Cbt Cognitive Behavioral Coach Practitioner Certification

Leverage the Science of Your Mind: Life Coach Practitioner Accredited for 16 CPD/CE Therapeutic Credit Hours

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.6

- How to master communication with yourself
- Use the material for professional use or as a personal reflective tool
- Eliminate your self-sabotaging behaviors and thinking

What you'll learn

How to master communication with yourself
Use the material for professional use or as a personal reflective tool
Eliminate your self-sabotaging behaviors and thinking
How to leverage the science of the mind
Succeed in the 'helping industry' by teaching others to gain control over their thoughts and emotions
A nurturing community of over 5
000 active students from 172 countries
Experience psychological peace
Fully-accredited for 16 Professional Development CPD/CE credit hours
Remove barriers and emotional blocks
Re-condition your mind for happiness
Help people who are suffering or falling behind
Free customizable coaching workbook and handouts
CPD/CE Provider #776727
Superb student reviews!

* Requirements

* In addition to watching the videos students should be prepared for approximately 15-22 hours of self-study


  • How to master communication with yourself
  • Use the material for professional use or as a personal reflective tool
  • Eliminate your self-sabotaging behaviors and thinking
  • How to leverage the science of the mind
  • Succeed in the 'helping industry' by teaching others to gain control over their thoughts and emotions
  • A nurturing community of over 5,000 active students from 172 countries
  • Experience psychological peace
  • Fully-accredited for 16 Professional Development CPD/CE credit hours
  • Remove barriers and emotional blocks
  • Re-condition your mind for happiness
  • Help people who are suffering or falling behind
  • Free customizable coaching workbook and handouts
  • CPD/CE Provider #776727
  • Superb student reviews!

Course content

9 sections • 54 lectures

An Exciting Life Coaching Framework Preview 05:24

Life coaches are empathetic guides who offer skilled insight, unconditional support, and expert guidance at every level of a clients transformation.

Life coaches help clients design their future and change things they wish to change.

At the core those in the life coaching profession aim to improve their clients performance by aiding the them in the setting of meaningful goals and addressing barriers in the way of those goals.

Cognitive Behavioral Life Coaching - How is it helpful? Preview 03:52

Have you ever come up against the type of pervasive negative thinking that would keep anyone stuck in a cycle of unwanted behaviors and unwanted emotions.  What would it be like to be a catalyst for change. A coach who makes a real difference in the lives of others, by helping them master the most dynamic tool known to man . . . the mind.  

Become a CBT coach and work with clients to help them control their thoughts, their emotions and behaviors.  Teach them strategies for dealing with anxiety, fear, self-doubt, and their fierce inner-critic,.  Guide them through difficult times. Teach them strategies for emotional and behavioral modification.

Becoming a Cognitive Behavioral Coach means that you'll help clients master their mindset and take concrete steps toward the things they desire most.

CBT a integrative therapeutic practice that was developed nearly 60 years ago uses proven strategies to help clients re-design their lives by re-conditioning how they think, feel and behave.

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching - What you can expect Preview 03:38

Journaling - How writing changes your brain Preview 04:14

Journaling is essential to the CBT coaching process.



Moving negative thoughts out of your head and onto paper is important because the act of writing recalibrates the area of your brain that keeps a firm grip on happy thoughts.  

Using the writing process to identify ways that you can improve your situation instills hope for the future.  Even if you don't take action on every possible solution, your brain begins to accept that there are ways to feel better.  The part of your brain that is dampening your happy thoughts recognizes, through your writing, that unhappy thoughts do not need to be permanent.


Please Note:

Journaling doesn't only mean in the traditional sense of writing out every experience you have.  Journaling also entails simply capturing your negative thoughts on paper so that they can be challenged at a later time when your emotions aren't running so high.


Cognitive Behavioral Coaching - Key drivers Preview 04:14

In this lecture we will discuss the Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Drivers.  Understanding these drivers will enable you to speak fluently about the benefits of CBT as a coaching methodology.

  • Goal Oriented

  • Self-Coach Ready

  • Flexible and Adaptable

  • Whole-Person Centered

About assignments Preview 00:53

About Assignments

Assignments are great way for you to practice, and reflect on the course material.  Please be aware that your instructors Patrick Howell reads every assignment, but will not be responding directly to your assignments.  If you have questions about the course content, or of a personal nature, please post your question in the Q&A portion of this program.

If you are pursuing the Accredited Certificate and optional CDP/CE Credit Hours, you will need to complete all course assignments, and comment on at least one assignment posted by a classmate. Doing so demonstrates active participation in the course work and is a requirement for receiving an accredited certificate.

How to Complete an Assignment

Assignments are embedded within the course curriculum and you will be prompted by Udemy's automated system to begin assignments.  Please respond to assignments to the best of your ability.

I looking forward to working with you!

Course Guide

PLEASE NOTE: Udemy does not currently support the completion of assignments on their mobile app.  At this time, completion of assignments must be done on a desktop/laptop computer.  We have encouraged Udemy to add the mobile app option and are eagerly awaiting  their decision:)

Have a technical problem or question (video not playing properly, issues downloading resources, etc.)?

Contact Udemy’s Customer Support by clicking here: https://www.udemy.com/support/

How to get answers to your questions Preview 05:04

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Techniques - How do they work? Preview 05:32

CBT Theory

What you think about has a significant impact on how you feel and behave. CBT works by identifying harmful thought patterns that take place beneath the level of cognition and then uses proven therapeutic techniques to replace those negative thoughts.

CBT - How it all started (History) Preview 03:48

In the 1960's when Dr. Beck Began his work in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, he quickly took notice of a strong correlation between thought patterns, actions, and feelings. And through his practice he recognized that training the human mind to experience greater happiness and well-being was possible through 'thought management'  

By focusing on the cause and effect relationships of thoughts emotions and behaviors, patients could, regardless of the issue they came to him presenting, use specific techniques to change their overall experience.      

Over the past 50 years Dr. Becks original body of work has grown into the practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Coaching that it is today. 

Therapy vs. Life Coaching Preview 04:12

CBT Coaching vs. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)


It's important to talk briefly about CBT coaching and how it differs from Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), the practice. While there are many similarities between the two, there are also differences. This handout provides you insight into some of the similarities and differences. As a CBT Coach, it is important to understand and abide by these differences.



·       both coaches and therapists start from the big picture

·       both coaches and therapists are "other-person-focused"

·       both coaches and therapists work one-on-one or in group settings

·       both coaches and therapists share many of the same principles and a similar framework

·       both coaches and therapists guide clients towards a better life

·       both coaches and therapists are experts at facilitating change and/or transformation in the lives of others

·       both the therapeutic and coaching industries are filled with caring, well-trained professionals who work hard every day to help others live their best-possible lives.


While it is common for those in the coaching industry to borrow from models and exercise that are based in research, it is important to recognize that there are legal, educational and of course ethical boundaries and differences between coaching and therapy.


·       this course is about becoming a coach not a therapist

·       cognitive behavior therapists are clinically trained

·       therapists earned a Master’s degree or an advanced degree

·       therapists have extensive training on treating mental/emotional issues such as, anxiety, depression, general malaise, etc.

·       the therapists’ role is to help their patients get back on their feet and back to a healthy functioning level

·       coaches (unless there are already therapist) are not clinically trained and therefore cannot treat mental illness because it is not within the scope of their coaching training and practice

·       coaches incorporate the evidence-based models  found  in  the  therapeutic  world  to  help clients with setting goals and taking action on those goals, self-reflection, decision making, and solving challenges in the here and now




As a coach, first and foremost, you must never engage in offering mental health advice. You must never attempt to diagnose or treat mental illness. You must never practice therapy.


Equally as important, you have an ethical responsibility to refer anyone seeking or in need of mental health treatment to an appropriate mental health provider - someone who is trained and regulated to treat mental health issues.


Although, cognitive behavioral therapy principles, exercises and techniques are being taught to you in this course, you must recognize and abide to the difference between Life-coaching and therapy.


This is a life coaching certificate course. After taking this program you will not be a trained therapist, and we stress must never attempt the specialization of therapy.


Instead, as a coach, you'll be using CBT based practices to help your clients overcome negative thinking, self-limiting behaviors and to set goals that lead to transformation.


Life Coaching Certification


By registering for this Coaching Studies Academy Life Coaching program, you acknowledge that neither the instructors, nor their respective companies are legally responsible for any actions you take in relation to material.


Use of this course and its content are at your own discretion. This course is for educational purposes only.


We offer this Life Coach Certification as a subject matter specific tool. Although the course contains a great deal of insights, tools and best practices for coaching and personal development, it is not intended to provide psychological, medical or therapeutic advice. The providers of this course do not offer medical advice, diagnosis, or the treatment of illness. This is a coaching certificate course. Completion of this course does not qualifies you as a therapist, psychotherapist, counseling professional, or mental health professional. This course is a LIFE COACHING CERTIFICATION course ONLY.  

Regulations:  Within the USA, at the time of this writing, there are no legal regulations that dictate the practice of life coaching.  We do however advise you to seek advice from your own local government as to common practices within your region.


Certification: We offer this certification program as an official recognition and confirmation of completed training on the part of the student.   Students who complete the program are eligible to receive 16 CP Credit Hours (Continuing Professional Development). For CPD credits please refer to the application process in the final lecture.


Role of a Life Coach:  Life coaches are not licensed health care providers and must not provide medical advice or engage in patient diagnosis. Coaches do not treat or otherwise counsel those with mental illness.  Life coaches work with clients to assess their current situations and then help the client make concrete plans to achieve their goals. 


Ethical Responsibility: Coaches have a moral (and sometimes) legal duty to refer any client in need of mental health services to an appropriate licensed profession.



Coaching and therapy are different specialties. As a well-trained coach, you are not licensed to treat patients, or offer mental health advice. And you cannot refer to yourself as a therapist within your practice unless you have the proper training and licensing.

Stopping Self Sabotage - Cognitive Reframing Preview 06:31

Cognitive Reframing Exercise Worksheet Preview 00:04

Cognitive Reframe of Specific Situation

You'll be sharing how you re-framed a specific situation.

Negativity Bias - Discovering peace Preview 08:07

Summary Quiz

All Course Handouts in One Place! Preview 00:09

All the course handouts (workbooks, PDFs, etc...) can be found here.  For those of you who prefer to utilize one handout at a time, we've also included each handout separately withing their respective lecture.

Course Material Reference List - Recommended Preview 00:26

Certificate Requirements Preview 00:27

Course Code: #1000534

CPD Accreditation and International Coach Certificate 

This course is fully accredited Life Coach Certification course.  Upon completion you will will be eligible to apply for a formal certificate diploma and 16 Continuing Professional Development credit hours through the CPD Accreditation Group, a globally recognised professional body.

If you do wish to apply for the accreditation and diploma, you will also be awarded 16 hours of CPD / CE credit as part of it.  

For those of you who would like to gain this diploma and accreditation, please see the final lecture for detailed instructions on how to apply.

A sample of the certificate you will receive is attached.

What Does it Mean to Call Yourself a Cognitive Behavioral Coach? Preview 03:00

Coaches trade their ability to help others realize their potential and reach their goals for money.  When you take on the role of a life coach it is important to remember that your client will make commitments in many ways and when you don't charge (or charge enough), you are actually derailing the possibility for exponential growth. 

How Much Should You Charge for Life Coaching - Psychological commitment Preview 06:00

A discussion on; 

  • Perceived value

  • The psychological commitment of money

  • Paid vs. free

The power of money and the impact money has on a clients psychological commitment  cannot be underestimated.  In this lecture you will discover the underlying psychology that contributes to a successful coaching practice. 

Sentence Stems Preview 04:16

A Sentence Stem is a cognitive exercise.  They utilize partially completed sentences to tap into the inner wisdom of the subconscious.  This first exercise is one that you can use while going through the course or with your clients.  Have fun!

Cognitive Distortions - Meaning and examples of these thinking traps Preview 06:05

Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive Distortion is a label used to describe the method the mind uses to convince you that something is true, when in actuality it is false.  These distortions feel rational. They seem correct and reasonable.  However, cognitive distortions make you feel anxious, uneasy, and dissatisfied with yourself and others.  In this lecture you'll gain a clear understanding of how the brain works, and prepare to for an in-depth study of the most common faulty thinking patterns.

Cognitive Distortion Student Workbook (Prerequisite material for moving forward) Preview 00:00

What is a cognitive distortion? 

Cognitive distortions are irrational thought patterns or belief systems that "twist" our perception of reality in a negative way. Because these thoughts are automatic and often run beneath the surface of cognition they can be challenging to identify at first. To lead a full life and to experience as sense of integrated wellness, it's important to challenge these "faulty thinking patterns" because eventually they become the “truths” in which realty is perceived. 

Cognitive distortions impact mental and emotional well-being. When left unchecked, these negative habitual thinking patterns can lead to anxiety, depression, and unnecessary stress. 

Dr. Aaron Beck was the first to propose the cognitive distortion theory. And in late 1980’s, Dr. David Burns helped to classify the various forms of cognitive distortions which helped make the practice of eliminating them easier.   

The ten cognitive distortions that will be discussed study guide are . . . 

  1. Negative Filtering 

  2. Always Being Right 

  3. Black and White Thinking 

  4. “Shoulds” 

  5. Jumping to Conclusion 

  6. Blaming 

  7. Slanted Fairness 

  8. Catastrophizing 

  9. Emotional Reasoning 

  10. Personalization

Cognitive Distortion Coaching (self or client)

You'll be describing how you would help (or have helped) yourself or someone else through one of the 10 faulty thinking patterns defined in the Cognitive Distortions Student Study

Mental Filters Preview 07:31

Mental Filtering

The relevance in knowing this information is twofold.  

  1. As an individual this knowledge enables you to take back control of your own mind.  Understanding the process of filtering brings to the forefront an understanding of why you think the way you do, and then makes accepting, or rejecting those thoughts an available choice. Whereas in the past the choice would not have been visible.

  2. Through a thorough understanding mental filters, you can then communicate more effectively with other people. You begin to appreciate how it's possible that other people, including clients, can have such different points of view. Understanding this model of communication will add to your flexibility as a communicator. It'll help you to relate better to different personality types, even ones that you find challenging.

Negative Automatic Thoughts Preview 08:03

Negative Automatic Thoughts

Now let's study the second category of Cognitive Behavioral Distortions, Negative Automatic Thoughts.

As you recall the differences between NATS and the Common Distortions that you've already studied are minimal, but looking at them in isolation can be helpful.

As a review, our brains create Mental Shortcuts, and sometimes these shortcuts are helpful, like in tying your shoelaces, or holding a pencil, and other times the Mental Shortcuts have the potential to be damaging.

If we were to separate the term automatic thoughts would have a few varieties. Neutral Thoughts, Positive Thoughts and Negative Thoughts. As fortune would have it, when thinking is left unattended, there is an inclination toward negative thinking.  In his fabulous research, Matthew Killingworth revealed that a wandering mind is an unhappy mind. And although it's natural to assume that when your mind has time to "fantasize" or wander, that it would gravitate toward happy, or at least pleasing thoughts :), his research showed that nearly half of our thoughts are not related to what we're doing at the very moment. Our minds are wandering elsewhere even when we're doing things that you would presume to be pleasant, like having a conversation, or watching television.  And nearly half of this time spent wandering leads to unpleasant, or automatic negative thoughts.

A negative automatic thought is a thought that we habitually have about ourselves or others that is negative, and without real cause.  the thought has not been scrutinized on its merits.  It's a default way of thinking that more often than not these negative thoughts are unhelpful to our own wellbeing.  Remember that a central concept in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is that what you think is equal to how you feel and behave/react.

For example if you think thoughts like "I'm awkward and weird", "people don't like me" or "I'm not good enough", these thoughts will make you feel anxious or fearful of being around others, and then you will avoid others.

It has been said that getting a handle on, and ultimately changing these Negative Automatic Thinking patters is the foundation of prevailing over social anxiety, and sub-par performance. Because  a great deal of liberty and freedom is achieved when we get free from negative mental constructs.

If you recall, most of these NATS operate beneath the surface. They are cloaked in a "well that's just the way I think" attitude.  But, "the way you think, is really just a conditioned response. When we want to experience change we have to gain clarity on the Disruptive Thought Patterns that seem so natural and that happen automatically, and then challenge those negative thoughts repeatedly.

The first step in changing these negative disruptive patterns is to pull them out of the darkness. You have to become aware of what they are, because they may have been there so long that they now seem natural. The best way to do this is to write them down. Writing them down as they occur is important because thoughts happen so fast, and without capturing them on paper, in the moment, they disappear.

After you've identified them then you can go about challenging them and ultimately changing them into more positive and productive thoughts.

One coaching tool to help you achieve this is called a Thought Challenge Diary.  A Thought Challenge  diary has some positive benefits.  

Number one, a Thought Challenge Diary helps clients become aware of their negative thoughts .  As we mentioned  most lie beneath the surface of awareness and its only when attention is called to them that they become visible.

Number two the thought challenge diary allows a client to externalize their negative thoughts. To put them on paper.  This act alone often begins to widens perspective and promote more rational thinking.

Number three It makes it easier to face-off with the negative thoughts, and work on replacing them.

And the fourth thing a Thought Challenge diary accomplishes is that it makes it easy to Identify the "triggers", and the situations that have a tendency to set into motion negative thoughts, and then to either fix those circumstances, or avoid those situations all together.

So continuing on this path, In the next video walk through a Negative Automatic Thoughts Diary example, so that you understand the process.

Attached to this video there is also a list of common negative automatic thoughts. The list will help you identify with what your clients may be struggling with.

Cognitive Behavioral Coaching Case Study: Jon Preview 04:03

In this video you will examine a case study involving John. 

Cognitive Distortions - Choose the Best Answer

Goal Setting - Why it's so important to CBT based coaching Preview 02:51

Using Assessments in CBT based coaching Preview 04:17

In coaching, identifying the right line of questions and the correct cognitive and skill-based areas to focus on, can be challenging.  This is where coaching assessments come in handy.  Here we discuss the many different coaching assessments and provide samples for you to use and borrow.  

Wellbeing - Ikigai technique for well-being Preview 08:58

Ikigai is an integrative wellness practice for discovering harmony in your vocation.

Why small steps are important in goal setting - Utilizing the Kaizen approach Preview 08:41

Identifying what a "Really Good, Regular Day" looks like is an essential step for sustainable growth.  Here we will unpack the Kaizen Small Step Identification philosophy and method.     

An Exciting Way to Realize Your Best Possible Self Preview 05:06

Designing the Ideal-Self

Although this practice of Designing the Ideal-Self has similarities to goal setting, creating an ideal self document is really more of an exercise in expanding self-awareness, and in noticing what is possible in life. When designing your best possible self document there are a few things to consider.

First you'll want to remain Open to the Entire Experience.  When doing this type of work especially for the first time it is common to experience both positive and negative emotions, and I mention this because it's really important to prepared as a coach. If this occurs, give voice to the negative feelings, but quickly redirect back to the essence of the exercise which is forward-looking and positive.

Second, you'll get the best results by doing this exercise while in a creative state. A creative state is strongly correlated to openness and to risk taking.

After creating the statement and the document you'll want to allow it to inspire and inform you by etching into your mind, in exact detail, a mental picture of your best possible self and then visualizing this best possible self often. 

Questioning Your Goals - How to apply interrogative goal setting strategies Preview 05:51

Goal & Clarity Interrogation = = Current Reality à Pre-Commitments à Aligned Goal

Goals that are not aligned with current reality are the ones that more often than not fail. You see when the reality of the current situation is not taken into consideration, then the goal and the reality but heads.  Individual goals are achievable when they are put in the context of your present-day situation and future plans.

Goal Setting Summary Document Preview 00:18

Abridged Summary of Goal Setting Techniques Discussed 

Section Recap Multiple Choice Quiz

A Way to Manage Anxiety and Fear through Decatastrophizing Preview 06:28

Have you ever noticed how your imagination can magnify your level of fear or anxiety? Things that should only require a little thought get blown out of proportion and you give them much more energy than you should.  

Playing the Script Till the End is a technique for shining light on irrational fears and anxieties, so that they can be worked through effectively.

Putting Your Thoughts on Trial Preview 08:26

Putting Your Thoughts on Trial   

Human beings,  always act, feel, and perform in accordance with what they imagine to be true  about themselves, and their environment." 

I've studied self-image psychology for many years, and am personally vested in every and anything that helps someone else begin to "witness" or see themselves in more positive way.  So many of the horrible things that people do to themselves and others, is in my opinion a direct result of how they see themselves. Because how you see yourself (in your minds-eye) will dictate what you do in life.   

Imagination is a force of nature.  We "see" ourselves a certain way, and how we see ourselves reinforces and becomes our reality.

In CBT the exercise is called Putting Your Thoughts on trial.  When you have a negative thought or belief you put them up to scrutiny. You weigh the evidence for and against that negative thought or belief.           


Ruminating Thoughts - Stop sign exercise Preview 05:17

The Bright Red Stop Sign Technique could be considered one of the essential starting tools for anyone who has a tendency to think about, or "fantasize" about negative, bad or sad things happening in their life.

Our minds have a tendency to think in pictures and cognitive behavioral coaches use this knowledge to our advantage, specifically by using with the "Stop Sign" technique.

CBT Personal Empowerment - Expanded Mind Preview 05:42

The Expanded Mind     

Psychologist use the term left-brain vs. right brain thinking. The left-brain is described as being analytical, logical, and methodical, while the right side is described as being creative, exploratory and expressive.     

Regardless of whether you consider yourself as a left-brain thinker, or a right-brain thinker, challenging your cognitive skills by using your non-dominant processing style, leads to greater cognitive and behavioral flexibility.   

The Expanded Mind Technique is a coaching and therapeutic practice inspired by the work of Dr. Carol Dweck.

While the immediate intention of this technique is to expand your way of thinking, it also has the impact of expanding the way you express yourself,  and can lead to the cultivation of many positive emotions.   

Here’s how to use the worksheet provided.   

In the blank spaces of the corresponding image list 5-7 actions that are performed by that side of the brain - left-brain = analytical and right-brain = creative     

Once you've written the actions that are due to both the left and right side, pause and reflect on which side you operate in most often.   

Now go back and identify a trait or action from your non-dominant side that you'd like to cultivate and exhibit more of.  Maybe you do it already, but doing more of it is intriguing to you. 

After you've identified what you'd like to do more of take out your journal and write 5-7 responses to the following sentence stem.      

I can increase my capacity in this area 10% by . . .      

Arousal Congruence - Swapping one emotion for another Preview 04:55

CBT Based Emotional Regulation - One and Same breathing meditation technique Preview 03:43

CBT Directly Influencing Negative Feelings - Physiology Matching Preview 06:31

A Great Way to Use Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Relaxation Preview 05:59

Debbie Lyn (AKA: Nurse Debbie) leads us through a brief progressive Muscle Relaxation technique. 

Peripheral Vision - How to use Soft Eyes technique for stress or self awareness Preview 04:28

Thought Firewall - Case Study Joanne Preview 03:14

Personal Empowerment: Special Coping Mechanisms Preview 05:04

(AI) Appreciative Inquiry Practice Exercise Preview 03:31

Appreciative Inquiry is a practice withing CBT that has been borrowed from the field of Positive Psychology.  It helps turn the tide of negative messaging and re-points the focus of attention to what is positive.

Fact or Opinion Worksheet pdf Preview 03:56

Quiz 4

Some of the Things Life Coaches Do to Enhance Accountability Preview 00:01

Is Life Coaching Hard? Preview 08:45

Challenges in Life Coaching

Gaining Clarity, the Fear of Failing, and Remaining 100% On.  Overcoming these three challenges can either make or break a coaching practice. In this lecture we will discuss how you can ensure consistent and dynamic coaching results. 

Life Coaching - First time meeting with a client sample intake session plan Preview 09:06