Leed Green Associate V4 Exam Preparation Arabic

Tags: LEED

LEED GA best seller exam prep. course was prepared by an approved USGBC Faculty in accordance with GBCI LEED criteria

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4.7

- النجاح فى الامتحان من المرة الأولى. Students would mostly pass the exam from the first attempt.
- فهم متعمق لنظام التقييم ليد. Learners will get the knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
- التعرف على درجات التقييم للمبانى والأفراد.

What you'll learn

النجاح فى الامتحان من المرة الأولى. Students would mostly pass the exam from the first attempt.
فهم متعمق لنظام التقييم ليد. Learners will get the knowledge required to understand what are the green building strategies.
التعرف على درجات التقييم للمبانى والأفراد.
الحصول على عدد من النصائح والحيل للتغلب على مشاكل الدراسة والحصول على نصائح مميزة للامتحان.
الالمام بالمادة العلمية المتضمنة فهم كامل لكل قسم وفصل مع شرح لاهم استراتيجيات الليد
الحصول على شهادة بعد الانتهاء من الدورة. receive certificate of completion From Udemy
الحصول على شهادة مرجعية عند الطلب من مقدم الدورة من الممكن ان تستخدم كخطاب للعمل او للدراسة الاكاديمية او للسيرة الذاتية بسعر منفصل عن سعر الدورة.
الحصول على شهادة معتمدة من USGBC و GBERAوموقعة من USGBC Faculty معتمد من USGBC وتمنح الشهادة بسعر منفصل عند الطلب

* Requirements

* لا تحتاج إلى اى معرفة سابقة بنظام التقييم
* الدورة متاحة بشكل متدرج من المستوى المبتدىء للمحترف. You don't need any prior knowledge about green buildings
* all you must have is a computer and an internet connection.
* لا تحتاج ان تكون متخصصا فى الانظمة البيئية او انظمة البناء الاخضر من اجل الاشتراك
* الاشتراك للجميع. You don't have to be experienced in green building or sustainability
* this course will provide you with all what is needed to pass the exam from the first attempt
* ان يكون لديك استعدادا للتعلم والتعرف على الانظمة البيئية المختلفة المستخدمة فى البناء. Have Passion and desire to pass the LEED Green associate exam Any one can enroll for the course and pass the exam
* No eligibility requirements!
* شغف عام بمجال الاستدامة والبناء الأخضر ونظام التقييم ليد. General Interest in Green Building and sustainability


دورة تدريبية احترافية فى نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء "ليد" مع المدرب المعتمد من المركز الأمريكى للأبنية الخضراء كريم النبوى

قام بالاشتراك فى الدورات التدريبية المختلفة أكثر من 4000 متدرب على مدار السنوات الماضية

الدورة التدريبية حاصلة على بادج " الأكثر مبيعا" على موقع أوديمى للدورات التدريبية حول العالم فى نفس الفئة

العديد من المتدربين وفقوا فى اجتياز أختبار الأبنية الخضراء ليد من المرة الأولى عن طريق اتباع الخطوات المذكورة فى الدورة التدريبية.

المدرب "كريم النبوى" معتمد كمدرب محترف من المركز الأمريكى للأبنية الخضراء و حاصل على العديد من شهادات الاحتراف فى الأبنية الخضراء من نظم تقييم المبانى من عدد مختلف من الدول والمنظمات العالمية وقام بتدريب العديد من المتدربين لاجتياز اختبارات الليد  وحاصل على العديد من الجوائز العالمية فى التصميم المعمارى المستدام

حتى لو كنت سبق لك الاشتراك فى دورات تدريبية كمقدمات للأبنية الخضراء ونظام التقييم ليد, ستجد العديد من الإضافات فى هذه الدورة التدريبية

. لا يوجد أى متطلبات للإشتراك فى الدورة التدريبية او لحجز الإمتحان, فقط المعرفة والعلم اللازم لتخطى الإمتحان.

الشرح فى الدورة باللغة العربية أما المادة العلمية من امتحانات وكتب ومراجع فمتوفرة باللغة الانجليزية

خطة الحصول على شهادة الأبنية الخضراء ليد

1- مشاهدة فيديو تحضيرى كمقدمة عن الشهادة وكيفية الحضول عليها ومتوفر الفيديو بشكل مجانى فى اول محاضرة فى الدورة او على اليوتيوب

2- اشترك فى دورة تدريبية لشرح النظام ومتطلبات الحصول على الشهادة بشكل تفصيلى

3- المذاكرة والتحضير للامتحان والبدأ فى الاختبارات التحضيرية المتوفرة على اوديمى ايضا بشكل منفصل

4- حجز الامتحان ودفع قيمة الاشتراك

5- اتباع خطوات التسجيل وتحديد موعد للامتحان

6- الذهاب بكل ثقة من اجل تخطى الامتحان

مرفق فى الدورة التدريبية كيفية التسجيل للامتحان خطوة بخطوة

The LEED course was prepared by a USGBC approved instructor "USGBC Faculty - Karim elnabawy.  USGBC® Faculty are experienced educators with a strong background in professional education, training, and facilitation in green building and sustainability development.


مكونات الكورس ومميزات الإشتراك:

نسب نجاح مرتفعة فى الامتحان من المرة الأولى

فهم متعمق لنظام التقييم ليد

التعرف على درجات التقييم للمبانى والأفراد

اختبر معلوماتك بعدد من الاسئلة والاجوبة بعد كل فصل

الحصول على عدد من النصائح للتغلب على مشاكل الدراسة

الحصول على خطة تدريبية تتناسب مع عدد مختلف من الاشخاص 

 الالمام بالمادة العلمية المتضمنة فهم كامل لكل قسم وفصل مع شرح لاهم استراتيجيات الليد  (Integrative process - Location and Transportation - Sustainable sites - Water Efficiency - Energy and Atmosphere - Materials and Resources - Indoor environmental Quality - Innovative design - Regional priority)

التعرف على العوامل المشتركة بين الاستراتيجيات المختلفة

الحصول على شهادة بعد الانتهاء من الكورس من موقع اوديمى


بعض الامتيازات الاخرى تقدم عند الطلب بأسعار منفصلة عن سعر الدورة التدريبية:

الحصول على شهادة مرجعية وملف بمحتويات الدروة عند الطلب من مقدم الدورة من الممكن ان تستخدم كخطاب للعمل او للدراسة الاكاديمية او للسيرة الذاتية مصدقان من 


الحصول على ملفات العرض كل محاضرة على حدى بصيغة بى دى اف


غير متوفر مع الدورة التدريبية:

سلايدات الباور بوينت والبى دى اف لا تقدم للدارس

امكانية تحميل المحاضرات فيديو من خلال الموبايل ابليكيشن الخاص باوديمى فقط


تعليمات عامة:

تطلب الاعداد للدورة عدد من الأشهر لكى تصل للمتدرب بالشكل الممنهج والمثالى ليستغل وقته فى الفهم الصحيح دون المعاناة فى عدم وضوح الصوت او الصورة او المادة العلمية ولكى يكتفى بالدورة التدريبية فى الدراسة دون التشتيت بين عدد كبير من المصادر العلمية

الفيديوهات المرفقة فى الدورة التدريبية من غير المسموح ان يتم تداولها بشكل مجانى ولا يمكن نشرها الا من خلال الروابط الرسمية من الموقع

ممنوع منعا باتا تنزيل اوتحميل الفيدوهات على الاجهزة الشخصية وممنوع تداولها حيث ان ذلك يعد سرقة صريحة للمجهود المبذول فى التحضير للمادة العلمية 

The LEED Green Associate course is not related officially by any means to USGBC or GBCI education programs.

General notes:

  • The course is provided by karim elnabawy - GBERA "Green Building Education and Research Academy" and it took a huge amount of time and effort to be developed in a way that will allow students benefit from them. The course is not allowed to be distributed outside Udemy by any means. Only sharing the official link to the course is allowed.

  • Screenshots and downloading videos is not allowed.

  • In the following link, you will understand how to use UDEMY practice tests: https://support.udemy.com/hc/en-us/articles/231954647-Practice-Test-FAQs 

  • GBERA is not affiliated with the U.S. Green Building Council®  or Green Business Certification Inc.™ and does not administer the LEED AP® /LEED®  Green Associate™ program. USGBC and GBCI do not endorse or recommend the products or services offered by GBERA. 

  • LEED AP® and the LEED AP logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

  • LEED® Green Associate™ and the LEED Green Associate logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council® and are used with permission.

Who this course is for:

  • اى شخص تخطى ال18 عاما بإمكانه الحصول على شهادة التقييم ليد ومن الممكن لمن هم دون ال18 عاما الاشتراك من اجل المعرفة Any person above 18 years' old and want to learn green building.
  • من يريد التعلم من اجل اجتياز اختبار LEED Green Associate من اول مرة. Anyone who wants to pass LEED Green associate exam and start sustainability journey with official accreditation.
  • من لدية شغف وحب للعلم والمعرفة خاصا فى مجال الابنية الخضراء والاستدامة. This course is suitable for all people who want to know more about green building, sustainability and their verification tool which is LEED rating system.
  • المعماريون سواء تصميم او متابعة او تنفيذ والمخططون الميدانييون او الاستراتيجيون ومصممى الحدائق والافنية Architects, Urban planners, and landscape professionals.
  • مهندسى الميكانيكا والكهرباء والانظمة المختلفة المتعلقة بالتصميم والبناء Mechanical and Electrical engineers (MEP).
  • المهندسون الانشائيون والتنفيذيون ومهندسى المواقع ومشروعات البناء Civil engineers, construction professionals, and Site engineers.

Course content

12 sections • 90 lectures

Preface | مقدمة تعريفية بالليد والدورة التدريبية Preview 22:39

In this video, we will give you an introduction to the LEED green associate exam, topic, and the green building definition. You will know the importance of the sustainable movement in buildings and how LEED reflect it. The following points will be discussed:

  • Preface | LEED introduction

  • Learn more about LEED certification, and accreditation.

  • Who can be LEED professional.

  • Who created LEED rating system.

  • Guiding steps to take the LEED exam.

Sustainability and Green Building | الإستدامة والأبنية الخضراء Preview 11:47

In this video, we will talk about green building as a definition, and how a building can be described as a green building compared to a conventional building.

  • You will understand what is a green building.

  • How green buildings exists in our built environment.

  • Why green buildings are important.

  • How to promote green buildings positively.

Climate change and the built environment | التغير المناخى والبناء Preview 10:52

To understand the green building movement, you have to know more about the root cause of the problem. In this video, we will talk about climate change and how it reflects negatively on the built environment.

  • Climate change and the built environment.

  • Understand the climate change concepts.

  • Learn the reasoning behind climate change.

  • How to overcome climate change.

  • The relation between climate change and the built environment.

Triple Bottom Line and Ecology | الثلاثى المحورى والبيئة الايكولوجية Preview 11:49

The triple bottom line is one of the fundamentals of sustainability and green building. Get to know more about it in this video.

  • Understand triple bottom line.

  • Understand the balancing of social, Environmental, Economic factors.

  • learn the three P approach (Planet, Profit, People).

  • Understand ecology terminology.

  • Learn the importance of eco-systems.

Greenhouse Gases (GHG), and Carbon Footprint| غازات الاحتباس الحرارى والكربون Preview 19:38

In this video, we will discuss the concepts of greenhouse gases, carbon footprints, and carbon calculator. We will also represent the net zero energy building to provide a holistic understanding of the green building applications.

  • What are greenhouse gases.

  • Understand the concept of carbon footprint.

  • learn how to calculate carbons.

  • What are Low Carbon Buildings (LCB).

  • Life cycle phases of low carbon buildings.

  • Net zero energy building.

Chapter 1 Conclusion and Study Plan| ملخص وعرض لخطة الدراسة Preview 14:13

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Review of study plan.

  • What to study, memorize, and read.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

Chapter 01 readings - الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 12:52

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

Intro to Green Building and Sustainability | مقدمة تعريفية

عرض لبعض الاسئلة للتدريب على موضوعات الفصل وللتركيز على عدد من الاسئلة 

الاسئلة الهدف منها هو تأكيد الفهم للمحتوى السابق المعروض فى الفيديو

Illustrated Quiz Q&A - شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 05:10

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to think about the green building and sustainability as concepts.

  • Emphasizing triple bottom line benefits.

Get to know USGBC تعرف على مركز مجلس البناء الأخضر بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية Preview 18:49

A new important term will be investigated in detail. In this video, we will know the organization behind LEED rating system, how it works, and how they manage the LEED rating system.

  • What is USGBC.

  • What is mission, vision, and goals of USGBC.

  • Differentiate between USGBC and GBCI

  • Get to know USGBC Guiding principles

Introduction to LEED rating system مقدمة عن نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء ليد Preview 15:03

The core of our course is the LEED Rating System. We will start in this introductory video to talk about it. What are the benefits, why LEED, How it works, and more!

  • What is LEED Rating System.

  • What is behind LEED rating system.

  • Why we pursue LEED? and what are the benefits?

  • How LEED Works.

LEED Credentials and certification levels الاعتمادات ومستويات التقييم المختلفة Preview 11:55

What are LEED credentials and LEED certification levels? Can i be a LEED accredited professional? can a building receives a LEED certification? all that will be covered in this video.

Learn different LEED Credentials:

  • LEED Green Associate

  • LEED AP (With Specialty)

  • LEED Fellow

Learn different LEED Certification Levels:

  • LEED Certified

  • LEED Silver

  • LEED Gold

  • LEED Platinum

LEED Rating systems adaptations أنواع شهادات الليد وتطبيقاتها المختلفة Preview 09:13

In this video, we will talk in detail about LEED rating system. What are the types of LEED rating systems, what are LEED credits categories, and what are LEED adaptations.

  • LEED Rating Systems.

  • LEED Credit Categories.

  • LEED Adaptations.

Minimum Program Requirements - الحد الأدنى لمتطلبات البرنامج (MPRs) Preview 05:11

To get a building certified, a building project should meet MPRs. so what are MPRs? in this video, we will talk about it and illustrate the different MPRs.

  • What are the Minimum program requirements?

  • Why it is important to apply MPRs?

  • How MPRs can affect LEED certification.

LEED Prerequisites and Credits - الشروط الاساسية وفئات الإعتماد Preview 10:30

The LEED rating system is based on points and requirements. That is included in LEED prerequisites and credits. In this video, we will describe how prerequisites and credits works, and the difference between them.

  • Understand LEED prerequisites and Credits.

  • Learn how to comply with LEED credits and prerequisites.

  • Differentiate between prerequisites and credits.

LEED Credits Weighting - وزن وثقل فئات الإعتماد Preview 05:53

When a project complete a credit requirement, the project will be eligible to receive a set of points. Who determines the number of points for each credit? based on what? and why some credits are given more value than others? that will be discussed in this video in a concept called LEED credit Weighting.

  • 7 LEED impact Categories.

  • LEED Credit Weighting.

LEED Certification Process - عملية التسجيل للمبانى Preview 30:27

The LEED certification process for buildings is illustrated with ease in this video. a set of steps that will allow project to be certified. Learn more about LEED online, the platform which LEED projects use to manage project submittals and process.

  • Learn the LEED process in detail.

  • Understand the 4 phases of LEED certification.

  • Learn the differences between LEED registration types.

  • Get to know the different entities related to LEED communications.

  • Experience LEED Online platform

  • learn the role of GBCI during LEED Certification

Chapter 2 Readings - Part 1 - الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 14:11

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials. (PART 1)

Chapter 2 Readings - part 2 - الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 16:13

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials. (PART 2)

Ch02 - Conclusion and keywords | ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 27:37

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

LEED Rating System - نظام تقييم الأبنية الخضراء ليد

Ch02 - Illustrative Q&A - شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 06:27

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

Sustainable Thinking - أنظمة التفكير المستدام Preview 09:25

Learn more about sustainable thinking, leverage points, and how systems can relate to changes and adjustments.

  • Sustainable Thinking understanding.

  • Systems thinking and leverage points.

  • Understand how systems work in loops.

approaches to life cycle - النهج لدورة الحياة Preview 11:18

Learn more about life cycle approaches. in this video we will investigate the following:

  • Understand Lifecycle Assessment (LCA)

  • Understand Lifecycle costing analysis (LCC)

  • learn the differences betweei lifecycle assessment and lifecycle costing.

Integrative Process (IP) - العملية التكاملية Preview 16:18

The integrative process is the start point for a green building. In this video, we will investigate the integrated process and how projects can utilize it.

Integrated Design Process through phases - عملية التصميم المتكاملة Preview 14:12

To provide a comprehensive integrated design process, project teams should understand the sequence and the process in steps. In this video, we will explain the steps for a complete integrated design approach.

Chapter 3 Readings - الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 16:36

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

Conclusion and keywords | ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 05:55

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

Sustainable Thinking and Integrative Process (IP) - التفكير المستدام

Ch03 - Illustrative Q&A - شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 05:03

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

LT | Overview and intent - الأهداف ونظرة عامة على المحتوى Preview 05:40

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Location and transportation intent will be explained as well.

  • Location and transportation intent.

  • Location and Transportation overview.

  • Location and transportation concepts and strategies.

LT | Location Concepts - مفاهيم واستراتيجيات الموقع Preview 16:16

In this video, Location concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about location sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Smart Growth.

  • Increased density through compact development.

  • Development density

  • Density Radius

  • Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

  • Walking Distance

  • Selecting LEED Certified Neigborhood

  • Diversity of Uses

  • Locate near Public Transit

LT | Transportation Concepts - مفاهيم واستراتيجيات وسائل النقل Preview 16:35

In this video, Transportation concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about Transportation sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Public Transportation

  • Reduced Parking spaces

  • Alternative Fuel Vehicles

  • Compressed Work week

  • Telecommuting

  • Carpooling

  • Encourage Bicycling

LT | Neighborhood Development and Design Concepts - مفاهيم تطوير وتصميم الاحياء Preview 07:29

In this video, Neighborhood Development and design concepts are explained and illustrated to allow the students to know more about neighborhood sustainable strategies.

The following strategies are addressed:

  • Smart Location and Linkage

  • Neighborhood pattern and design

  • Green infrastructure and buildings

LT | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 14:05

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

LT | Conclusion and Keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 06:02

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

LT | Quiz اسئلة حول الموقع ووسائل التنقل

LT | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 06:11

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

Sustainable Sites Overview and Intent المواقع المستدامة اهداف ونظرة عامة Preview 03:41

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Sustainable sites intent will be explained as well.

  • Sustainable Sites intent.

  • Sustainable Sites overview.

  • Sustainable Sites concepts and strategies.

SS | Design and Construction Concepts مفاهيم التصميم والبناء المستدام Preview 23:38

SS | Operations and Maintenance مفاهيم الصيانة والمتابعة اثناء التشغيل Preview 05:44

SS | Heat Island Effect ظاهرة الجزيرة الحرارية - ارتفاع درجة الحرارة Preview 22:10

SS | Rainwater Management إدارة مياة الأمطار Preview 11:55

SS | light Pollution Reduction تقليل التلوث الضوئى Preview 10:59

Ch05 | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 17:30

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

Ch05 | Conclusion and Keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 20:22

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

Ch05 | Quiz اسئلة حول استراتيجيات المواقع المستدامة

Ch05 | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 11:19

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

Water Efficiency Overview and Intent اهداف ونظرة عامة على المحتوى Preview 07:28

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Water Efficiency intent will be explained as well.

  • Water Efficiency intent.

  • Water Efficiency overview.

  • Water Efficiency concepts and strategies.

WE | Indoor Water Use Concepts | Part 1 مفاهيم استخدام المياة داخل المبنى Preview 29:19

WE | Indoor Water Use Concepts | Part 2 مفاهيم استخدام المياة داخل المبنى Preview 14:21

WE | Outdoor Water Use Concepts | Part 1 مفاهيم استخدام المياة خارج المبنى Preview 15:17

WE | Outdoor Water Use Concepts | Part 2 مفاهيم استخدام المياة خارج المبنى Preview 07:28

WE | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 13:50

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

WE | Conclusion and keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 14:26

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

WE | Quiz اسئلة حول ادارة استخدام المياة

WE | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 07:42

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

Energy and Atmosphere Overview and Intent الاهداف ونظرة عامة على المحتوى Preview 08:05

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Energy and Atmosphere intent will be explained as well.

  • Energy and Atmosphere intent.

  • Energy and Atmosphere overview.

  • Energy and Atmosphere concepts and strategies.

EA | Energy Demand Concepts مفاهيم احتياج الطاقة Preview 16:51

EA | Energy Efficiency Concepts مفاهيم كفاءة ادارة الطاقة Preview 40:14

EA | Refrigerant management Concepts مفاهيم كفاءة ادارة المبردات Preview 28:57

EA | Renewable Energy Concepts مفاهيم عناصر توليد الطاقة المتجددة Preview 35:44

EA | Ongoing Performance Concepts مفاهيم المتابعة المستمرة وتحسين الاداء Preview 32:28

EA | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 29:03

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

EA | Conclusion and Keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 09:41

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

EA | Quiz اسئلة حول كفاءة استخدام الطاقة والتأثير على الغلاف الجوى

EA | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 07:13

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

MR | Overview and Intent الاهداف ونظرة عامة Preview 12:05

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Materials and Resources intent will be explained as well.

  • Materials and Resources intent.

  • Materials and Resources overview.

  • Materials and Resources concepts and strategies.

MR | Conservation of Building Materials and Products الحفاظ على المواد والموارد Preview 15:00

MR | Selecting Environmental Materials مفاهيم اختيار المواد البيئية Preview 45:09

MR | Waste Management مفاهيم ادارة المخلفات Preview 31:44

MR | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 15:40

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

MR | Conclusion and Keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 15:00

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

MR | Quiz اسئلة حول إدارة المواد والموارد

MR | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 08:06

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

IEQ | Overview and Intent مفاهيم ونظرة عامة Preview 15:15

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Indoor Environmental Quality intent will be explained as well.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality intent.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality overview.

  • Indoor Environmental Quality concepts and strategies.

IEQ | Indoor Air Quality جودة الهواء الداخلية Preview 44:07

IEQ | lighting Concepts مفاهيم واستراتيجيات الاضاءة Preview 24:15

IEQ | Occupant Comfort راحة المقيمين بالمبنى Preview 24:55

IEQ | Readings الجزء المخصص للقراءة Preview 16:48

It is highly recommended for people who watch the videos, to read also the readings part. It contains nearly the same information, however it can allow for a better understanding of the video materials.

IEQ | Conclusion and keywords ملخص وعرض لأهم النقاط Preview 23:46

  • Wrapping up the section topics.

  • List of important terminologies.

  • Introduction for the next sections.

IEQ | Quiz اسئلة حول جودة البيئة الداخلية

IEQ | Illustrated Quiz Q&A شرح للاسئلة والاجوبة الخاصة بالاختبار السابق Preview 11:26

Answering quiz questions, that will provide students with an understanding on:

  • How to answer real-questions in the final exams.

  • How to exclude answers and think holistically.

  • Learn how to approach questions and find an answer logically.

ID | Overview and Intent أهداف ونظرة عامة Preview 05:19

An introductory lecture that describes the topics that will be discussed during the chapter. Innovation in Design intent will be explained as well.

  • Innovation in Design intent.

  • Innovation in Design overview.

  • Innovation in Design concepts and strategies.

ID | Concepts and Strategies المفاهيم والاستراتيجيات Preview 12:21

RP | Overview, Intent, and Concept الأهداف والمفاهيم والاستراتيجيات Preview 07:34

LEED GA Exam Overview نظرة عامة على الأختبار Preview 28:41

LEED GA Exam Registration كيفية التسجيل للاختبار خطوة بخطوة Preview 15:31

How to maintain your LEED Accreditation | ازاى تجدد شهادة الليد Preview 00:05

LEED GA 10 Final Tips before the exam أهم النصائح الأخيرة قبل الامتحان Preview 05:11