to complement the theme, and tons of printable and digital resources to bring the theme to life for you. Don’t Miss: How To Decorate A Long Narrow Bedroom Classroom Decoration Ideas For High School To Elementary School Whether youre a seasoned instructor or just starting your teaching career, classroom decorating can either be loads of fun or the biggest headache. It can be hard to think of fresh ideas every year, but we can help. Turn decorating into something fun with a few classroom decoration ideas for high school to elementary school! Lets start with high school.High School English Classroom DecorationsUse literature. If your class is reading books from a certain era, real or imagined,, use those stories and authors to inspire your classroom decorations. If your focus is on British Lit, dedicate an area of the room to Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland.Make a word wall. Literature is full of unique and uncommon words. Make a word wall for your students to post words and definitions from their reading.Leave some empty space for imagination. Post writing tips or important questions for literature analysis. Let your students turn this space into whatever they want in regards your subject of study. Don’t Miss: Interior Design Ideas For Home Decor Classroom Themes And Decorating Ideas Creating a fun and productive learning environment in the classroom has a lot to do with organization. It also has a lot to do with how the classroom looks. A welcome, inviting classroom theme is much more likely to engage students than a sterile environment. Incorporating bright colors and attractive designs does more than just make your room look stylish. It also helps students to feel comfortable, creative and inspired while learning and working in class. As the new school year quickly approaches, its time to think about what type of decorative designs are the best fit for your room. Determine what kind of message you want to send to your students. Often, the decorations you use in your classroom can be tied to a bigger theme for the year. For example, a beach theme can encourage a student to Make Some Waves and Come Out of Your Shell. With a safari classroom theme, you could remind students that Learning Is an Adventure! Consider using one of the following popular classroom themes in your space at school. Each one can be used year-round and helps to encourage a positive classroom experience. Plus, we have options to work for a variety of age levels, whether you need preschool and kindergarten classroom themes or something thats more appropriate for elementary or middle schoolers. Let these ideas inspire you to incorporate a creative theme into your classroom this year.ABCsAround the World in 180 DaysBaseballOut of This World/Solar SystemOwls

Use these science lab decorating ideas when youre short on time.

How much fun is this little think like a proton science door? Its too cute and Im in love with the simplicity and the cleverness.

Let us pause for a moment of science. Clever. I really like this science door.

This science classroom door will help your students feel special and exclusive.

Dont have much time to put a classroom door together? This flask is easy and straight to the point.

Im a bit of a sucker for science icons, so I really like this explore science classroom door.

I like this science classroom door idea because its all hand drawn, so if youre short on time, you can use this as your inspiration.

Using the periodic table of elements to decorate a science classroom is a popular choice.

This is a phrase I see on science t-shirts a lot. You could do any number of variations of this science door.

My first ever high school classroom was nature-themed, and Im now Im bringing it back for a middle school teacher in my area! While I dont have any pictures from that teaching era, I can paint you a picture of what I looked like: I printed some of my favorite hiking pictures to display around the room, hung a giant stick with twinkle lights from the ceiling, and incorporated plants wherever I could! Using a nature theme is great for classroom decor on a budget because you can go on a nature scavenger hunt and find all kinds of free elements to use in your woodland classroom! As for the classroom makeover that Im working on now, I have a slightly larger budget than I used back when I was a new teacher , but I still want to keep this project within a realistic cost so that other teachers can create this beautiful and budget-friendly design in their own classrooms!

Classroom Before and After:

Classroom Plan and Cost:

3 Days: 3 Hundred Dollars: actually saved them money This was such an awesome challenge that you put together because not only was it fun but it also allowed me to make an intentional plan for my classroom so that it was cohesive and saved me a ton of money. @mrcspillstheteaHere is my classroom setup cost: If you have help, the peel and stick works best, but if you are working solo, the plain paper with hot glue is easier to manage.Joyful

Bulletin Board Set from Oriental Trading Co.

Turn wooden cutouts into Hall Passes with twogirlzstuff!

Great Classroom Tour by Building Book Love

Use a paper globe on your lamp! Idea from Michelle Bush

Hang paper globes all around your classroom! Idea from Michelle Bush

Use places you study as Table Group Labels! Credit to Joy in the Journey by Jessica Lawler

Don’t Miss: Floor And Decor Avon Ma

I used to write out my learning targets on my board each day, but I quickly grew tired of it! Instead of rewriting the same standards time after time, I created a mini-poster for each of our power standards . I inserted these into page protectors, and then hung them up where my students would see them every day. You can find these templates here!

Just as financial aid is available for students who attend traditional schools, online students are eligible for the same provided that the school they attend is accredited. Federal financial aid, aid on the state level, scholarships and grants are all available for those who seek them out. Heres what students need to know about financial aid for online schools.

Read Also: Floor And Decor Human Resources Phone Number

I have collected some more fun ideas that I found that will really bring the camping theme to life in your classroom. Check them out below.


Here is a great camping themed classroom management idea. This teacher created this behavior scoreboard. When students are doing well, they get more fireflies in the jar. Fireflies can be made easily with a pompom, googly eyes and a round magnet.


This teacher created a goodie bag to go with her camping theme for her students on the first day of school. They are filled with delicious smores treats!


These are felt smores that the class can earn when they receive compliments from others. The class gets a party when then earn a certain amount of smores.

You can still use some of the basic ideas from elementary classroom decorating, but make a few tweaks to suit their age.

Themes can be an awesome addition to your middle school classroom décor, but you need to take more care in what you pick so you can win over your students.

After lunch, drowsiness is going to start hitting at this age. If its possible, leave enough space around your classroom for your students to get up and be active. Incorporate games and lessons that require your students to stand up so they can wake up.

If you have enough space, stations are still a great way to organize your materials.

Be open to changing your classroom arrangement. The longer you teach youll have a better idea as to your favorite classroom arrangements. Keep in mind, the arrangement that works for one class might not work as well for next years class. Dont be discouraged but be flexible to trying new arrangements.

Arranging your classroom is a great opportunity to build collaborative learning. You can arrange the desks in a way that encourages communication and teamwork on school projects. If you have assigned seating, change your seating up once every few months to encourage kids to socialize with those they might not have.

Don’t Miss: When Does New York City Decorate For Christmas

cant in betweenPresto PlansInside My Farmhouse Classroom Makeover1. Have a color scheme Sara:contrastBonnie: 2. Stick to a few favorite fontsSara: 3. Make your classroom library a focal pointBonnie: draw students in

Sara: 5. Use author-inspired decorSara: 6. Make your posters work togetherSara: Bonnie:

That is where the Vintage Moths Classroom Decor Collection comes in! This beautiful classroom decor bundle is unlike any other bundle that you will find. This unique set is sure to create a warm and welcoming space while setting your classroom apart.

It is the perfect upper elementary classroom decor or middle school decor if you teach reading or ELA classes! The items that are included in this set are not only beautiful but most importantly, are functional and useful in your reading/ELA classes. Make your classroom decorating a breeze with this set.

Vintage moths, dark barn wood, gold stars, are all set against a nighttime backdrop to create this unique and attractive classroom decor collection. Accents of soft vintage green and sparkly gold add interest to the pieces in this set.

I believe that classroom decor should be functional and useful. I admit, I also like it to be pretty. Why not make it coordinate if you can? This classroom decor bundle contains posters and bulletin boards that are perfect for a middle school or upper elementary reading/ELA classroom.

Don’t Miss: Pottery Barn Home Decor Ideas

Ensure that your students know what they are learning with this useful learning targets bulletin board. Editable pieces are included. Your administration will appreciate your objectives being posted front and center in your classroom. Easily create a bulletin board display, or attach posters and headers to a whiteboard to simply write your I can statements.

9. Safari Themed Reading Hut Create a cozy themed space with a a simple frame and top. This safari-themed hut is invitingly cozy but open for easy classroom management.

10. Create a HUGE Classroom Tent Get creative and think big! For a day or for all year, use bulletin board paper to make a reading tent or whole group meeting area. Perfect for a camping theme.

Recommended Reading: Lone Star Western Decor Phone Number

We need to remember that the amount or quality of classroom decor you have doesnt determine your worth as a teacher. Classroom decor is nice to have, but at the end of the day its not a replacement for you. With that being said, its still helpful to have tools that make content more fun and engaging for students! If you liked any of our Classroom Decor Ideas be sure to check out our New Teacher Checklist! We created this free resource to help new teachers make sure they have everything they need to start the school year off right!

If you liked this list of 10 Classroom Decor Ideas for Social Studies, consider watching the corresponding video here!

This is another Dollar Tree classroom hack! They have some amazing decals that you can use to dress up drab surfaces like ugly filing cabinets or drawers. I stalk the store every so often and always find a few new ones. These decals are easy to apply and remove!

Don’t Miss: How To Style Home Decor

If you need help with some ideas for how to make your bulletin board stand out, check out one of our posts on corkboard DIY ideas.

Have more questions? Wed love to chat. Follow us on , , or . Send us an email, or give us a call. We are always happy answer any questions you might have.

If you dont know what to get- these supplies are the best place to start with your science door decorating planning.

You can also find many of these supplies at a local craft store- although I prefer shopping online because who wants to visit 3-4 stores and take hours when you can have it all shipped directly to you in 2 days or less?

The products listed below are affiliate links.

You May Like: Floor And Decor Luxury Vinyl Plank

If you feel like you wasted money on that adorable planner that you abandoned after a month, then this hack is for you! Remove the cute pages before each month and then repurpose them in cheap frames for cute wall art! The prints below are from my Happy Planners and the frames are from the Dollar Tree.

If youre like most teachers, you have limited space for decor that doesnt serve a useful purpose. In my classroom, a dry erase board covered one wall, my ActivBoard was on another, one wall had a row of computer tables against it, and one had a huge bookshelf. Then there were the required posters: hamburger paragraphs, PBIS , emergency procedures, etc. That leaves little room for the things you want to display, like inspirational quotes, student work, or photos of your puppy .

One way to make your room feel decorated without just overwhelming it with posters and bulletin board borders is to include those things that are going to be posted on your wall anyway in your decor scheme.

You May Like: Cake Decorating Store Mesa Az

Are you looking for a new classroom theme to try this year? If so, I have collected the top classroom themes for the 2021-2022 school year and I will show you gorgeous classrooms with these themes as well as some easy ways to incorporate them into your class this year. This includes ideas for gorgeous bulletin boards, reading nooks, fun classroom management ideas, organization ideas and even pretty teacher spaces to match your theme! Get inspired by some amazing classrooms and learn how to transform your classroom into the space your students will love to come to every day.

This post may contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase using my link, I make a small commission at no cost to you. Read the full disclosure here.




$9.00 Original Price $9.00










Recommended Reading: Floor & Decor Riviera Beach Fl


If you really want to take it up a notch create your own personal teacher space to match your rainbow theme. This teacher created this space with all of her favorite items, pens, and pretty accessories as her spot to work. I think I could do some creative work there!


I created these free boho rainbow printables to go with your theme. Click here to download them!

The Clutter-Free Classroom Blog has published over 40 individual posts dedicated to our classroom themes. Visit the blog post pertaining to the theme you chose to find ideas for color schemes, bulletin board trims, decor, bulletin boards and decorative accents, a list of related books to complement the theme, and tons of printable and digital resources to bring the theme to life for you.

Don’t Miss: How To Decorate A Long Narrow Bedroom

Whether youre a seasoned instructor or just starting your teaching career, classroom decorating can either be loads of fun or the biggest headache. It can be hard to think of fresh ideas every year, but we can help. Turn decorating into something fun with a few classroom decoration ideas for high school to elementary school! Lets start with high school.

Don’t Miss: Interior Design Ideas For Home Decor

Creating a fun and productive learning environment in the classroom has a lot to do with organization. It also has a lot to do with how the classroom looks. A welcome, inviting classroom theme is much more likely to engage students than a sterile environment. Incorporating bright colors and attractive designs does more than just make your room look stylish. It also helps students to feel comfortable, creative and inspired while learning and working in class.

As the new school year quickly approaches, its time to think about what type of decorative designs are the best fit for your room. Determine what kind of message you want to send to your students. Often, the decorations you use in your classroom can be tied to a bigger theme for the year. For example, a beach theme can encourage a student to Make Some Waves and Come Out of Your Shell. With a safari classroom theme, you could remind students that Learning Is an Adventure!

Consider using one of the following popular classroom themes in your space at school. Each one can be used year-round and helps to encourage a positive classroom experience. Plus, we have options to work for a variety of age levels, whether you need preschool and kindergarten classroom themes or something thats more appropriate for elementary or middle schoolers. Let these ideas inspire you to incorporate a creative theme into your classroom this year.

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