Aws Eks Kubernetes Masterclass Devops Microservices


Docker, EBS, RDS, CLB, NLB, ALB, Fargate, ECR, CloudWatch, Route53, Certificate Manager, X-Ray, Ingress, Autoscaling,SNS

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- You will write kubernetes manifests with confidence after going through live template writing sections
- You will learn 30+ kubernetes concepts and use 18 AWS Services in combination with EKS
- You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals in both imperative and declarative approaches

What you'll learn

You will write kubernetes manifests with confidence after going through live template writing sections
You will learn 30+ kubernetes concepts and use 18 AWS Services in combination with EKS
You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals in both imperative and declarative approaches
You will learn writing & deploying k8s manifests for storage concepts like storage class
persistent volume claim pvc
mysql and EBS CSI Driver
You will learn to switch from native EBS Storage to RDS Database using k8s external name service
You will learn writing and deploying load balancer k8s manifests for Classic and Network load balancers
You will learn writing ingress k8s manifests by enabling features like context path based routing
SSL Redirect and External DNS.
You will learn writing k8s manifests for advanced fargate profiles and do mixed mode workload deployments in both EC2 and Fargate Serverless
You will learn using ECR - Elastic Container Registry in combination with EKS.
You will implement DevOps concepts with AWS Code Services like CodeCommit
CodeBuild and CodePipeline
You will implement microservices core cocepts like Service Discovery
Distributed Tracing using X-Ray and Canary Deployments
You will learn to enable Autoscaling features like HPA
VPA and Cluster Autoscaler
You will learn to enable monitoring and logging for EKS cluster and workloads in cluster using CloudWatch Container Insights
You will learn Docker fundamentals by implementing usecases like download image from Docker Hub and run on local desktop and build an image locally
test and push to Docker Hub.
You will slowly start by learning Docker Fundamentals and move on to Kubenetes.
You will master many kubectl commands over the process

* Requirements

* You must have an AWS account to follow with me for hands-on activities.
* You dont need to have any basic Docker or kubernetes knowledge to start this course.


  • You will write kubernetes manifests with confidence after going through live template writing sections
  • You will learn 30+ kubernetes concepts and use 18 AWS Services in combination with EKS
  • You will learn Kubernetes Fundamentals in both imperative and declarative approaches
  • You will learn writing & deploying k8s manifests for storage concepts like storage class, persistent volume claim pvc, mysql and EBS CSI Driver
  • You will learn to switch from native EBS Storage to RDS Database using k8s external name service
  • You will learn writing and deploying load balancer k8s manifests for Classic and Network load balancers
  • You will learn writing ingress k8s manifests by enabling features like context path based routing, SSL, SSL Redirect and External DNS.
  • You will learn writing k8s manifests for advanced fargate profiles and do mixed mode workload deployments in both EC2 and Fargate Serverless
  • You will learn using ECR - Elastic Container Registry in combination with EKS.
  • You will implement DevOps concepts with AWS Code Services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild and CodePipeline
  • You will implement microservices core cocepts like Service Discovery, Distributed Tracing using X-Ray and Canary Deployments
  • You will learn to enable Autoscaling features like HPA,VPA and Cluster Autoscaler
  • You will learn to enable monitoring and logging for EKS cluster and workloads in cluster using CloudWatch Container Insights
  • You will learn Docker fundamentals by implementing usecases like download image from Docker Hub and run on local desktop and build an image locally, test and push to Docker Hub.
  • You will slowly start by learning Docker Fundamentals and move on to Kubenetes.
  • You will master many kubectl commands over the process

Course content

21 sections • 162 lectures

Introduction Preview 14:35

Github Repository Preview 01:56

Github Repository Links Preview 00:02

Step-01: Install CLI - Introduction Preview 02:48

Step-02: Install AWS CLI Preview 03:31

Step-03: Install kubectl CLI Preview 02:24

Step-04: Install eksctl CLI Preview 01:14

Step-05: EKS Cluster Introduction Preview 10:17

Step-06: Create EKS Cluster Preview 05:07

Step-07: Create EKS Managed Node Group & IAM OIDC Provider Preview 08:29

Step-08: Verify EKS Cluster Nodes Preview 12:23

Step-09: EKS Cluster Pricing Note - Very Important Preview 03:17

Step-10: EKS Delete Cluster Preview 04:32

Connect with Me !!! Preview 00:02

Step-01: Docker Fundamentals - Introduction Preview 02:18

Step-02: Introduction to Docker, Why Docker, What Problems Docker Solve. Preview 09:19

Step-03: Docker Architecture or Docker Terminology Preview 05:35

Step-04: Docker Installation Preview 06:36

Step-05: Docker - Pull Docker Image from Docker Hub and Run it locally Preview 10:17

Step-06: Docker - Build Docker Image locally, Test and Push it to Docker Hub Preview 10:43

Step-07: Docker - Essential Commands Overview Preview 02:59

Step-00-01: Kubernetes Architecture Preview 06:16

Step-00-02: Kubernetes vs AWS EKS Architecture Preview 02:27

Step-00-03: Kubernetes Fundamentals - Introduction Preview 03:46

Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Pods Preview 04:32

Step-02: Kubernetes Pods Demo Preview 07:28

Step-03: Kubernetes NodePort Service Introduction Preview 04:44

Step-04: Kubernetes NodePort Service and Pods Demo Preview 07:25

Step-05: Interact with Pod - Connect to contianer in a pod Preview 05:55

Step-06: Delete Pod Preview 01:26

Step-07: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Introduction Preview 03:57

Step-08: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Review manifests and Create ReplicaSet Preview 05:16

Step-09: Kubernetes ReplicaSet - Expose and Test via Browser Preview 08:37

Step-10: Kubernetes Deployment - Introduction Preview 04:04

Step-11: Kubernetes Deployment - Demo Preview 06:17

Step-12: Kubernetes Deployment - Update Deployment using Set Image Option Preview 07:30

Step-13: Kubernetes Deployment - Edit Deployment using kubectl edit Preview 03:33

Step-14: Kubernetes Deployment - Rollback Application to Previous Version - Undo Preview 07:11

Step-15: Kubernetes Deployment - Pause and Resume Deployments Preview 07:29

Step-16: Kubernetes Services - Introduction Preview 04:38

Step-17: Kubernetes Services - Demo Preview 10:35

Step-01: Introduction to Kubernetes Declarative Approach Preview 00:43

Step-02: YAML Basics Introduction Preview 10:02

Step-04: Create Pods with YAML Preview 10:26

Step-05: Create NodePort Service with YAML and Access Application via Browser Preview 06:47

Step-06: Create ReplicaSets using YAML Preview 08:49

Step-07: Create NodePort Service with YAML and Access Application via Browser Preview 03:07

Step-08: Create Deployment with YAML and Test Preview 06:07

Step-09: Backend Application - Create Deployment and ClusterIP Service Preview 10:07

Step-10: Frontend Application - Create Deployment and NodePort Service Preview 08:12

Step-11: Deploy and Test - Frontend and Backend Applications Preview 04:07

Step-01: EKS Storage Introduction Preview 09:03

Step-02: Install EBS CSI Driver Preview 05:59

Step-03: Create Kubernetes Manifests for Storage Class, PVC and ConfigMap Preview 11:12

Step-04: Create Kubernetes Manifests for MySQL Deployment & ClusterIP Service Preview 13:23

Step-05: Test by connecting to MySQL Database Preview 04:17

Step-06: Storage References Preview 03:24

Step-07: Create Kubernetes Manifests for User Management Microservice Deployment Preview 09:43

Step-08: Test User Management Microservice with MySQL Database in Kubernetes Preview 04:26

Step-09: Test User Management Microservice UMS using Postman Preview 10:29

Step-01: Kubernetes Important Concepts for Application Deployments -Introduction Preview 03:18

Step-02: Kubernetes Secrets Preview 09:18

Step-03: Kubernetes Init Containers Preview 07:43

Step-04: Kubernetes Liveness & Readiness Probes Introduction Preview 05:28

Step-05: Create Kubernetes Liveness & Readiness Probes Preview 08:31

Step-06: Kubernetes Resources - Requests & Limits Preview 10:33

Step-07: Kubernetes Namespaces - Introduction Preview 09:18

Step-08: Kubernetes Namespaces - Create Imperatively using kubectl Preview 11:49

Step-09: Kubernetes Namespaces - Limit Range - Introduction Preview 05:19

Step-10: Kubernetes Namespaces - Create Limit Range k8s manifest Preview 08:47

Step-11: Kubernetes Namespaces - Limit Range - Update App k8s Manifest, Deploy Preview 07:43

Step-12: Kubernetes - Resource Quota Preview 06:40

Step-01: EKS Storage - RDS DB Introduction Preview 10:30

Step-02: Create RDS DB Preview 11:35

Step-03: Create Kubernetes ExternalName Service & Other Manifests, Deploy & Test Preview 10:28

Step-01: AWS Load Balancers Introduction Preview 09:25

Step-02: Create EKS Private Node Group Preview 06:18

Step-03: EKS with Classic Load Balancers Demo Preview 09:50

Step-04: EKS with Network Load Balancers Demo Preview 06:57

Connect with Me !!! Preview 00:01

Step-00: ALB Ingress Controller Introduction - Part-1 Preview 12:07

Step-01: ALB Ingress Controller Introduction - Part-2 Preview 06:01

Step-02: ALB Ingress Install - Introduction Preview 06:26

Step-03: Create k8s Service Account, AWS IAM Role & Policy for ALB Ingress Preview 14:33

Step-04: Deploy ALB Ingress Controller & Verify Preview 03:28

Step-05: ALB Ingress Basic Architecture - Introduction Preview 05:18

Step-06: Application Load Balancer - Foundation before moving on to ALB Ingress Preview 07:42

Step-07: Create ALB Ingress Manifest Preview 06:16

Step-08: ALB Ingress Basic Manifest - Deploy & Test Preview 12:27

Step-09: ALB Ingress Context Path Based Routing - Introduction Preview 04:26

Step-09-01: ALB Ingress - Create Kubernetes Manifest Preview 07:01

Step-10: ALB Ingress Context Path Based Routing - Deploy & Test Preview 05:30

Step-11: ALB Ingress SSL - Introduction Preview 02:44

Step-12: ALB Ingress SSL - Register new DNS Domain Preview 04:44

Step-13: ALB Ingress SSL - Create SSL Certificate using AWS Certificate Manager Preview 03:47

Step-14: ALB Ingress SSL - Deploy & Test Preview 10:11

Step-15: ALB Ingress SSL Redirect - Update Ingress Manifest Preview 09:32

Step-16: ALB Ingress SSL Redirect - Deploy & Test Preview 06:18

Step-17: ALB Ingress External DNS - Introduction Preview 03:52

Step-18: ALB Ingress External DNS- Create Service Account, IAM Role & IAM Policy Preview 05:55

Step-19: ALB Ingress External DNS - Create k8s Manifest & Deploy & Verify Preview 09:24

Step-20: ALB Ingress External DNS - Deploy k8s Manifests, Test & Clean-up Preview 08:49

Your reviews are important to me! Preview 00:15

Step-01: EKS & Fargate Introduction Preview 14:18

Step-02: Fargate Basics Introduction Preview 10:17

Step-03: Create EKS Profile using eksctl & Review k8s manifests to be deployed Preview 09:50

Step-04: EKS Fargate - Deploy to Fargate & Test & Clean-Up Preview 09:07

Step-05: EKS Fargate - Mixed Mode Introduction Preview 09:22

Step-06: EKS Fargate - Create Profiles using YAML Preview 11:50

Step-07: EKS Fargate - Deploy 3 Apps & Test, 2 On Fargate and 1 on EC2Node Group Preview 12:38

Step-01: EKS & ECR - Introduction Preview 06:58

Step-02: ECR Terminology & Pre-requisites Preview 04:01

Step-03: Create ECR Repository on AWS, Build Docker Image Locally & Push to ECR Preview 11:44

Step-04: Review Kubernetes Manifests & Node Group Role Preview 06:37

Step-05: Deploy Kubernetes Manifests & Test & CleanUp Preview 04:16

Step-01: EKS DevOps - Introduction Preview 06:27

Step-02: What are we going to learn? Preview 02:30

Step-03: Pre-requisite Checks Preview 02:59

Step-04: CodeCommit - Create Git Repository, Clone, Copy Manifests and Push Preview 10:05

Step-05: Create STS Assume IAM Role for CodeBuild to interact with AWS EKS Preview 08:12

Step-06: CodeBuild Introduction Preview 05:54

Step-07: CodeBuild - Review Buildspec.yml Preview 14:08

Step-08: CodePipeline - Introduction Preview 04:21

Step-09: Create CodePipeline Preview 12:38

Step-10: CodeBuild IAM Role - Fix ECR Access to CodeBuild IAM Role Preview 05:59

Step-11: CodeBuild IAM role - Fix STS Assume Role Preview 07:54

Step-12: Update index.html with V3 Version and Push changes and Monitor Pipeline Preview 11:40

Step-01: Microservices Introduction Preview 02:16

Step-02: Microservices Deployment on EKS - Introduction Preview 09:09

Step-03: Pre-requisite Checks Preview 10:16

Step-04: Review Notification Microservice Kubernetes Manifests Preview 06:16

Step-05: Review User Management Microservice Kubernetes Manifests Preview 05:08

Step-06: UMS & NS Microservices Deployment & Test Preview 14:23

Step-07: Microservices Rollout new Deployments and CleanUp Preview 08:25

Step-01: Introduction to Microservices Distributed Tracing using AWS X-Ray Preview 04:19

Step-02: Introduction to Kubernetes DaemonSets Preview 07:05

Step-03: AWS EKS and X-Ray Network Design Preview 12:31

Step-04: Pre-requisites Preview 03:42

Step-05: AWS X-Ray Deploy on EKS Cluster as DaemonSet Preview 10:09

Step-06: Review Kubernetes Manifests with AWS X-Ray Environment Variables Preview 08:38

Step-07: AWS EKS and X-Ray - Deploy and Test Preview 13:51

Step-08: Clean-Up Preview 01:17

Step-01: Microservices Canary Deployment - Introduction Preview 05:01

Step-02: Pre-requisites Check Preview 02:45

Step-03: Review Kubernetes Manifests - Notification Microservice V2 Preview 02:42

Step-04: Deploy & Test Kubernetes Manifests for Microservices Canary Deployments Preview 05:38

Step-05: Downside & Best Approaches Preview 05:01

Step-01: Horizontal Pod Autoscaler - Introduction Preview 05:15

Step-02: Deploy Metrics Server and Sample Application Preview 04:54

Step-03: Enable HPA, Load Test, Verify and Clean-Up Preview 11:22

Step-01: Vertical Pod Autoscaler - Introduction Preview 03:26

Step-02: Install VPA Components & Sample Demo Application Preview 06:51

Step-03: Create VPA Manifest, Deploy, Load Test, Analyze and Clean-Up Preview 10:04

Step-01: EKS Cluster Autoscaler - Introduction Preview 02:06

Step-02: Deploy Cluster Autoscaler and Verify Preview 10:12

Step-03: Load Test, Verify Cluster Worker Nodes Scale-Up and Scale-In Preview 06:49

Step-01: CloudWatch Container Insights - Introduction Preview 11:22

Step-02: Install Container Insights as Daemonsets on EKS Cluster Preview 07:21

Step-03: Deploy Sample App, Load Test and Verify Container Insights Dashboard Preview 14:41

Step-04: CloudWatch Log Insights in Depth Preview 09:42

Step-05: CloudWatch Alarms for Container Insights Metrics Preview 10:20