javascript - Add and remove class on click - Stack Overflow

July 07, 2022 | Admin |

javascript - Add and remove class on click - Stack Overflow

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I have a tab menu, and i want onlick be be added a class="selected" - and on click on one of the other tabs, the class should be removed from the current link, and then be added to the link i've clicked on...

I've tried this but didnt work

And the HTML:

this is the target of the click event toggleClass method adds a class if it is not present else removes it.

Therefore when you say $(this).toggleClass('selected');, The class is added or removed only on the element that was clicked which is clearly not what you want.

Using pure javascript:


Step: 1 - write the following code in .html file

Step: 2 - Write the following in .js file

Step: 3 - Write the following in .css file

This works for me. try to use this code.

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