Testing Rest Apis Using Postman

Tags: Postman

Manual and Automated Testing, Collections, Environment Variables, Mock Servers, Monitors

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4

- Postman
- Testing REST API
- API Test Automation

What you'll learn

Testing REST API
API Test Automation
Environment Variables

* Requirements

* Willingness to learn
* Interest in learning about REST APIs
* Interest in Manual Testing
* Interest in Test Automation


This course will give you the skill set that you would need to test REST APIs using Postman. The course will cover the concepts of APIs and how to use Postman to test APIs manually. You will also learn how write and run automated tests, verify their correct behaviour by writing meaningful assertions and running them using Newman CLI. We will then cover some of the advanced features offered by Postman such as Environment Variables, Collections, Mock servers, and Monitors using step by step examples.

Who this course is for:

  • Front-end Developers
  • Back-end Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • Test Engineers
  • Quality Assurance Engineers
  • Software Developer in Test

Course content

9 sections • 24 lectures

Introduction Preview 10:22

In this lecture we will introduce Postman and cover the course outline

Environment Setup Preview 06:14

In this lecture we will go over all the tools you will need in order to set up your development environment for this course

Testing GET Method Preview 18:10

In this lecture we will first introduce Spotify's Web API. We will then use Postman to test the GET method and learn how to verify the results match the expected behaviour

Note on Token Expiry Preview 01:29

Quick note on the Authentication token expiry and how to get new tokens

Testing POST Method Preview 13:28

In this lecture we will learn how to test the POST method using Postman to create a playlist

Testing POST Method Part 2 Preview 09:24

In this lecture we will learn how to use the POST method to add tracks to our previously created playlist

Testing PUT Method Preview 06:52

In this lecture we will learn how to use the PUT method to modify our playlist information using the Spotify web api

Testing DELETE Method Preview 04:22

In this lecture we will learn how to use the Delete method to remove tracks from our playlist

Collections Preview 08:38

In this lecture we will learn what a collection is, how to create new collections, and how to use them to save your requests

Environment Variables Preview 07:15

In this lecture we will learn how to create environment variables in Postman and also how to use them within our requests

Advantages of Environment Variables Preview 11:32

In this lecture we will cover some of the advantages to using environment variables

Writing Tests Preview 12:43

In this lecture we will learn how to write automated API tests and assertions using Postman's tests feature. We will also learn how to view and analyze the test results once the test has finished running

Postman Console Preview 05:52

In this lecture you will learn what the Postman Console is and how to use it for looking at logs and troubleshooting failing tests

Set and Get Environment Variables Preview 06:08

In this lecture we will learn how to set and get environment variables using code in Postman Tests

Pre-request Script Preview 11:03

In this lecture we will learn how to use pre-request script section in postman to prepare the data we need before sending the API request

Collection Runner Preview 04:14

In this lecture we will learn how to run automated API tests using the collection runner in Postman

Newman CLI Preview 08:21

In this lecture we will learn how to run automated API tests using Newman. This method will be needed when you want to run your tests in Continuous Integration tools and pipelines

Mock Server Preview 02:09

In this lecture we will learn what mock servers are in Postman and why we would want to use this feature

Creating Mock Servers Preview 09:16

In this lecture we will learn how to create a mock server in Postman

Editing Mock Servers Preview 04:21

In this lecture we will learn how to edit existing mock server settings using different approaches

Viewing Usage Preview 01:54

In this lecture we will learn how to view the usage summery of our mock servers that is attached to our Postman account

Monitors Preview 13:37

In this lecture we will learn what monitors are and why we would want to use this feature. We will also learn how to create a monitor

Editing Monitors Preview 02:21

In this lecture we will learn how to edit settings for existing monitors

Usage Summary Preview 02:00

In this lecture we will learn how to view the usage summary for the monitors we have created and used previously