Nodeprogram Course

Tags: MongoDB

Build and deploy Nodejs and MongoDB REST API apps while watching the lectures by the author of 11 books on JS/Node

Last updated 2022-01-10 | 4

- Overview main JavaScript concepts and issues
- Contrast Node.js to browser JavaScript
- Build Node.js apps from scratch

What you'll learn

Overview main JavaScript concepts and issues
Contrast Node.js to browser JavaScript
Build Node.js apps from scratch
Know the most common core modules
Utilize NoSQL database MongoDB in your projects
Harness power of Express.js framework in your apps
Be aware of the most common Express.js middleware
Understand Node/Express stack (Jade
Learn a few tips about Node.js in production
Use Git for deployment to Heroku
Deploy to Heroku
Deploy to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Build REST API servers
Build an OAuth 1.0 application

* Requirements

* Computer
* Heroku and AWS accounts
* Knowledge in web development (HTML
* browser JS)
* Knowledge&skills in programming


  • Overview main JavaScript concepts and issues
  • Contrast Node.js to browser JavaScript
  • Build Node.js apps from scratch
  • Know the most common core modules
  • Utilize NoSQL database MongoDB in your projects
  • Harness power of Express.js framework in your apps
  • Be aware of the most common Express.js middleware
  • Understand Node/Express stack (Jade, Stylus, Redis, etc.)
  • Learn a few tips about Node.js in production
  • Use Git for deployment to Heroku
  • Deploy to Heroku
  • Deploy to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Build REST API servers
  • Build an OAuth 1.0 application

Course content

12 sections • 96 lectures

Welcome to Node from 0 to Hero! Preview 04:22

Slides/PDFs/Presentation and Source Code (Downloads) Preview 00:08

Introduction to the Course and Author Preview 05:11

Node.js Definition Preview 11:57

Non-Blocking I/O Preview 07:27

Integration Preview 05:26

Node.js Frameworks Preview 03:27

It's all about JavaScript! — Node.js Fundamentals Preview 01:32

Node.js Global Object Preview 07:48

Node.js REPL (Shell/Console) Demo Preview 05:45

Node.js Modules Preview 11:53

Node.js Modules Demo Preview 05:20

Meet the best, the npm! Preview 01:04

Node.js Package Manager npm Preview 02:19

Node.js Package Manager npm 2 Preview 05:51

Node.js Package Manager npm Demo Preview 06:32

Node.js Package Manager npm 3 Preview 05:46

Node.js, Web Apps and http Core Module Preview 02:02

Node.js Hello World HTTP Server Preview 03:36

Node.js Hello World HTTP Server Demo Preview 05:04

Node.js HTTP Object Preview 03:05

Node.js HTTP Static Server Demo Preview 06:16

Node.js Learn You Node Workshop Preview 04:45

Node.js Learn You Node Workshop Demo Preview 06:05

Create, Delete, Read and Update with Mongo, Mongo Shell and Mongo Native Driver Preview 01:29

MongoDB NoSQL Database Preview 10:09

MongoDB Shell Demo Preview 11:11

MongoDB Native Node.js Driver Preview 11:10

Building RESTful APIs with Core http Module, Node and MongoDB Preview 01:32

Node.js and MongoDB REST API Demo Preview 02:50

Node.js and MongoDB REST API Demo 2 Preview 06:44

Node.js and MongoDB REST API Demo 3 Preview 06:23

Node.js and MongoDB REST API Demo 4 Preview 01:45

Summary, Bonuses and Outro Preview 04:00

Intro Preview 01:10

Slides, Books and Requirements (DO NOT EXPECT AUDIO IN THIS LECTURE!) Preview 97 pages

There are the slides for the entire course. DO NOT EXPECT AUDIO IN THIS LECTURE. This lecture is about slides. It's not a video! Download slides and open next to your videos for the next lectures.

These slides are slightly updated version of the ones you see in the videos. If you want the original slides from the video, you can find them in the supplementary material to this lecture.

Each lecture will be followed by a quiz. You can see an example of such quiz after this "lecture".

Follow the manual to install these programs:

  • mongod
  • node
  • npm
  • redis-server
  • git
  • heroku


JavaScript Fundamentals Preview 19:07

In this lecture, Azat covers these topics:

  1. Agenda
  2. Expressiveness
  3. Loose typing
  4. Object literal notation
  5. Functions
  6. Arrays

PS: If you have trouble hearing, try this link and let Azat know in the discussion thread which one is better.

UPDATE: We transcribed the video. The text is in the Node PDF in the supplementary materials.

JavaScript Fundamentals

JavaScript Fundamentals II Preview 14:37

In this lecture we continue with JavaScript fundamentals.

JavaScript II

JavaScript Fundamentals III Preview 15:47

In this lecture we continue with JavaScript fundamentals.

JavaScript Fundamentals III

JavaScript Fundamentals Exercise Preview 00:12

Node.js Fundamentals Preview 11:11

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • Global objects in Node.js
  • How to start Node.js program
  • Node.js REPL/console
  • Importing modules in Node.js

Node.js Fundamentals

Node.js Fundamentals Exercise Preview 00:12

The goal of this exercise is to show you how importing and exporting modules work in Node.js.

Node.js Fundamentals II and Core Modules Preview 10:44

In this lecture you'll find the following topics:

  • __dirname
  • Main core Node.js modules

Node.js Fundamentals II

Core Modules II and Tools Preview 11:51

Core Modules II and Tools

NPM Preview 13:16

In this lecture you'll find the following topics:

  • Node Package Manager (NPM)


Learn You Node Demo Preview 03:01

Learn You Node

Learn You Node Exercise Preview 00:23

The goal of this exercise is to learn basics of Node.js in a fun interactive way by using workshops.

NPM II and Hello World Server Preview 10:25

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • Build your first Node.js server

Hello World Demo Preview 03:23

Hello World Heroku Demo Preview 04:35

Hello World Server Exercise Preview 00:11

The goal is to build Hello World and deploy it to Heroku.

Hello World

Stream Adventure Exercise Preview 00:24

Learn about streams in Node.js.

Chat REST API Server (Memory Store) Demo Preview 04:14

Chat REST API Server (Memory Store)

Chat REST API Server (Memory Store) Exercise Preview 00:22

The goal is to build a Chat REST API server for the chat application and to test it with CURL and/or web UI.

The UI/browser app for the Chat is in this folder:

Functional JavaScript Exercise (Optional) Preview 00:27

The goal is to learn basics of functional programming using an automated workshop.

Overview Preview 11:19

This lecture has the following content:

  • Review of the Day 1 materials
  • Overview of modern web development architecture


Overview II and MongoDB Preview 11:14

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • MongoDB
  • MongoDB shell/console
  • MongoDB ObjectId
  • NoSQL databases


MongoDB Shell Exercise Preview 00:11

The goal is to get familiar with MongoDB shell.

MongoDB and Chat Server (DB Store) Exercise Preview 05:03

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • Basic MongoDB commands
  • Refactoring of the Chat server so it's using the db store.

Chat REST API Server (DB Store) Exercise Preview 00:08

The goal is to build the Chat REST API server with MongoDB store using native MongoDB driver and core http module. Then deploy it to Heroku using MongoHQ add-on.

Q&A and Discussions Preview 13:39

Express.js Fundamentals Preview 17:35

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • Express.js app structure
  • Configurations
  • Middleware

Express.js Fundamentals

Express.js Fundamentals II and Its Middleware Preview 10:48

In this lecture, you'll find the following topics:

  • Middleware
  • NMP middleware

Express.js Middleware

Express.js Stack Preview 06:49

Express.js Stack II Preview 14:34

Express.js Stack

Express.js Hello World Demo Preview 03:03

Express.js Hello World Exercise Preview 00:03

The goal is to refactor Hello World with core http into Express.js app.

Chat REST API Server (Express.js) Exercise Preview 00:22

The is to refactor your Chat REST API server with core http module into Express.js app.

Node.js in Production Preview 15:13

Node.js in Production: Q&A and Discussions Preview 11:52

Node.js in Production

Full-Stack App Exercise Preview 05:20

The goal is to build full-stack (both back-end and front-end) application.

OAuth Integration Exercise Preview 07:26

The goal is to build a server with OAuth integration.

IaaS Deployment Exercise Preview 04:43

The goal is to deploy to Infrastructure as a Service.

Control Flow and Async Preview 09:06

Sessions and Clusters Preview 09:32

Production Stack Diagram Preview 04:00

Error Handling Preview 04:33

Async Error Handling with Domain Preview 04:37

REPL, Upstart, Forever, and Nginx Preview 05:57