Kubernetes Cka On Cloud

A comprehensive guide to Kubernetes: 45 Labs and 50 Practice Questions

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.2

- Improve their odds of succeeding at the CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator test
- Build and administer Kubernetes clusters - on-premise
- as well as on all major cloud platforms (AWS
- Azure
- GCP)
- Understand and employ advanced deployment solutions using Kubernetes

What you'll learn

Improve their odds of succeeding at the CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator test
Build and administer Kubernetes clusters - on-premise
as well as on all major cloud platforms (AWS
Understand and employ advanced deployment solutions using Kubernetes
Master the important aspects of Kubernetes - pods
deployments and services

* Requirements

* Understanding of basic computer science concepts: What an operating system and executable unit are
* Basic understanding of cloud computing would help
* but is not required
* Basic understanding of what a container is would help
* but is not required


Kubernetes is a container orchestration technology - a way to create and deploy clusters of machines running containers, usually Docker containers.

Kubernetes is also one of the hottest topics in tech today, because it is perhaps the only straightforward way to architect a hybrid, multi-cloud compute solution.

Let's parse that:

  • Hybrid: This is a solution where an enterprise has a private cloud or on-premise data center, in addition to using one of the public cloud providers (such as AWS, GCP or Azure). Any firm migrating to the cloud is going to have to run a hybrid setup, at least during the migration
  • Multi-cloud: This refers to the use of more than 1 cloud provider. Why is this so important? Well, because most large firms are unwilling to be completely locked into one provider, particularly after events like Amazon's acquisition of Whole Foods (that gave pause to a whole lot of potential AWS customers, who decided that 'multi-cloud' makes sense for strategic reasons)
  • Only straightforward way: Most cloud providers offer a range of compute solutions, ranging from PaaS (Elastic Beanstalk, or Google App Engine) to IaaS (EC2, or Google Compute Engine VMs). The reality is that PaaS ties you down to 1 cloud provider, and IaaS is a lot of hassle, during migration and beyond.
  • Kubernetes is supported by each of the Big-3: GCP has a special relationship with Kubernetes (since K8S originated at Google) but now AWS and Azure support it as well. Kubernetes has won the battle of the container orchestration systems.

This is why containers running on Kubernetes constitute the hottest compute choice for a hybrid, multi-cloud world.

Here is now is what this course contains:

  • Docker, Kubernetes and the cloud platforms: understanding the inter-relationships
  • Pods and containers: Pods are the basic building block in K8S; each pod holds one or more containers that are tightly-coupled to each other
  • ReplicaSets: Higher-level abstractions that provide scaling and auto-healing (they encapsulate pods, and bring new pods back up if the old ones crash)
  • Deployments: Even higher-level abstractions that provide versioning, fast rollback, rolling updates and more
  • Services: Front-end abstractions (think of them as similar to load-balancers) that are loosely coupled with backend pods. Services provide a static, stable network frontend IP, as well as load-balancing
  • Other K8S objects: StatefulSets, Secrets, ConfigMaps, Jobs and CronJobs and more
  • CKA test tips: We don't reveal any information about the test that we should not, such as specific questions. But we do discuss the test format, what to expect, pitfalls to avoid, and strategies for success 

Hope you enjoy the course!

Who this course is for:

  • Cloud Architects looking to understand the compute choices on AWS, Azure and GCP
  • Technical decision makers evaluating a hybrid, multi-cloud solution
  • Devops professionals looking to master Kubernetes
  • Anyone seeking to take and pass the CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator test

Course content

14 sections • 139 lectures

Introduction Preview 02:24

Source Code and PDFs Preview 00:04

CKA Test Prep Preview 00:07

Why Is Kubernetes So Hot Right Now? Preview 03:15

Containers vs. Virtual Machines Preview 05:37

What Is Docker? Preview 03:15

What Is Kubernetes? Preview 04:18

Understanding Kubernetes in the Cloud Ecosystem

Getting Started With the GCP Preview 00:10

Setting Up A GCP Account Preview 06:59

Using The Cloud Shell Preview 06:01

An end-to-end example: Kubernetes on the GKE Preview 06:40

How Kubernetes Works Preview 04:59

The Role of the Master Node Preview 07:39

Nodes, Kube-proxy, Kubelet Preview 06:19

What Is A Pod? Preview 06:31

Lab:Creating pods imperatively Preview 07:45

Where Do Pods Run? Preview 02:52

Can Pods Have Multiple Containers? Preview 04:13

Lab:Multi-container Pods Preview 06:45

How Do Master Nodes Communicate? Preview 04:21

Where Can We Run Kubernetes? Preview 03:02

Kubernetes for a Hybrid Multi-cloud World Preview 05:51

Cloud Controllers Preview 02:39

Interacting with Kubernetes Preview 05:06

The Architecture of Kubernetes

Lab:Creating pods declaratively Preview 06:36

Imperative or Declarative? Preview 07:23

How Declarative Files are Applied Preview 03:07

The Pros and Cons of Declarative and Imperative Object Management Preview 02:05

Names and UIDs Preview 01:39

Namespaces Preview 02:32

Labels Preview 01:16

Label Selectors Loose Coupling Preview 03:34

Annotations Preview 01:20

Lab:Deletion of pods Preview 03:26

Lab:Editing the configuration information of the deployment Preview 03:31

Lab: Scaling The Number of Pods using Deployments Preview 01:34

Volumes Preview 02:51

Lab:Volumes and the emptydir volume Preview 05:48

Types Of Volumes Preview 01:04

Persistent_Volumes Preview 02:04

Cloud Specific Persistent Volumes Preview 02:44

Lab:Persistent Volumes Preview 02:28

Secrets, ConfigMaps and Other Volume Types Preview 04:41

Lab:Use of secrets pass information to pods Preview 05:18

Lab:Create secrets directly from files Preview 02:37

Lab: ConfigMaps Preview 06:20


Containers in a Pod Preview 02:59

Lab:kubectl apply Preview 09:47

What Environment Do Containers See? Preview 03:21

Lab:Setting Environment Variables in Containers Preview 02:41

Lab:Downward API Passing information from pod to container Preview 06:56

How Can Containers React To Lifecycle Events? Preview 01:46

Lab:Handling Container Lifecycle Events Preview 02:57

Pod Node Matching Preview 04:08

Lab:Associating Pods with Nodes using nodeSelector Preview 05:06

Taints Preview 02:45

Lab:kubectl_taint Preview 03:12

Lab:Tolerations Preview 03:12

Init Containers Preview 03:05

Lab:Init containers Setting up the state of the pods Preview 06:09

Pod Lifecycle Preview 03:37

Container Probes Preview 03:43

Lab:Use of Liveness and Readiness Probes Preview 05:03

Lab:Liveness probes Using HTTP and TCP Preview 06:32

Pod Presets Preview 01:01

Pod Priorities Preview 03:42


Introducing Controllers Preview 06:35

What Are ReplicaSets? Preview 04:55

Lab:ReplicaSet object Preview 04:31

Working with ReplicaSets Preview 05:18

Lab:Deleting a ReplicaSet and its associated pods Preview 02:59

Lab:Deleting a ReplicaSet but not the associated pods Preview 03:23

ReplicaSets and Loose Coupling Preview 04:33

Horizontal Pod Autoscalers Preview 03:25

Lab:Loose coupling between ReplicaSet object and the pods Preview 05:31

Lab:Scaling a ReplicaSet object Preview 02:46

Replication Controllers Preview 02:10

Lab:Replication controller Preview 02:42

Lab:Deleting a replication controller and the associated pods Preview 02:17

Lab:Deleting a replication controller but not its pods Preview 01:44

Lab:Loose coupling between replication controller and its pods Preview 04:30

Deployments Preview 03:36

When Use Deployments Preview 02:51

Creating a Deployment Preview 04:53

Lab:kubectl run Create deployments imperatively Preview 06:20

Lab:YAML files for Deployment objects Preview 05:45

Rolling Back Deployment Preview 02:38

Pausing/Resuming Deployment Preview 01:00

Clean-up Policy Preview 01:35

Scaling Deployments Preview 01:44

Lab:Scaling deployments by editing the YAML config Preview 03:21

Lab:Changing the image version associated with a deployment Preview 04:22

Lab:Rolling back a deployment Preview 01:02

Lab:kubectl scale Scaling deployments imperatively Preview 00:58

Lab:Rolling Deployments Preview 05:06

StatefulSets Preview 03:15

Lab:Statefulsets Preview 02:15

DaemonSets Preview 02:52

Run To Completion Jobs Preview 02:37

Cron Jobs Preview 00:50

Lab:Batch Processing Job Objects Preview 05:02


Services Preview 05:22

Types of Services.mp4 Preview 04:20

Service Pod Endpoint Preview 05:22

Services Without Selectors Preview 02:17

Virtual IPs Service Proxies Preview 03:32

Multi-Port Services Preview 00:35

Service Discovery Preview 04:04

Headless Services Preview 02:01

NodePort Services Preview 02:21

LoadBalancer Services Preview 04:22

External IPs Preview 00:32

DNS For Services Preview 03:03

DNS For Pods Preview 02:53

Securing Services Preview 01:13

Federated Services Preview 01:25

Ingress Objects Preview 02:08

Lab:kubectl expose Service objects Preview 03:24


Kubernetes on the cloud Preview 03:41

Lab: AKS - the Azure Kubernetes Service Preview 04:45

Lab: Jumping through hoops - kops and AWS Preview 05:47

Lab: Play With Kubernetes (PWK) Preview 02:32

Kubernetes and the Cloud Platforms

RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) Preview 04:47

Roles and ClusterRoles Preview 02:02

RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings Preview 03:52

Pod Networks and Flannel Preview 05:13

Instantiating Ubuntu VMs Preview 07:16

Bootstrapping the Master Node Preview 06:39

Configuring the Worker Nodes Preview 02:41